Early the next morning, there was a luxury car waiting for Wang canming below nine o'clock. Yin Zhu saw some very smart business people coming to greet Wang canming with a smile. At this time, Wang canming introduced Bai Kun and said that he was his Taoist friends who came to help him. So the other party politely invited Yin Zhu and his party to get on the bus.

After getting on the bus, everyone chatted very quickly. Those people were really in business, mainly chatting with Wang canming, but they didn't neglect Yin Zhu. At least they were very intimate.

Soon he got to the foot of the mountain. At this time, Wang canming had got off the car. At this time, he had a mirror in his hand. Yin Zhu couldn't see whether the mirror was good or not, but it was shining in the sun.

"Just the two of us go in, Yin Zhu. They don't go in." Bai Kun said directly.

Wang can Ming nodded. In fact, this kind of task used to be his own. It's OK for Yin Zhu and them not to go in. As for testing, it's OK for Bai Kun anyway?

Yin Zhu watched Bai Kun and Wang canming walk slowly up the mountain. At this time, Yin Zhu waved to Lei he, "Lei he, let's go too."

"Yinzhu, you can't go. I'll watch you, or Jono and baikun will peel my skin when they know." Leihe says very simply that the safety of Yinzhu is the most important. No matter what Yinzhu thinks, he can't let Yinzhu go out like this.

"If you don't go up the mountain, just walk around the foot of the mountain and have a look." Yin Zhu takes a look at Lei he. This guy listens to Jono very much at this point.

Leihe heard that it should be OK at the bottom of the mountain. Besides, it's OK to wait here. The circle at the bottom of the mountain is a long distance for others. It's easy for them.

"Let's go." Leihe takes Yinzhu's hand and walks along the foot of the mountain.

"The scenery here is very good, the environment is good, the boss is very good at choosing places." Yin Zhu said with a smile that today's rich people don't like to live in the urban area. There are all kinds of commercial houses in the urban area, and most of them are commercial houses. It's better to live in villas or in the suburbs. The environment is good and quiet, and it's not so noisy.

"When it comes to the environment, the environment in Yinjia village is also good." The environment in Yinjia village is really good. There are no factories in the small village, even there are no large factories in the small town. Some of them only have small family workshops like processing plants. The environment is quiet and the air is very good. You can breathe fresh air every day. However, the only bad thing is that the transportation is not convenient, and the economy is too backward to find many things Although it's convenient to sell things online, it's still different from shopping in reality.

"In fact, big cities are good for everything, but there are no forests." When he first came here, he was dazzled by the colorful of big cities. Now Rehe turns around. There is no smell of forest here, and even the air is not very good. He still likes the taste of forest.

"Yin Zhu, I think if we stay in the city for a long time, we won't be able to stay. The air here is too bad. There is no forest. It's all high-rise buildings. I can't smell the smell of the forest. If we want to move to the city in the future, we don't want the downtown. It's better to be near the forest in the suburb." Reich sighed.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this. It's true that they are still used to the big grassland and forest activities in the orc world. The steel and concrete in the city is really good, but it may not be suitable for them.

Steel and cement give them a strong fortress and shelter from the wind and rain, but it's not a kind of imprisonment. If they stay in such an environment for a long time, who can guarantee that Reich will not change.

According to Wang canming, the people who practice Taoism should return to nature in the end. They can come here in the secular world and experience their mood. Those who really want to practice something have to go back to zongmen. After all, there is aura in zongmen. There are too many vulgarity in the secular world.

Wang canming and his disciples want aura, but they are different. Yin Zhu thinks that they are demon practitioners now. After all, in terms of ancient mythology, demon practitioners absorb Yuehua, and they are just like that. Wang canming also says that modern aura is few, but they don't need aura. Is that good news.

"Well, it doesn't matter. We'll see the situation at that time, and we don't say we have to go back to the city. Anyway, we can go anywhere we want now. We can go shopping in the city if we want, and go to the mountains if we want. We'll enjoy our days in the future." Yin Zhu said with a smile that she had been looking forward to such a simple, peaceful and happy day.

