"There was no misunderstanding. I saw it with my own eyes." Miao Ni said maliciously.

See it with your own eyes? "Impossible, I have nothing to do with Mu Xing." Yin Zhu said that she was wronged. Besides, was her vision so bad? How can I look up to muxing's scum.

"You don't want to quibble. I saw Mu Xing courting you with a big bunch of butterfly incense, but you dare to trample on his heart and throw things on the ground. It's unforgivable." Miao Ni said angrily, she can't get something, but she abandoned it in other people's side.

Butterfly fragrance is the product of this thing. Now Yin Zhu wants to catch Mu Xing and beat her hard. He'll just stop pestering her and shut up the mad dog at home.

"Miao Ni, you really misunderstood me. Mu Xing gave me butterfly incense to apologize for Sophie. Sophie was upset about Jones' death. Mu Xing wanted to apologize for Sophie when she saw that Sophie was depressed." Yin Zhu explained in a hurry, damn it, her hands hurt. However, she lives in a remote place. I really hope that some people will find out what's wrong here soon.

When Miao Ni heard this, she was in a trance for a while. Yin Zhu quickly stepped back and separated from Miao Ni first.

"Miao Ni, you should know that Mu Xing is so fond of Sophie that he can't empathize with her in a short time. If Mu Xing is so easy to empathize with her, and you've been around him for so long, he'll have fallen in love with you, right?" Yin Zhu said that he is absolutely impossible with Mu Xing.

When Miao Ni heard this, she replied darkly, "are you mocking me for never getting Mu Xing's love?"

Yin Zhu wants to be crazy, "girl, the point is not here, OK?"

What's more, Yin Zhu really doesn't understand Miao Ni. You say you love Mu Xing madly, but mu Xing loves Sophie madly. She can be bullied and punished for mu Xing in front of Sophie, but now she can kill herself because of Mu Xing's arrogance. What's the two-way standard?

"Miao Ni, I didn't mean that. I still hope you and Mu Xing can be happy." Yin Zhu said that she raised her hands to bless the couple.

"Right and wrong will seduce men." Miao Ni looks at Yin Zhu with red eyes.

"Muni, you have gone too far. What do you mean I Seduce a man? Who do I Seduce?" Yin Zhu is a little angry. Recently, she just missed writing "good luck" on her face. What else should she do.

"You are shameless. If you don't seduce Tengxiao and Jono, how can Sophie be sad? If Sophie is sad, muxing will also be sad. If you didn't do these things, muxing would not pick butterfly incense for you. I've been with muxing for so long, and I've confiscated the butterfly incense that muxing gave me." Miao Ni said indignantly.

Why is it related to Sophie again? No, how can this good Mu Xing apologize for Sophie? It's not right for Miao Ni to come here at this time. Sophie calculated all this.

Damn Sophie, it's endless, right? She doesn't want to argue with her. As a result, she even arranged such a play for herself. Of course, there are two idiots, muxing and miaoni, who are the puppets in Sophie's hand. They are playing wherever they want.

"Sophie asked you to come." Yin Zhu asked, biting his teeth.

"Yin Zhu, it's no use saying more. You must die today. As long as you die, Tengxiao and Jono will return to Sophie. If Sophie is in a good mood, Mu Xing will be at ease. If Sophie has more males around, she won't instruct Mu Xing, so you must die." Miao Ni comes after Yin Zhu with a bone knife.

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