"Ivy, do you have anything in your house that can hold these things?" Yin Zhu some headache looking at the ground a few viscera, can only thick skinned to ask around ivy.

"Yes, yes, I'll go back and get it for you." Ivy trotted home.

Soon, Ivy came over with several pots of things. Yin Zhu looked at them. It seemed like a bamboo tube, but did it have the size of a washbasin?

At this time, Melly also asked the family members to come forward to help. Although she thought her daughter was shameful and stupid, Yin Zhu asked for it. What could she do?

Some help saved Yin Zhu's hard work. Yin Zhu was still thinking about so many internal organs before. She had to wash them all afternoon by herself. Looking at mark, several people had taken the internal organs to the river to clean them up. Yin Zhu hugged Mei Li's arm with a smile and said, "thank you, Eminem."

"I tell you, just once. Don't think about next time." Melly said angrily with a strained face.

"Eminem, it's delicious. I'll cook it later and bring it to you for a taste?" Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"No, it's terrible. Just try it. I tell you, don't pick up the rubbish and you can choose your partner. Even if you are used to eating the rubbish, you still have to pick it up in spring and summer, and wait for winter? What would you like to eat in winter? " Meili thinks that Yin Zhu's desire to eat viscera is purely because she doesn't want to get married. If she thinks about this trick, she will let Yin Zhu suffer and choose her partner.

Well? Yinzhu heard all over the black line, she really like these food, how no one believe. Forget it. Let's wait until she cooks these things for them to taste.

"Mother, I'll help you wash it. You'll do it first." You can't let others do all the things you want.

"Ivy, I'll give it back to you later." Yin Zhu ran to the river to help wash.

Mark and his party have no one to talk to Yin Zhu. Mark doesn't like Yin Zhu. They all know that the female is delicate, but it's rare for her to be so delicate. Melly has been worried that her daughter can't find a good partner. She told him to let Martin choose Yin Zhu. Although her nephew Martin is not very good-looking, she has a strong hand. It's not that she can't find a partner It's not for Melly's sake. Who wants to choose Yin Zhu as a partner? What happens?

He had the cheek to do his nephew's ideological work, and then Yin Zhu said that he didn't like Martin, which really annoyed him.

There are many people with seven hands and eight feet. They washed the things quickly. Yin Zhu looked at the people who helped and said, "thank you, mark, red, uncle Jamin, and my brothers." Yes, Meili gave birth to many cubs, and Yin Zhu is the only female.

Mark left with a chill.

Red looked at Yinzhu, just nodded, turned and left.

When he saw the two in front of him, he gave Yin Zhu a smile. "Well, uncles are busy. Don't mind." Yin Zhu seems to have a lot better temper these two days.

"I know. Thank you, uncle." The original owner really can't be a person, these people can be said to be her relatives, the result Leng is make no one is willing to take care of her.

"Uncle, I want to ask where I can get salt." Although the weather is not very hot, there is no salt. This thing will break down. I miss the refrigerator in the past.

"You can exchange salt with the patriarch." As he answered, he suddenly remembered what Yin Zhu could do for salt. He turned to his mouth and said, "we still have some over there. You can go back and get it."

"Thank you, uncle. No more." Yin Zhu refuses. She's embarrassed to run to them to move and take them just because she's Melly's daughter. Melly and her family want to eat by themselves.

"Well, look at it for yourself. If you don't have it, come and get it." Benjamin's gentle smile.

The whole three pots of viscera, Yin Zhuxi Zizi of the three pots stacked together, end up to his cave inside.

The only advantage of becoming an orc is that she has more strength. If she had a hard time carrying one pot before, how could she carry three pots together so easily.

He moved the things back to his cave, and then Yin Zhu exchanged five pieces of animal skins for a small tube of salt, which was about ten jin of salt. The salt was so expensive that Yin Zhu's heart ached.

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