Looking at Yin Zhu's loss, Jono couldn't help holding him. "Don't be sad about Yin Zhu." there are so many children in Yin Zhu who are practicing one by one, but Teng is not. Teng is a native ORC. At this time, he has already passed his life span.

In fact, they should not have put him in the orc world. They should have brought the child to the earth.

Tengxiao was also in a bad mood at this time. He clearly disliked the child, but when he returned to the world, he felt that Guan Teng was more and more impressed. He said that he had never been the child, but he still cared about it. It was the orc who had spread his blood. How could he not care.

Tengxiao even uses his own blood to feel it. Even if Tengxiao is dead, as long as he has left his offspring, Tengxiao can feel it more or less. Unfortunately, he doesn't feel it at all. That is to say, Tengxiao probably doesn't even have a child, and no one inherits his blood.

"I'm not sad. I just feel that the world is a little strange. It's no longer the place I'm familiar with, and the people I'm familiar with are gone. I feel that I've come back so hard, but I don't want what I want?" Yin Zhu sighs. Before, she dreamed of returning to the orc world and looking at the world. The world is developing very well. Just as they expected, the orcs have had a good life and are not lack of food and clothing. But none of the people in her memory are here.

Now the dream clan is gone, or the dream clan has been integrated into the ordinary orcs, which can't be found out. Thousands of years have passed, and too much has changed.

"Yin Zhu, you are too greedy. There is nothing in the world that can satisfy us. Actually, Yin Zhu, I know that we miss the world most. You are for us. In fact, I am very satisfied with the development of the orc world. No matter where I go in the future, I will be happy It can be said that I have achieved my goal in life. Although the world has changed, it is also moving forward. No matter I or Bai Kun, we are not sad and happy. " Jono couldn't help persuading.

Leihe nodded hastily at this time, "Yinzhu, in fact, we are very happy. Nothing is better than knowing that my hometown is now prosperous. Thank you, Yinzhu. Thank you for changing our world and bringing hope to the whole Orc world. All these are created by the knowledge you left behind. You should be proud of Yinzhu. At least I am very proud of you Howe, my partner is the greatest partner in the world

"Yes, Yin Zhu, you have also changed the fate of us. Thank you, Yin Zhu, and thank God for letting us meet you." Cheng An said gratefully.

"All of you are so sensational that I'll be moved to death." Yin Zhu covered his face in shame.

"Yin Zhu, let's have a good time in this world, and then we'll go back to earth, OK?" Bai Kun asked with a smile.

"Well." At the beginning, the orc world made great efforts to pull Yin Zhu over. In addition, didn't Bai Ji send Yin Zhu back to the earth by array at the beginning? They have high cultivation strength. It's too easy for them to arrange this array now. Yin Zhu also calculated the junction point of the two realms. At that time, they can return to the earth as long as they open the channel.

Whether it's the orc world or the earth, Yin Zhu wants to go back after so many years. He wants to send a message to the practitioners on the earth, so that they can go out with peace of mind. I don't know if Jinyu are still there after they go back?

"Well." It's hard to get to the orc world, and I don't know how long I can come back after I leave. Yin Zhu says that he naturally wants to go around the world, and even the specialties of the world can't be missed. Of course, it's too precious cultivation resources. Yin Zhu won't take away all the things. He will always leave a little, which can be regarded as a root for the orc world. This is also the cultivation experience for many years As for the habit of staying behind, it's better not to do too well in life. It's better to leave a line for people to talk.

He always has to go back. In addition, Yin Zhu has left some cultivation methods in some places, that is, ordinary cultivation methods. Yin Zhu has also collected some things over the years. These methods can't let the orcs break through the starry sky, but if they really practice, they can dominate the world. As for who can practice and get these things in the future, it depends on one's luck.

Yin Zhu thinks it's fun to bury some treasures for later generations. Jono laughs at Yin Zhu's Secret inheritance one after another. He can't help laughing. If Yin Zhu wants to play, he can have a good time.

