Because of the revival of aura, the number of earth practitioners has increased a lot. Even the environment here has improved a lot, and there are many kinds of natural materials and treasures. However, these things are of little use to Yin Zhu. They are all practicing behind closed doors, and even leave the family affairs to their children.

After ten or twenty years of seclusion, all the kids in the family have grown up. Jin Yu and Le Xuan have already married. Even the kids in the back have two partners, and two are playing in the world. But maybe they know their own identity is special, so they don't look for ordinary people. The partners they are looking for are all practitioners, anyway Can accept their identity.

Yin Zhu didn't think that she would become a mother-in-law so soon, but she didn't like to take care of her children's affairs. The main reason is that several children have grown up and they will be responsible for their own affairs. Anyway, as long as they have no problems, all other minor problems can be ignored. Besides, the life of the monk is so long, her main years are with her companion Together, she is not a perfect person, why care about her children's partner, they like it.

On the one hand, Yin Zhu is a good mother-in-law. Anyway, they don't want to use things. Yin Zhu is very willing to give them. Besides occasionally asking them to practice, they really don't care.

Yin Zhu didn't get pregnant again for more than ten years. Every time she saw Bai Kun and Cheng An's disappointed faces, Yin Zhu felt very guilty. Unfortunately, she really had no way to do it. Yin Zhu wanted to try it by means of science and technology, but later Bai Kun refused. Bai Kun said that cubs were a matter of fate. If God didn't want them to have cubs So, there's no need to use those methods. The technology of this era is very advanced, but Bai Kun doesn't like to use these methods.

Of course, Bai Kun is more worried about what to do if those people secretly hide their blood for research. Although they have strong strength and can control some people, the people in this world are very powerful. Who knows if there is any way for others to get rid of their control, so they still don't want to. Moreover, Bai Kun is worried that the children who are forced to come will be bad, better than others If you are not in good health or in some ways, their practitioners attach great importance to cause and effect. They think that since heaven does not allow you to have babies, there is a reason.

Bai Kun can give up, and Cheng an naturally has no opinion. Seeing that Yin Zhu is suffering from this, Cheng an comforts Yin Zhu instead, "Yin Zhu, look at a few cubs. They are so noisy that they are going to die. It's good to stop them. Besides, we still have a long life. What's our hurry? Maybe the cubs will come soon."

On the surface, it seems that a little boy doesn't use how Yin Zhu takes care of them, but he is very tired of taking care of them every day, especially those men who love their children. In addition, the conditions of this era are very good. Those little boys are so spoiled that Yin Zhu is very tired of taking care of them every time. Taking care of children is really tiring.

Well, these two don't care. Yin Zhu puts them down for the time being. For the time being, Yin Zhu still wants to give them to Bai Kun and Cheng'an. After all, they all have them. We can't treat them badly.

It's a pity that Yin Zhu hasn't been pregnant for more than ten or twenty years in a row. Now it's time for Yin Zhu to break through again. Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun have broken through first. After several of them have broken through, they plan to follow the path of Bai Ji and Meng Ji.

In this world, Yin Zhu sent off her parents and elder brother. Apart from her own children, Yin Zhu has nothing to worry about. Besides, the children have their own way to go. She doesn't have to arrange everything for them. She just needs to take care of herself.

Of course, the dead children had different identities after all. Jono forced them to practice. By this time, the strength of the children had reached Yuanying. Although they were not the top group of people, they were already masters. It was OK to escape if there was anything.

Yes, several of them leave, but they don't plan to take their children. One is that they have their own partners. The other is that Baiji and Mengji never come back after they leave. Even Yinzhu doesn't dare to guarantee that their road is safe, so Jono doesn't plan to take some children.

But this time, Yin Zhu's family and qingyunzi's, qingyunzi's, qiongwu's and Yinzhu's. They have been in this world for a long time. In qingyunzi's words, they are tired of the world and want to go out. They didn't have that ability before, but now they have a little bit of it Maybe they're all going to leave.

