Bai Kun quickly finds Li Min with his mental imprint. After he is sure that his mental imprint is still valid for Li Min, Bai Kun leaves first, and then steals several heart clearing amulets left on Li Min's body. Then he doesn't disturb Li min. when Li Min knows that the heart clearing amulet is missing, he just thinks he lost it carelessly and doesn't think much about it.

Bai Kun takes the heart clearing talisman in his hand. It doesn't work much. It's amazing that the lines in the talisman paper can retain his mental power and make it work. It's very good.

Bai Kun didn't use Qingxin Fu, but intended to crack it. It was made by Wang canming himself. What he made was touched. Wang canming felt it for the first time. During this period of time, he only bought the paper for Li min. the normal use of Qingxin Fu would not touch his mark, unless someone wanted to crack it. It's the first time for him to use the paper It's the secret of their sect. In order to keep this thing from spreading, it leaves a mark in it. Once someone wants to crack it by force, the rune paper will ignite and will not give people a chance to crack it.

Wang canming quickly finds Bai Kun, and Bai Kun also sees the young man standing in front of him. Bai Kun looks at the self burning Rune paper in his hand, throws it away, then holds his chest in both hands and looks at Wang canming indifferently, "is this your thing?"

Although Bai Kun's appearance is excellent, including his height, he gives himself a mental shield to let those people see that he will subconsciously ignore himself. This person obviously comes for him. He thinks that half of the rune paper he has studied has burned automatically. What's more, he doesn't understand.

However, this person's strength is not very strong. Bai Kun says that he has the chance to win, but Yin Zhu says that fighting is not good, let alone harming the ordinary people around him, so it's best not to fight.

Wang can Ming feels very bad at this time, because he finds that he can't see through the person in front of him. What's more, the person in front of him doesn't feel right. How to say, he feels that this person is not a person, because the spirit of a person is different from that of Bai Kun. But when he talks about demons, the other person doesn't have demons. It's very strange .

Bai Kun's way of cultivation is very like a monster, but after all, they are not demons. They are orcs. Wang can Ming can't see that they are normal.

"It's really my thing. I gave it to Li min. Li Min didn't repent when he offended his predecessors. It's his fault. I won't take care of it any more. If there's nothing wrong, can I go first? Senior Wang can Ming doesn't want to face a man who is much stronger than himself and doesn't know whether he is a friend or an enemy. He just wants to leave first and find out where he came from.

As for Li Min's business, Wang canming said that he didn't make a lot of money, and he didn't feel bad about shirking it. Moreover, this elder had let Li Min go before. Li Min's own evil idea of Xincang shouldn't be deserved. She deserves it. People like her, even people in Xuanmen, don't like it. They can't find a way to die.

"I won't count Li Min's affairs on you. Don't worry. You have a head of injustice and a master of debt. As long as you don't take care of it any more, I won't embarrass you." Bai Kun naturally saw Wang canming's idea, but he finally met a man with low strength. Now he didn't hurry to find out what he wanted. When would he have to wait.

Wang canming saw that Bai Kun really didn't have any malice against him. Considering that Li Min had done so much to Bai Kun, Bai Kun just punished her and didn't kill her, which means that the other party should not be the kind of person who likes to kill.

Thinking of this, Wang canming also stayed. Besides, Li Min said that there were seven or eight people in Bai Kun's party. If each of them had the same strength as Bai Kun, it would be a big force. He could also inquire about where these people came from.

"Thank you, master." Wang can Ming smiles.

"Let's talk?" Bai Kun said with a smile that Wang canming wanted to know about their origin, so they went directly to the hotel to find a private room for dinner and chat slowly.

Bai Kun is an old and crafty man. He often gets a lot of information from Wang canming. Of course, Wang canming is not stupid. He finds out that Bai Kun, a powerful man, knows nothing about the news of Xuanmen. Then he can't help but wonder how he practices. What's more, Bai Kun doesn't take any evil attitude towards him So he said what he knew. Anyway, what he said was common sense, which had no influence on his family. It would be a good thing if he could get to know Bai Kun.

In any case, Wang canming is not a fool. He is willing to tell Bai Kun what he doesn't want to say, and Bai Kun can't get anything out of it.

