Although Bai Kun is asked to deal with it, Yin Zhu is still waiting at home. Seeing that Bai Kun and Lei he are well back, Yin Zhu can't help welcoming them, "back?" Instead of asking Bai Kun how they deal with it, they first care about Bai Kun.

How can Bai Kun not know what Yin Zhu thinks in his heart? Yin Zhu's mind is written on his face. Yin Zhu is also a person with pure temperament and good mind. But such a person has changed the fate of the orc world. Or did the way of heaven choose Yin Zhu because Yin Zhu is pure?

Bai Kun took Yin Zhu's hand and said, "well, I'm back. Don't worry, those two are good. I've gone back."

Yin Zhu answered softly, "well." Seeing Bai Kun's happy smile, Yin Zhu thinks that Li Min and Lin Qiu should have a hard time.

Bai Kun's heart is dark. Yin Zhu thinks that before, how could she feel that Bai Kun was cold and a male god, and that male god could do so many things in silence. In the past, Bai Kun probably didn't dare to show himself in front of her. It's better to forget her memory, and all her nature was exposed.

"Is Yin Zhu worried about me? Don't worry. I never do anything I'm not sure about Bai Kun smiles and reaches for his hand to shave Yin Zhu's nose.

Yin Zhu looks at several partners around him and feels a little embarrassed. He is always ashamed to fall in love in front of other partners. He has a feeling of betraying them. Yin Zhu thinks that he is hiding his ears and stealing the bell, but she also wants to install it. However, Bai Kun is evil. He always likes to tease Yin Zhu in front of them and watch him blush Fast, shy for him, beautiful for him, this is probably to show his unique charm, Yin Zhu always want to say that this is not good, but always unable to resist.

Tengxiao sees that he has no taste in his heart, and the fox spirit is seducing Yin Zhu again. Unfortunately, he can't compare with Bai Kun in appearance. Tengxiao's appearance is that kind of rough and crazy. At first sight, it's that kind of tough guy. But Yin Zhu doesn't seem to be crazy about his one, and Yin Zhu likes Bai Kun's one.

When Jono saw this smile, he held Tengxiao and said, "do you think you need to show yourself all the time in this way? Is this not a sign of lack of confidence? "

In the orc world, Bai Kun is the first to save Yin Zhu, and then he is always in the rear. Although he gives Yin Zhu a sense of security, it's hard to say We spend the least time together. In addition, Bai Kun hides a lot of things in his heart, and Bai Kun is too good at hiding things. As a result of Bai Kun's arrangement for himself, Bai Kun was afraid that he didn't want Yin Zhu to like him, so Yin Zhu would not be sad after he left. Therefore, Bai Kun has always avoided Yin Zhu. It seems that he has been with Yin Zhu more often It's habits and responsibilities that blend into life. It's more like relatives who have been together for many years. But now Bai Kun wants to lift Yin Zhu, and Qiao Nuo is glad to see it. The feelings are always opposite. Bai Kun should love Yin Zhu very much, otherwise he would not have made such a choice before. He pays so much for the emotional things, so naturally he wants to harvest them, even if Bai Kun has forgotten them In his mind, Bai Kun was willing to see Yin Zhu respond to him. Yin Zhu was attracted by him.

Tengxiao wants to cry when he hears what Jono said. He wants to say that his relationship with Yin Zhu is not good at the beginning. He has never been a good partner. At the beginning, he is not. In the middle, he has done something wrong. However, she will be a good partner in the future and won't make Yin Zhu sad.

Besides, he also has to learn from Bai Kun. No matter how good he used to be, he can forget all of them. It's best for Yin Zhu to fall in love with him again.

He is very good-looking and has a good figure. When he comes back, he also goes to tease Yin Zhu. He also wants to see Yin Zhu's bashful appearance.

Jono looks at Tengxiao thinking and smiles. What is Tengxiao thinking? Jono doesn't investigate. Life here is very good, but it seems peaceful, but it is disturbed by the arrival of Li Min and Lin Qiu. Jono looks up slightly. In fact, they want to be ordinary. They have to be strong. Li min and Lin Qiu won't be the first. There will be other females in the future, In the current Internet language, just a few of their faces are big pieces of fat, which many people want to eat. This is an era of looking at faces.

They are not strong enough to protect themselves and even their original identity.