"That's right. Let's see if it's easy for Bai Kun to do the task this time. If it's easy, we can take some of it later." Leihe knows that he can't make much money by farming, not to mention that every one of them is a big stomach king. He can eat very well. After deducting his own food, he can't make much money. So he wants to make money or take over quickly. Wang canming says that one task is worth millions, so one task is enough for one year What's the cost.

"Yes, I don't mind, but let's make it clear before we take on the task. Safety comes first anyway." Yin Zhu said with a smile.They slowed down and walked slowly. Halfway through the walk, Yin Zhu felt that the mountain seemed to vibrate. Then Yin Zhu looked up. Is this the beginning of the mountain?

Reich stopped and looked up at the mountain.

"Let's go back first." Yin Zhu thought for a moment and decided to go back to the foot of the mountain before. If anything happened, she could rush up the mountain to help.

However, before Yinzhu and Leihe can get back to the mountain, Yinzhu sees that the movement on the mountain has stopped. Then Yinzhu hears Leihe greeting himself, so that they can enter the mountain.

"Is that all right?" Yin Zhu looked at Lei he, and then hurried into the mountain. At this time, the business people also hurriedly followed him.

Soon a group of people found Wang canming and Bai Kun. Wang canming had nothing to do except his hair was a little messy, and Bai Kun had nothing to do. At this time, he put his hands on his back and his clothes were light. At this time, the big boss ran to Wang canming and asked, "Master Wang, has the matter here been solved?"

Wang can Ming nodded, "it's OK. It's solved. You can continue to develop."

"Bai Kun, thank you so much just now." Wang can Ming laughs and thanks. Just now they met an old pine tree which has become a demon on the mountain. The development of this place can be said to have affected the life of the pine tree. Naturally, people didn't want to. At the beginning, it just moved the workers out and didn't hurt people's lives. However, when Wang can Ming came to clear it, he naturally tried his best.

"It's OK. I'm paid. Besides, we're friends, right? It's a mess here. If it's OK, let's go, and leave the rest to them." Bai Kun said with a smile that he planned to go down the mountain with Yin Zhu.

Wang can Ming can see the different attitudes of Bai Kun and Leihe towards Yin Zhu, but he didn't say anything. Some of the monks, especially the strong ones, have several partners. In fact, as long as the other side can maintain balance and don't make any jokes, no one will say anything more. Besides, Bai Kun says that there are only a few of them, so many men It's just Yin Zhu, a woman. It's normal to get together.

"OK, let's go. We'll make a lot of money this time. I'll invite you to have a good time." Wang canming said happily.

However, Wang canming is not happy because he is particularly dissatisfied with this action. In fact, he either couldn't stop it or pretended to be embarrassed. Bai Kun did make a move, but this guy didn't leak any magic power. He was directly carried down by his body. Wang canming looked at the height of Bai Kun and his party. This family is very happy People are very tall. Don't they have any special blood, or do they specialize in physical training?

Bai Kun is quite satisfied with this action, because he finds that Wang canming's means all depend on mental power. However, Wang canming's family members are very good at using mental power, such as various means of mental power application, as well as symbols and arrays, including casting. In fact, they are all means of mental power application, which they don't have, That is to say, Bai Kun only has strength, but they don't have the means to use it. There are also some techniques in the orc world, but compared with Wang canming's, Bai Kun thinks that the orc's techniques are too simple.

If they can learn Wang canming's various techniques, their strength will be improved a lot. Bai Kun is already learning some of them. He thinks that even if he doesn't read books, he should be able to guess how much time it will take to follow Wang canming and see him practice more.

Yin Zhu is very happy to see Bai Kun laughing all the way. He knows that Bai Kun may have gained something. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu can't help but be happy. If they can learn all the methods of cultivation, they will change them and become the most suitable method for them. But it's better to call Bai Ji and Meng Ji. Yin Zhu doesn't intend to move them After all, the races are not the same, so they may not adapt to them. Yin Zhu doesn't know if this reasoning method is dangerous. Anyway, Baiji and Mengji are the best. These two are powerful. Even if they are in danger, they can bear it. Yes, Yin Zhu is ready to pit Baiji and Mengji at this time.

If these two pits are destroyed, she can't wipe them out just because of Bai Kun. She has to pay back a little.

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