In fact, Bai Kun is just trying to find out. After knowing that Wang canming is unwilling to talk about zongmen, and that he is willing to talk about some basic things about Xuanmen in the world, he simply inquires about the general direction. Anyway, what he wants to know is only the general direction, and he doesn't say much about other things.

Of course, it's impossible for Wang canming not to inquire about the news from Bai Kun. Bai Kun also said that his family was just a small family. There used to be a large number of people, but now the population is withering. They came out of the mountains. As for Wang canming's doubts about their identity, Bai Kun simply said that they had practiced the family's martial arts and had practiced their descendants Will become more tall, anyway, Wang can Ming believe how much no one knows.Wang canming thinks that this should be their secret. It's normal for practitioners to have their own secrets. Wang canming asks more about Bai Kun's way of life. After knowing that Bai Kun and his party also obey the laws and regulations in the secular world, Wang can rest assured that such a person will not cause any trouble. What he fears most is that he will go to the secular world with his own strength Lao Tzu is the best in the world. Then he makes trouble everywhere. He doesn't treat ordinary people as human beings. Then they will have a headache.

Wang canming's sect is the right way. These disciples walk around in the secular world to earn some money. The other thing is to maintain the rules of the secular world, so that no one who practices will make trouble in the secular world. The world is black and white, and not everyone who practices will be obedient and conscientious.

Hearing that they have nothing to do with the world's practitioners, Wang canming can't help but want to bring Bai Kun into his own camp. In addition, Wang canming has a temporary post in the State Department. Although he is not a principal post, he can be regarded as a part-time job, but it's also a good name. At least it's very convenient to go out. When Bai Kun hears this, he is itchy and can do it For example, if they have the backing of the state, will they not have to worry about their identity in the future?

But then Bai Kun thought about it and let it go. After all, he is different from these people. He should stay away from them. However, Bai Kun also found out that the most powerful person in the world is Yuan Ying Zhenjun. However, there are not many such people. Moreover, they are all closed in the mountains and will not come out to walk. At present, the people who walk in the secular world are basically refining weapons Disciples, occasionally, some disciples come out during the foundation building period. Those above the foundation building period will not come out of the mountain unless there is a major accident that they can't solve.

Wang canming can't help feeling disappointed that Bai Kun doesn't want to join the national tribe. However, later on, he also thinks that Bai Kun is a small hermit family. It's normal that people don't like to deal with others outside. There are only a few people left in a family. Forget it, as long as they are not the big villains.

Wang canming then asked Bai Kun where his strength was, where he knew what his strength was, and how to divide it. He was a little confused, but his strength was much higher than Wang canming's. after thinking about it, Bai Kun said that he built the foundation, but he didn't say how many layers he built, and Wang didn't ask too carefully. After all, many people like to leave some backhand for him They haven't known each other for a long time, and they can't tell each other everything. Wang canming himself has a lot of backwardness. Although the disciples of zongmen are not strong, they have many magic arts and magic weapons, and they are not afraid of fighting.

At this time, Wang canming also said that he got the addresses of Bai Kun from Li min. he had planned to meet Bai Kun for a while, but now it's OK to meet Bai Kun here. He also said that he would tell his friends that they won't answer about Li min.

Wang canming is kind-hearted. Bai Kun doesn't even plan to settle with Li min. in fact, he disdains it. In this case, they just don't take over the work, and they will save Li Min's life, so that Li Min won't make it all the time and give his life away.

Bai Kun didn't know that there was such a benefit. He also gave a loyal thanks to each other.

Wang canming later said that if Bai Kun has something to do, he can ask him, and if he can help, he will try his best to help. He knows many friends, and even if he can't, there are still friends.

It has to be said that Wang canming is not bad. He is soft hearted and kind-hearted. He is familiar with many people, but it's really good. At least Bai Kun likes to make such friends. He doesn't know if every disciple is like this. If every disciple is like this, Bai Kun will worry about that sect.

Bai Kun wrote down Wang canming's contact information. This person works in the State Department. If he has something to do in the secular world, he can really help. Yin Zhu is sure to stay in the secular world for some time. At least as long as Yin Ping and his wife are still there, Yin Zhu will stay in the secular world with two old people.

When Wang canming and Bai Kun separate, they have become good friends. Bai Kun also asks Wang canming to drink together next time.

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