What Li Min doesn't know? If she wants to count baikun, foot Baiji finds out. When Li Min runs out full of resentment, Baiji knows that this woman may be bad. He has always looked at people's hearts for a long time. Over the years, he has always been the only one who counts others. When is it his turn to count him?

Although he looks down on Yin Zhu and doesn't like him, Yin Zhu's temperament is relatively suitable for his son. Bai Kun is also a little fox. It can be said that Yin Zhu was eaten by Bai Kun.

The man who didn't know whether he was alive or dead dared to count his own son. Over the past period of time, Bai Ji had already understood the world almost. Even the identities of several of them had been settled. They were all from the countryside. They didn't go to the big city, and their birth and life experiences had been settled. This was because Bai Ji directly confused the country with his mental power It's just this kind of thing that some people get. They don't have to use it on weekdays. But if someone goes to check it in detail, they can still find some clues, not to mention that their ID cards haven't been used for long.

After coming to this world for such a long time, Bai Ji's strength has been cultivated for more than half of his life. It's too easy to clean up an ordinary person. However, he has read a lot of books about this world, such as a lot of things about cause and effect. Moreover, he is an outsider after all. The way of heaven in this world is quite friendly to them, but it's because they don't do anything For the sake of obedience, but baiji is not sure. What will happen if he starts with the living creatures in this world?

This Li Min looks very clever, but she didn't expect that her heart is so black. She and Bai Kun have no injustice and hatred, but because they can't get them, they will destroy them. Bai Ji is very clear about this kind of person's idea. This kind of person is twisted in his heart, and they will destroy them if they can't get them. Even if they resolve what Li Min said this time, the other party will surely come up with other ways, and then they will At that time, it's endless. At the beginning of this simple life, Baiji really likes it. At least Mengji likes it, and then everyone is relatively stable. But then a series of people say that they introduce people and interfere in other people's lives with good intentions. Baiji doesn't like it very much. When he was interfered in, in fact, they are too weak, if they are strong enough Big, powerful to those who dare not climb, how dare such nonsense?

Life in this village is too quiet for him. He wants to go out.

Bai Ji thought about it for a while, and then decided to talk to Yin Zhu about Li min. as for whether Yin Zhu should deal with it, let's see first. If Yin Zhu doesn't deal with it, he will deal with it.

Bai Ji goes back and tells Yin Zhu what he found out. Yin Zhu thought that he was just refusing someone, but he didn't expect that the other party would attack him. Li Min has a poisonous eye. He can see that they are not simple and want to use this as a means of coercion. It's really dirty. If you really want to say that there is nothing wrong with them, the only thing you can't say clearly is their identity.

"Yin Zhu, how do you think this matter can be handled?" Bai Ji asked impolitely.

When Yin Zhu looks at Bai Ji, he doesn't know what Bai Ji thinks. This father-in-law is fearless. Now there are still some people who are unknowingly provoking him. If you really let Bai Ji deal with it, Yin Zhu thinks that he will die tomorrow.

"Let me see." Yin Zhu is still in awe of life. Although that Li Min is very hateful, Yin Zhu doesn't intend to ask for the name of the other party. He just wants to drive people away.

Bai Kun took Yin Zhu's hand with a smile and said, "father, this matter is caused by me. How can Yin Zhu deal with it? I'll deal with it myself. If Yin Zhu has to deal with rotten peach blossoms every time, Yin Zhu has five partners. I'll do it myself, and you'll do it yourself in the future."

"You, Bai Kun?" Yin Zhu asked hesitantly at this time.

"Don't worry, I know what you think in your heart. I won't hurt anyone, and then let her promise that she won't dare to disturb us any more." Bai Kun said with a smile.

"Reich, I'm going to take care of this. What about you?" Bai Kun asked with a smile.

Leihe nodded hastily, "of course, you have a good way to tell me."

Bai Kun nodded, then took Leihe to mutter. Leihe's eyes brightened when he heard this, and then nodded, "OK, listen to you."

Bai Ji can't help but curl his mouth. The boy loves Yin Zhu and stops everything for him. Thinking of this, Bai Ji feels that his heart is blocked. It seems that he has given birth to a son again. He doesn't want such a son.

Qiao Nuo looked at the two little faces with bad intentions, and could not help but silently light a wax for the two women. In that way, those who have no taste dare to disturb Bai Kun. Although Bai Kun has lost his previous memory, he has not lost his fox name for a long time.