Yin Zhu found that qingyunzi were all in pursuit of strength, and every one who had a chance to break through was practicing like crazy. Where did they fish for three days and dry their nets for two days? To be honest, Yin Zhu was a little ashamed compared with them.

It is clear that their strength is higher than that of qingyunzi. As a result, they are all overtaken by them. This time, they plan to go to the middle of the universe together and explore the outside world together.

The strength of Yin Zhu's several is not very different. After Yin Zhu's breakthrough, Tengxiao's several also get together to make a breakthrough, and then it's time to leave.

Yin Zhu takes a look at the world she is very familiar with. This is the world that she was born and raised to teach her how to behave. Later, she went to another world, and then desperately wanted to come back. But now that she has grown up, she has to leave this world again. Is it the same as a child growing up? When she grows up, she has to leave her hometown, go to the outside world, and wait for her old age I'm coming back.Yin Zhu is sure that she will come back. No matter how far she goes, she will try to come back.

"Go, don't send." Green cloud son Qiong Wu several at this time to their descendants said, this one by one reluctant to part with of appearance, this let a person feel at ease.

At this time, Bai Kun was in the front, because Bai Ji had left them a secret signal, and these Bai Kun could see that what Bai Ji left behind was sensed by blood, which ordinary people could not find.

Qingyunzi carefully follows Bai Kun. Yin Zhu stands over the earth and looks at the earth under her feet. Yin Zhu can't help but sigh. She never thought that she could stand over the universe one day.

Although the vast universe is the same, in fact, it is different. At least the road under their feet is different. Their road is safe. There are windstorms in many places outside the void. If they encounter windstorms, they don't know where they will be blown. What's more terrible is that the windstorms will tear their bodies. It can be said that they can die without a minute There is no burial ground. If there is no road, they will not stand here.

In fact, this road is not completely without wind. It's just a relatively safe road set up by monks in ancient times. If it's 100% safe, you won't ask for cultivation. There is still a little wind blowing here occasionally, but the wind has weakened a lot at this time. Just be careful and rely on their strength Strength is still able to withstand.

Although it was very hard and a little dangerous on the way, they were safe. Then Yin Zhu went to a gravel belt. Yes, it's a gravel belt here. If she didn't worry about safety, Yin Zhu wanted to study the stones under her feet. After all, they could float in the universe. There must be something special about them. Unfortunately, she didn't dare to do so Too dangerous to move.

When several people came to the center of the gravel belt, they finally saw a huge transmission array. The mark left by Bai Ji could not be found after here. They said that Ji had entered the transmission array. As for where the place behind the transmission array was, they really didn't know.

"Shall we go in, or shall we go back?" Jono looked at qiongwu and said.

Hearing this, qiongwu couldn't help laughing. "We've all come here. How can we go back? It's you who are still young. You can go back and live well. When you are old, you can come here a little bit more." Qiongwu and qingyunzi are thousands of years old. They all live a long life. Yinzhu and others are different. To put it bluntly, even if they don't take risks, they will live enough and deserve it.

Jono looked at Yinzhu at this time. Yinzhu said with a smile: "let's go. We've all come here. There's no reason to go back. Besides, I think I've always had good luck. I'll be fine."

Jono nodded, they will choose to come out, mainly want to see the outside world, and if there is a chance, they also want to find the orc world, and then go back.

When there is a chance to go back, no one will not want to go back, which is why Yin Zhu wants to take them out. At the beginning, Jono people were willing to go back to earth with Yin Zhu regardless of everything. Now Yin Zhu can also leave the earth and find a way home with them. Yin Zhu is very clear that Jono people will still want to go back to the orc world.

When there is a chance to go back, no one will not want to go back, which is why Yin Zhu wants to take them out. At the beginning, Jono people were willing to go back to earth with Yin Zhu regardless of everything. Now Yin Zhu can also leave the earth and find a way home with them. Yin Zhu is very clear that Jono people will still want to go back to the orc world. When there is a chance to go back, no one will not want to go back. This is why Yin Zhu wants to take them out. At the beginning, several people in Jono were willing to go back to the earth with Yin Zhu regardless of everything. Now Yin Zhu can also leave the earth to look for them.

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