Now that it has been discussed here, monk Huiguang directly asked people to bring the bone of Buddha in their sect. Then all the people watched Huiguang bring the bone of Buddha into Cheng'an's body with a few monks of Buddha sect. Leihe was also worried that something might go wrong.

As soon as the Buddha's bones enter Cheng'an's body, Cheng'an's whole body keeps shaking. One is thick black, the other is pure white. The two forces are actually opposite. They seem to want to crush Cheng'an.

Leihe looks at Cheng'an and makes a painful cry. Leihe feels that the soul of Cheng'an is shaking. They are all orcs, and they have lived together for a long time. They all feel very obvious about each other's breath. Leihe rushes up at this time and says, "how can I find that Cheng'an is wrong? Have you done anything to Cheng'an?" However, Leihe is locked up in the array, just can see Chengan's condition, but can't get out.

"Tianjizi, this man has done something to Cheng an." Reich said in a loud voice.

Tianjizi can't help frowning at this time. At the beginning, Huiguang can make Chengan quiet, but this time it's obviously wrong, "Huiguang, what do you want to do?"

At this time, Huiguang turned his head and looked at tianjizi seriously and said, "tianjizi, I have found out that the reason why these Banyao are so powerful is because of their blood. However, these people are not controlled by us at all. How can we talk about hope for such people in the future, so the best hope is still in our hands."

The Buddhist sect has been planning for a long time, and Cheng'an's out of control gives them a chance. They don't want to choose someone, but they are just discussing what to do. Who would have thought that Cheng'an would take the initiative to send them to the door?

Huiguang's words obviously admitted what the Buddha had done to Cheng'an?

"Huiguang, please stop. You know the importance of these half demons. If they have an accident or hope to have a problem, your Buddha sect will not be able to protect you." Qingyunzi cried out. Now he regretted that he had invited the Buddha to come. None of them was safe.

"Tianjizi, once this Buddha bone is fused, it can't be broken. Once it is broken, Chengan will surely die." Huiguang was not afraid of what others were doing.

"This Buddha bone is the bone of our supreme master. There is still a trace of ghost in it after his fall." Huiguang said lightly.

At this time, they don't understand what Huiguang wants to do. Huiguang is not satisfied with controlling Cheng'an. They try to seize Cheng'an, occupy Cheng'an's blood, and then let Cheng'an, the key figure, stand beside him completely.

"Huiguang, you are so brave. You didn't think that in case of failure, you would have to bear the anger of the whole world." Qingyunzi was really angry at this time. He presided over all the things here. The Buddha sect didn't look down on him. If everyone had such a plan, how many of these banshees would survive at that time? What they were afraid of most was that they hurt them. What would the remaining few do if they fought to death or resolutely didn't agree with what they did? For the sake of self-interest, this Buddhist sect is making fun of the hope of the whole world. It's too much.

"Huiguang, you have to give us an account." Qingyunzi gritted his teeth at this time.

Leihe can't help attacking the surrounding array at this time. "Qingyunzi, whoever helps me save my brother, I'll go to his clan. I can swear, just save my brother." Leihe doesn't care about anything at this time. He just wants to save Cheng'an.

Cheng An's black Qi has gradually weakened at this time, which is the key to Cheng An's strength and the source of his strength. If this thing completely disappears, Cheng an will die.

Huiguang nodded calmly at this time and said, "don't worry, we won't do a battle that we are not sure about. We will certainly deal with this matter well. Moreover, Shizu will keep this person's soul imprisoned in his body. With that soul in his hand, it is really good to threaten those half demons."

I've done everything. Even if I'm not reconciled, what's the matter? Now the two people have fused. If I force them apart, I'm really worried that it will be dangerous. Even qingyunzi dare not do this.

People with high strength on the scene can see the intention of the Buddha sect at this time. They can only say that there are really a group of things with no reputation in the Buddha sect. Don't think about what these guys say.

Of course, they can also see that Cheng An's resentments are slowly disappearing. Qingyunzi can't help but say, "take it easy. Those resentments are the source of Cheng An's strength. If you eliminate all these forces, you're afraid that Cheng An's responsibility will be useless."

