"Miao Ni, don't be sad. Go back and have a good rest. Maybe there will be a turn for the better. I will also persuade Mu Xing." Sophie comforted Miao Ni a few words and said that she must be standing beside Miao Ni.

Don't look at Miao Ni's timid and cowardly appearance, it is usually no one to provoke her, and her Sophie is because of the amulet Mu Xing, so Miao Ni will be obedient in front of her, without Mu Xing, Miao Ni is the God of wrath, dare to do anything.

The angry Miao Ni adds her own hint, but Sophie wants to see how Yin Zhu escaped the disaster.

This matter is how to find out how strange can not blame their own head, can be said to be the most perfect plan.

"Sophie, I feel so bad. You say I'm so good to Mu Xing. Why can't he see it?" Miao Ni sobbed.

"Muni, don't do that. I regret that. I knew I couldn't tell you." Sophie patted herself on the head in chagrin.

"If you don't tell me, are you going to treat me as a fool? When a couple of days later, the whole tribe will see my jokes. " Miao Ni was very upset.

Fortunately, now that she knows it, she has a bottom in her mind. In fact, she is already a joke of the tribe. When the females in the tribe face the males, they can't take advantage of each other. They can only do this kind of thing with Yin Zhu. In the past, there was Yin Zhu who was more stupid and uglier as a foil. However, when Yin Zhu had Jono, she suddenly changed her mind Evil return to the right, and become smart lovely gentle, it seems that she is particularly stupid.

Why did Yin Zhu change? It's as good as before. Sophie's good, she's good, and Mu Xing won't change his mind.

Sophie sighed when she heard this, "who will see your jokes? At least I won't. Mu Xing is too much. How can he be so indecisive? Other people follow him with their fingers. I'll teach him a lesson. Don't cry, Miao Ni."

Miao Ni shook her head when she heard this. "It's not mu Xing's fault. It's all Yin Zhu's fault. It's all her fault."

Sophie was overjoyed when she heard this. After her own hints, she finally knew what the point was.

"Sophie, I'm so sad. I want to be alone." Miao Ni cried for a while and wiped away her tears. Her eyes were gloomy and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Sophie sighed and patted Miao Ni on the shoulder. "Well, I won't say much about anything else, but you can't do anything stupid. There are not many males in this tribe, that is, we have thousands of males without Mu Xing. Think for yourself."

She is eager for Miao Ni to say that she is alone. Miao Ni must be thinking about how to deal with Yin Zhu. Thinking of this, Sophie can't help laughing. Miao Ni, I'm optimistic about you.

Sophie walked back with three steps. It seemed that she was worried about Miao Ni. Miao Ni raised her smile and waved her hand to let Sophie leave safely.

Miao Ni sat in the same place for a while, watching Yin Zhu fighting with several males of the Juque tribe from a distance, and laughing. It seems that the people of the Juque tribe like Yin Zhu very much. As expected, they were born cheap, and they seduced several males so quickly.

Miao Ni saw that Yin Zhu didn't like the bouquet of butterfly incense very much. She looked at the bouquet of butterfly incense with a frown, and then threw it on one side of the ground.

Miao Ni's heart is getting hotter and hotter. Yin Zhu goes too far. It's Mu Xing's heart. It's unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable for her to spoil Mu Xing's heart.

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