"Bai Kun, you are not allowed to move in a crowded place." Yin Zhu looks at Bai Kun angrily. With Bai Kun's skillful movements and eight way temperament, Yin Zhu thinks that people in the village may find their relationship with Bai Kun in a while, and then they will drown themselves by spitting in the village. Yin Zhu thinks that he is a little sad, and it seems that it is not a good choice to come to the village, but here they are After sorting it out, what can she do if she spends a lot of money on her parents?

"There is no outsider here. Even if Yin Zhu wrongs me in front of the villagers, is it difficult to do so at home?" Bai Kun is not happy to ask, a pair of eyes slightly open, looking at Yin Zhu, listless, as if by a deep blow.

Yin Zhu knows that Bai Kun is pretending. This guy is the best at pretending. Even the movie king is not as powerful as him. Even if he knows that Bai Kun is pretending, Yin Zhu can't bear his grievance."I know, I know it's all my fault. It's me who wronged Bai Kun." Seeing this, Yin Zhu gives Bai Kun a comforting kiss and hug.

Leihe looked at baikun and cheated Yinzhu into his arms and kisses. He couldn't help but feel very aggrieved and said, "Yinzhu, I'm also aggrieved."

It is clear that he is in the same situation as Bai Kun, but Bai Kun always gets the pity of Yin Zhu. At this time, Yin Zhu held out his hand to touch Leihe's head, "Leihe worked hard, I know."

Bai Kun curled his mouth. He was shameless and walked the way he had walked. He didn't have any legs. He would not walk out of the way?

Leihe was satisfied with Yin Zhu's comfort.

At this time, Jono waved to Yinzhu, and then said to Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, you said that our looks were too bad. I couldn't understand them before, but now I understand them. Yinzhu, I don't think we can farm here all the time."

Qiao Nuo said that if he wants to protect himself and Yin Zhu, he has to be a strong man and stand on high. Otherwise, Yin Zhu and his brothers will not be able to protect him. As a husband, he is the manager of the whole family. He has to think about the direction of the whole family.

"As a member of this family, do you have a good idea of what you want to do in the future? We have been in this world for some time, and we have a general understanding of this world. Tell me what you are going to do in the future? " Jono asked gravely.

Yin Zhu also said that farming is excessive. In the past few years, it is the most open way for them to accumulate wealth. In addition, they can learn to recharge their batteries. In a few years, they can also erase the obscurity brought by their own life experience. Now they have ID cards, but they can't bear to check.

"If you want to make money in this world, you have to be your own boss. Otherwise, you will always work for others to make money. I intend to do business. I think that our advantages and disadvantages are that the world's forests are safe and undefended for us, so we can find many natural precious wild herbs, and I am ready to send them to this aspect Zhan, as for this village, I'm not going to lose it. I'm going to learn how to grow medicinal materials. I'll look back and see how to grow food. Besides eating healthily, I can't make any money. What's your plan? Can you tell me? " Said Jono.

Cheng An said seriously at this time: "my goal has been set long ago. I don't have any big goal. I just want to be a gourmet. There are many delicious foods in the world that I can learn from. Later, I will be your exclusive chef. I'll give it to you. I'll ensure your health."

At this time, Bai Kun said with a smile, "the network here is very interesting. I heard that hackers are very powerful. I plan to do this." Bai Kun said that the world can make him see. The network is one of the most important things. These things are quite challenging and new. He wants to play. What he wants to do is such exciting things.

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this. Bai Kun is planning to be a hacker. It's very hard for him to think about it. However, Bai Kun is good at mental ability, so he should be suitable for it.

"Tengxiao Leihe, how about you?" Yin Zhu can't help asking, it's good that everyone has their own goals.

Leihe at this time some embarrassed smile, and then said to Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, actually I thought of, but I'm afraid you won't agree."

"Tell me, how do you know if I won't agree?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

"You know, in the past, orcs were annoying. Although I'm not, I still want many people to like me. I think the stars on the Internet are very good, and many love beans, but you said no rumors, so I dare not say." Reich explained with embarrassment.

This is to be a star, even love beans understand, powerful, but the star's words do have some problems, once a star, even the bottom will be found out, this really has some problems.

"I want to think about that." Yin Zhu thinks about it. Leihe's good at acting. It's easy to be a big star. It's just that the past is a problem. We need to deal with it well, but it's not urgent. Even if Leihe wants to go, we need to make clear the common sense of the world. Without precipitation for three or four years, Yin Zhu will never let anyone go. We can think about it well.

Tengxiao is silly at this time. Each of them has found his future goal. It seems that he didn't think about what he would do?

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