Sophie wants to learn these skills, but she doesn't want to do it by herself. From another point of view, these rough jobs should be done by the male, not by her delicate female.

Sophie's just seeing is not enough. She also asked. If she didn't understand, she would ask clearly. Yin Zhu frowned and watched Sophie walk around the square like a butterfly. If she wanted to help, she didn't help much, but it seemed that she had come to learn technology. She asked and looked around.

Sophie asked that the male is not enough, the main technology is still on Yin Zhu's side. Many key points are still in Yinzhu's side. Thinking of this, Sophie walks towards Yinzhu with a smile.

"Yin Zhu, it was me that was bad before. I apologize to you. I hope you can forgive me." Sophie grabs Yin Zhu's hand affectionately.

Yin Zhu can't help shivering when he looks at Sophie. The man's eyes are full of calculation. He really believes that she has a ghost.

What's more, Sophie is extremely selfish. Because she is dissatisfied, she does not hesitate to let her man frame herself with her life? For such a cruel person, Yin Zhu would like to stay away.

Yin Zhu quietly broke away from Sophie's hand, and then reached for her hair, "Sophie, if you have something to say." She is always careless. She can't hide anything. Sophie can't play like this.

Sophie accidentally saw the mark on Yin Zhu's arm at this time. As soon as her eyes were hot, she quickly widened her eyes and found that what she saw was not an illusion. However, her mood was already turbulent. She had been fooling around with the male for a long time. How could she not know what the mark meant.

How can Yin Zhu have a baby? How can it be like this.

In addition to being beautiful, Yin Zhu has never heard of any male that she has contact with. Only Jono and Tengxiao have contact with her, so they don't know whose child it is.

No wonder Jono can't wait to move to the place where Yin Zhu lives.

Today, if she had not come to contact Yin Zhu, she would not have known that Yin Zhu was pregnant. Isn't it all advertised to make the people in the tribe happy? It's a good idea to keep Yin Zhu's secret.

She also wants to have a baby, but why is Yin Zhu pregnant? Why, Yin Zhu robbed so many things from her, and even pregnant with a baby? It's unfair.

Yin Zhu saw Sophie's face twisted and twisted, which was very terrible. She couldn't help but take a few steps behind her legs to distance herself. She'd better stay away from this person.

"Yin Zhu, what are you doing? Do you think I will hurt you? I'm so kind. Even if I scolded you before, it's just because Tengxiao and I are going to get married. As a result, forget it. What's the point of saying that now? " Sophie sighed and went forward to catch Yin Zhu's hand.

Seeing Sophie's perseverance to get close to herself, Yin Zhu doesn't believe it if she says she has no plans.

"Sophie, if you have anything to say, you don't have to." Yin Zhu frowned at Sophie, for calculating their own people, but also want to give her a good face.

"Yin Zhu, you are angry, and I embarrassed you like that before. I know I'm wrong. Can't you forgive me, Yin Zhu?" Sophie a gorgeous smile, sad face, looks very wronged.

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