In the evening, Jono came back from hunting. He was very happy. Today, he snatched a prey from Tengxiao, which is rare.

I thought I could see Yin Zhu waiting for me in the square, but I didn't see anyone.

Qiao Nuo doesn't care. It's estimated that Yin Zhu sleeps late. The little girl likes to sleep originally. After she's pregnant with her baby, she likes to sleep even more. Today, she sleeps a little late.

Jono first hands over the prey to others, cleans up the stains on his body, and prepares to go back to the cave and ask Yin Zhu to eat.

Just when Jono arrived at the cave, he felt something was wrong. There was a faint smell of blood at the entrance of the cave. Because Yin Zhu liked to be clean, he never killed wild animals at the entrance of the cave. How could there be a smell of blood here? At this time, he was in a panic and ran into the cave. There was no one in the cave.

"Yinzhu, Yinzhu, where are you?" Jono cried out in horror.

Jono looked at the ground carefully at this time. He swept the soil on the floor with his hand. As expected, he found a dark red mark not far away. Moreover, the ground was clearly handled.

Thinking of this, Jono went straight to the other side of the square and said to Meng Tai, "father, Yin Zhu is missing. I found a bloodstain at the entrance of Yin Zhu's cave. I'm afraid that something might happen to Yin Zhu. Father, please ask someone to help me find it."

What? Montaigne knew about this and quickly mobilized the tribe to look for it.

Montaigne looked at the restless Jono, patted Jono's hand comfortingly and said, "Jono, don't worry. Maybe Yinzhu is OK, but you don't find it in any corner. Maybe she will appear in a moment."

Jono also wanted to say that it would be nice if this was the case. Soon the whole tribe helped to find Yin Zhu, but he couldn't find it. The tribe was so big, where could Yin Zhu go.

Qiao Nuo looked at Meng Tai and went directly to Tengxiao. "Tengxiao, Yin Zhu is gone."

Tengxiao looked at Jono's anxious appearance and stood up coldly, "I'll help you find it."

"Tengxiao, we must find Yinzhu as soon as possible. I'm really worried that something will happen to Yinzhu." Jono is in a hurry.

Tengxiao saw this, patted Jono on the shoulder and said, "I'll try my best to help. Don't worry."

"Tengxiao, you don't try your best. You have to try your best to find it. Yin Zhu is pregnant with your baby. She's gone in an accident." Jono anxiously said, originally wanted to hide Tengxiao also all said out.

"What? Jono, what are you talking about Tengxiao suspected that he had heard wrong.

At this time, Jono grabbed Tengxiao's arm, pointed to the mark under his armpit and said, "don't you find that you have more marks on yourself? Yin Zhu is pregnant with your baby. Tengxiao, go to find Yin Zhu. You must find Yin Zhu as soon as possible. "

Tengxiao is dull at first, and then angry. Damn Yin Zhu, Youzai doesn't say a word, including Jono. If Yin Zhu hadn't disappeared, this guy would not have told him the truth.

But after he was angry, he felt helpless. At the beginning, he was determined not to tell Yin Zhu. So Yin Zhu didn't tell him that he was pregnant with a baby, and he was careless. He didn't notice the mark on his body.

Tengxiao is really angry and anxious. Now he just wants to get people back quickly.

Aiya and Hongying know this matter, and they also quickly ask someone to help them find it. Damn it, the person they like was cut off on the way.

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