"Don't worry, let Bai Kun handle it by himself?" Jono asked curiously.

Yin Zhu said with a smile: "there is nothing to worry about, as long as there is no human life, as for those two people, since they have bad intentions, don't blame Bai Kun for their hard work." If those two girls are just chasing people, Yin Zhu won't be angry. Bai Kun's most important thing is to move their lips and dislike them. They won't do anything else. But if they plan to come to other places, don't blame them for being impolite.Others all hit the door, still don't fight back? The orcs are very irascible. It can be said that Bai Kun and they are very tolerant.

In the evening, Bai Kun and Leihe go out, and Yin Zhu doesn't care. Bai Kun and Leihe have already gone out by this time.

Bai Kun and Lei he directly find Li Min and Lin Qiu. Li Min and Lin Qiu see the two people who come to the door automatically, and they wonder how they can find them. Is it because they talk too much today and apologize to them? In that case, she can forgive him.

"Let's go." Bai Kun said lightly.

"Where to?" Li Min can't help asking curiously.

"Of course, it's to find a place where there is no one to have a good talk, or you like to let people see jokes, let's make it clear." Bai Kun said unhappily.

Li Min thought for a moment and agreed. All the people in this village know that they went out with Bai Kun Leihe, and they dare not do anything to themselves.

Bai Kun and Lei he take two people to walk into the mountain. Li Min and Lin Qiu don't walk at the foot of the mountain. After all, who goes to the mountain at night is very dangerous in the mountain.

"Right here. There's no one here." Li Min doesn't want to go.

Bai Kun said with a smile: "go, this place is too small to fit. Let's go in the mountain." With that, Bai Kun reached for Li Min's arm, twisted him up and ran towards the mountain.

Leihe followed suit. Li Min and Lin Qiu screamed in fright. However, people in the village didn't seem to hear them. Then Li Min and Lin Qiu were quickly carried to the mountain by these two people.

If someone mentions that an adult woman can't run fast, but Bai Kun and Lei he are naturally different. This strength is a small problem for them.

Bai Kun and Lei he went over several mountains in succession, and then Bai Kun threw them to the ground, "like us, like us very much? If you don't get it, you're going to destroy it? "

Li Min looks at the messy trees by moonlight. She is very scared. She doesn't know whether it is the wind or other sounds in the woods, which makes her shiver. She is a little scared. These guys are so powerful. Can she catch such people? She has been killed. What's more, she has not done what she plans to do with Bai Kun. How does this person know?

This matter she told Lin Qiu, this Lin Qiu will not like Leihe, and then tell Leihe this thing, right?

As soon as Li Min saw Lin Qiu, Lin Qiu knew what Li Min was thinking. She shook her head in a hurry. "It's not me. I've been with you this afternoon and I haven't left you."

As Li Min's best friend, Lin Qiu also knows that Li Min is not so simple, but also in order to get a man, not to destroy Li Min, can be simple.

Li Min thought for a moment, too. Lin Qiu has been with her all the time, and has no chance to tell Lei he that these people are watching them?

"What do you want us to do?" Li Min can't help biting his teeth at this time?

"Of course, it's to solve you, so that you two don't pester us all the time. Originally, I didn't plan to deal with you, but you just can't understand people's faces and want to attack us. Don't blame me." Bai Kun's face was very evil at this time.

"What do you want to do? It's against the law to kill." Li Min said in a trembling voice at this time.

"Kill you, I won't dirty my hands for that." Bai Kun smiles, and then his eyes emit a red light. He looks at Li Min like a lure and says, "you love that woman very much. You can't extricate yourself from your love. If you can't get her, you are very painful. To be with her, only together can prove that you are true love. Only together can she never leave you."

At this time, Li Min looks at Bai Kun foolishly, and then slowly gets confused. He says what Bai Kun said several times in succession. Then Li Min looks at Lin Qiu with shining eyes. Lin Qiu shakes when she sees this leg. "Li Min, wake up, I'm your good friend Lin Qiu?"

Bai Kun smiles evil at this time. He says that the reason why he comes up with such a way is because Cheng An said before that he likes men. Then he has an idea. Isn't it good to tie these two disgusting women together?

Lin Qiu doesn't know anything. She thinks that Li Min is hypnotized, so she shouts desperately. She even slaps Li Min to wake him up. But Li Min can't remember anything at this time. She just remembers the voice in her head. She likes the girl opposite and wants to be with her at all costs.

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