On this day, the first batch of sugar made by the tribe was ready. The sugar was light green. Yin Zhu named it green sugar. He broke a small piece and put it into his mouth to taste it. It was very sweet. However, because of the filtration, no matter how dense the bamboo basket was, it still had some residue, but it didn't affect the eating.

It's a pity that all the new clothes given by the system were made into underwear by her. It would be nice if she had cotton cloth. Now Yin Zhu is very concerned about cotton cloth, especially when she has a child and was still born, if only she had soft cloth to make clothes.

It's a pity that she doesn't know how to spin and weave, otherwise she will definitely get these things out at the first time, and then make herself comfortable.

But I remember that her former roommates liked woolen clothes very much, because they disliked that most of the woolen thread bought from outside was fake. The girl also made real wool and knitted clothes with her own woolen thread. Looking back, she thought about how to make it. At that time, she would weave some small sweaters for her cubs.

"Uncle, how about you try it?" Yin Zhu took a small piece for Mengtai to taste.

Meng Tai nodded, took the green sugar from Yin Zhu, and then put it into his mouth. A sweet smell spread in his mouth. All the cells in his body were crying sweet, so sweet.

Li Si, a group of people standing next to him, looked at Montaigne nervously one by one, which was the result of their hard work for several days.

"Patriarch, is this sugar delicious?" Liz asked cautiously.

They haven't tasted it yet. Yin Zhu was the first to taste it, and then Meng Tai.

Montaigne closed his eyes and enjoyed it. After a while, he said to the people around him, "you all have a taste."

Liz nodded, and then took a big piece of sugar like his little finger and tasted it. At that moment, he felt as if his whole body was soaking in sugar water. He was so happy that he wanted to scream.

At this time, Liz looked at the green sugar with glowing eyes, and said to Montaigne excitedly, "patriarch, this green sugar is really delicious. It's the first time I eat such delicious food. Is this green sugar really made by us?"

Liz didn't believe his eyes.

Yin Zhu and Meng Tai couldn't help laughing when they heard Li Si's words. People around can't help laughing when they see it.

"Yes, you made all the green sugar. You're really great." Yin Zhu said happily.

It's sugar. Except for salt, she's got another condiment.

"Patriarch, pack the sugar quickly. Don't be wet. If it's wet, the sugar will be broken. It's more expensive than salt. Put it away quickly." Yin Zhu is very happy.

"Good, good." Montaigne quickly took out the clean and dry bamboo tube to fill the sugar. On the first day, all he did was fill two small bamboo barrels of sugar.

There is still boiling sugar in the next two days, but the sweet grass near the tribe has been harvested almost. Now they all go far away to look for it. There is no danger and they can't find much.

Yin Zhu believes that there is definitely more than one sweet grass that can make sugar. There must be something else that can also make sugar, but she hasn't found it yet. She originally planned to ask Jono to take her to walk in the mountains. After looking at her baby's belly, it's obviously impossible. Suddenly, the baby disrupted all her plans.

It seems that she can only ask Jono to help her now. When she goes out, she can bring her any plants she doesn't know. She can bring them back for her identification and find more edible and useful species.

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