Several people have been playing in the orc world for more than half a year. It can be said that the world is fun or not. Yin Zhu has been to any secret places, and they have decided to go back. Bai Kun has found a secret place to set up a one-time teleport array, which will send them back to the earth.

After returning to the earth, Yin Zhu found that the earth has changed a lot. Yin Zhu always thought it would be a high-tech world, but he found that the world is really high-tech now, but science fiction is also mixed in high-tech. anyway, along the way, Yin Zhu saw some people suddenly burst into fire, suddenly burst out of water, and all kinds of trees that can control the trees around him There are all kinds of them. It's a power or a cultivator. I dare not say it's all over the street, but at least there are many."The development of the world is often unexpected." Yin Zhu could not help feeling at this time.

"It should have something to do with the recovery of aura. You see, there are auras in ordinary cities now. In the past, there were only auras in secret places. It's estimated that after thousands of years, there will be a higher world of cultivation." Jono said with emotion.

Yin Zhu nodded, and then said, "the aura of our world comes from the world next door. Do you think the aura of that world is too much? Otherwise, there are so many auras."

"You don't care so much about it. Anyway, there are not too many auras." Jono said with a smile.

"Where are we going now?" Reich couldn't help asking.

"Go to zongmen. By the way, I'll find out the news of those boys. I don't know how they are tossed about. Maybe our grandchildren are over there now, and even generations of people are there." Bai Kun said jokingly.

At that time, they didn't take some of them because they were younger and less powerful. When they became powerful, they should learn from them and leave their children here.

"Well." Jono nodded. It's really the quickest way to understand the world is to go to zongmen. Someone will give them a detailed explanation at that time.

A few of them have disappeared in the city. When they reappeared, they were already in the small space above the North Pole. As soon as they entered the space, Yin Zhu couldn't help taking a breath. "The aura in this is very good. If only the aura of the whole world could reach this level in the future."

Tengxiao smiles and wants to say that it's very difficult. At this time, someone in the space has found their existence and stands up one by one to stop them.

At present, most human beings don't know about this space base, and some very powerful powers probably only know a little bit. They know that someone here has something good, but they still don't know exactly what.

Jono gently waved his hand at this time. At this time, all the people who intercepted them were abandoned. Jono had no intention of attacking these people, so these people just flew out and fell to the ground without any injury.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the secret place?" At this time, some people began to say that Luo Yinzhu was a few.

At this time, Jono showed his identity directly, and he didn't want to talk nonsense. He said directly that the people present heard that these were the founders of daze Zong, who came back now after leaving the earth. They were all dumbfounded, and soon daze Zong's people came to meet them.

At this time, Yin Zhu felt as if someone was looking at herself in the vast sea of people. She turned her head but didn't find anything. She couldn't help but wonder who was looking at herself. Now there are no familiar people, all strangers.

Dazezong's people soon confirmed Yin Zhu's identity, and then took Yin Zhu back.

The return of Yin Zhu also excited many people present. After all, the return of Yin Zhu shows that the way out is safe and promising.

At this time, Jono showed his identity directly, and he didn't want to talk nonsense. He said directly that the people present heard that these were the founders of daze Zong, who came back now after leaving the earth. They were all dumbfounded, and soon daze Zong's people came to meet them.

At this time, Yin Zhu felt as if someone was looking at herself in the vast sea of people. She turned her head but didn't find anything. She couldn't help but wonder who was looking at herself. Now there are no familiar people, all strangers.

Dazezong's people soon confirmed Yin Zhu's identity, and then took Yin Zhu back.

The return of Yin Zhu also excited many people present. After all, the return of Yin Zhu shows that the way out is safe and promising. At this time, Jono showed his identity directly, and he didn't want to talk nonsense. He said directly that the people present heard that these were the founders of daze Zong, who came back now after leaving the earth. They were all dumbfounded, and soon daze Zong's people came to meet them.

At this time, Yin Zhu felt as if someone was looking at herself in the vast sea of people. She turned her head but didn't find anything. She couldn't help wondering who was looking at herself

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