Yin Zhu happily looked at the identification system carefully, and the result of the previous identification of the little red fruit has come out. It is an unknown wild fruit, the fruit of vine plants, which contains a small amount of iron and zinc. The fruit is sour and bitter, with slight toxin and paralysis, and cannot be eaten.

At this time, Yin Zhu casually named the fruit Hongguo, and then quickly touched the plants nearby.

She wants to identify and find something to eat.

Because the level of the identification system is relatively low, Yin Zhu found that it takes 15 minutes to identify a thing, but as long as it has been identified, it will leave a file, and the next time it comes across it, it will be displayed, and there is no need to identify it again.

In the afternoon, Yin Zhu touched all the flowers and plants in the back mountain. Let alone, he found five kinds of food to eat.

One is the grass leaves whose leaflets grow like leeks, but the leaves are much longer than leeks, nearly one meter long, without the strong smell of leeks. Because the system suggests that they can be eaten, Yin Zhu picked some leaves and tasted them. They are very tender and have a light sweet taste.

Yin Zhu takes the name of incompetent, casually takes the name of leafy vegetables, and then cuts this bunch of leafy vegetables into his backpack. It should be enough for him to eat several meals. Remember this place carefully, and harvest the next time the leaves grow again.

I also picked up 17 eggs. I don't know what kind of eggs they are. The eggs are so big that they are as big as a small bowl for eating. Anyway, the system identified that they could be eaten, so Yin Zhu collected them directly.

Then there is a kind of fruit on the tree. I don't know what it is. The fruit is rich in starch and can be eaten, but it's not ripe yet. It's not recommended to pick it. Yin Zhu named it cassava. Potatoes contain a lot of starch.

Yin Zhu is very happy to find the sweet potato. It should be a staple food. If you can't finish eating it, you can make starch and make fans. According to Yin Zhu's memory, most orcs live by hunting. She can't stand eating meat all day long.

On this hill, Yin Zhu has found five such trees. It is estimated that there should be some on the hill next door, and a tree has at least hundreds of fruits. If she finds more, she will not worry about eating and drinking.

Then there are a lot of mushrooms. The diameter of large mushrooms is more than one meter, and the diameter of small mushrooms is 20 or 30 cm. These are natural wild mushrooms. They are good things. Although they have never been seen before, the identification system says that they can be eaten. What worries her? Of course, there are not many poisonous mushrooms called Yin Zhu.

The last thing you can eat is a kind of plant with small yellow flowers. It can clear away heat and toxin, relieve inflammation and pain, and remove fishy smell. In terms of category, it is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. Yin Zhu calls it huanghuacao. After picking a lot of it, you can get rid of fishy smell. Can it be used as seasoning after drying? Try to go home. You can't eat bad people anyway.

Yin Zhu was very satisfied with this afternoon's harvest, but he didn't have enough backpacks. He could only put one thing in one backpack, and the maximum number of each thing was 99. In one afternoon, more than half of the 100 backpacks were used, including more than ten squares of leafy vegetables and one square of mushrooms. I'll go back and sort out these things, and get rid of the mushrooms In addition to fresh food can be dried away.

The sky is getting dark, and she should go too. Tomorrow, she will go to other mountains to have a look. I believe that with her own efforts, she can support herself, so that she can not get married.

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