Green cloud son thinks these resentments should be useful, otherwise how can there be such evil all the time half demon appear, just what specific function they can't say, of course also afraid they really disappear this resentment, Chengan will appear what accident.

Huiguang nodded and said: "you know, this resentment is the reason that makes Cheng an lose his mind. Too much resentment must be eliminated. Otherwise, even if he is as strong as Shizu, he can't control his body. It's necessary to know these resentments properly."Leihe looks at these people, and no one listens to his own opinions. He can't help but rush to attack Zheng. However, this array is an ancient array, which is used by qingyunzi to deal with him. How can he break it so easily? It can be said that Leihe can only do useless work.

Wang can Ming didn't know what to say when he saw this. He wanted to say that in order to hope that no one would embarrass Lei he and others, Lei he just had to cooperate with them, and everyone would be happy at that time. Who knows that the Buddhists are so crazy that they have to keep up with Lei he. If these people succeed, they will control Cheng'an, maybe for the sake of Cheng'an, Jono A few people dare to be angry but not to speak up. If the Buddhists fail, they will not be able to bear the consequences.

As a result, qingyunzi also thought that if the Buddhists failed, it would be strange that Qiao Nuo and his party would not settle accounts with them, and it would be absolutely impossible to cooperate at that time.

Thinking of this, several people in qingyunzi can't help sighing. They can control people who don't want to, and they don't want to put their hopes on others. They can do whatever others want. But it's not impossible. They're just being held in their hands. They're very upset. But this Buddha is pushing people directly to the opposite side.

Now qingyunzi hopes that Huiguang's plan can really succeed. In that case, they may be able to solve the secrets of these banshees. Then they can better control Leihe and know what their hope is faster.

Leihe wanted to save Chengan, but he didn't think of any way.

Leihe kept roaring, but there was no way. He saw that the spirit of Cheng'an was getting weaker and weaker, and his resentment was getting less and less. Only the dazzling white light made him cry.

Chengan's resentment is less and less, and has gone half way. Leihe can't help but close his eyes. There is no one around him who can help him. What should he do? If he watches Chengan be taken away from xuenai and their secret is found, then he is not Leihe.

Of course, with the decrease of Cheng'an's black air, Leihe feels that Cheng'an's soul fluctuates more violently, and the two flames burning in his eyes are slowly changing, and they are about to turn white. Leihe doesn't know if Cheng'an is sober, but with such intense soul fluctuations, he wants to see that Cheng'an is more or less sober.

It's really not good to integrate the Buddha bone, but it also has the advantage that it really makes Cheng an rational.

"Cheng'an, you should wake up quickly. If you have an accident, what should Yin Zhu do? You haven't become Yin Zhu's partner. You haven't even passed the assessment period. After that, you will be completely removed from Yin Zhu's partner list. You will never become Yin Zhu's partner in Cheng'an." Reich couldn't help shouting.

Leihe's words just fall, the opposite Chengan struggle more severe.

Cheng'an is a little sober at this time. At least Yin Zhu's words are in his eyes. Cheng'an has no consciousness before, but gradually feels a little bit. After feeling a little bit, he feels as if someone is robbing his body, as if he wants to squeeze him out of his body. Although he doesn't know why, he hears Leihe's words, Cheng'an Jue I can't do it myself. Isn't it for Yin Zhu that he worked so hard? How can we lose it at this last level.

Huiguang obviously also found this point. At this time, he gave Leihe a white look, and then said to tianjizi, "tianjizi, try to block the dragon's mouth. Otherwise, if you fail, you will not look good at that time."

Qingyunzi almost vomites his blood when he hears this. He is really angry that they have to clean up the mess. But now he really can't let Leihe do bad things. If Cheng an wakes up, he has a big opinion on them. I'm afraid Leihe won't take care of them.

"Cheng An, remember Yin Zhu. Don't lose yourself. Remember Yin Zhu. Your partner is Yin Zhu." RAH said aloud.

Although he is trapped in the array, his strength is still there. He wants to avoid it. He can do it for more than ten minutes. If he can't wake up Cheng an for such a long time, there's really no way.

With Cheng An's struggle, the resentment that had dissipated quickly developed, and he was swallowed when he got the Buddha's light. However, with the increase of his strength, Cheng An's reason lost another point.

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