At the beginning of the dinner, the sound of silk and bamboo was heard all the time. The banquet was full of banquets, happy words, and singing and dancing. Yuwen Tonghui held up his wine cup and said to the emperor sitting on the Dragon chair, "emperor, this wine is for you. I hope our two countries can get along well with each other, benefit each other and become a friendly country." Then he drank the wine in the cup.

It turns out that he is the monarch of Qingchuan state. At the moment, an Hibiscus is embarrassed to the end. She has a feeling that she is blind. She just has eyes and doesn't know Taishan. She is a superior monarch. She is recognized as a thief by him. She is really disgraced and lost in the international arena.

"Hahaha, King Qingchuan said so." The emperor laughed, raised his glass and responded, "for the peace and health of our two countries, have another drink."

After the leaders of the two countries had a polite conversation, Yuwen Tonghui was no longer polite and put forward the purpose of his trip.

"Emperor, to tell you the truth, I come here for the friendship between the two countries and for a request."

Hearing that Yuwen Tonghui spoke so politely, since he had already said it, the emperor, as the host, naturally wanted to cater to it. The emperor put down his glass: "Oh! But it doesn't hurt to say so. "

"I hope to marry your country! Hope the emperor can find a match with the king, and point to marry with the king

The emperor thought and said, "I'll think about it and make a decision."

Two kings of supreme power talk above, while an mujin empties below. She has been regretting for yesterday's events. Now she can only pray silently, hoping that Yuwen Tonghui doesn't recognize herself.

After the dinner, an Mu Jin was a little sullen on her way back, "what's the matter, I'm in a bad mood!"

Jun Lintian looked at her and asked carefully. An mujin tells Jun Lintian about her and Yuwen Tonghui. Unexpectedly, Jun Lintian laughed, and they went back to their room to have a rest.

Yuwen Tonghui went back to his residence and remembered that he had just met an Hibiscus at the banquet. Meng Zhao's voice sounded outside the door: "my Lord, I have something to look for you."

Meng Zhao went to Yuwen Tonghui and asked carefully, "can you see the woman sitting next to his royal highness Chen at the banquet tonight?"

The woman beside his highness King Chen

Isn't that the girl who misunderstood me for stealing his purse

"Why?" Yuwen Tonghui has some doubts.

"She is an mujin, and this person is the reincarnation of the imperial concubine." Meng Zhao said excitedly.

Since listening to Yuwen Tonghui mention this person before, Meng Zhao has been beating her. Now she has a general understanding of an mujin, which is why he is so favored by Yuwen Tonghui.

"It turns out that she is an Mu Jin." Yuwen Tonghui narrowed his eyes, and his heart was clear.

"Let the emperor point her to the king, and tomorrow you will go to propose marriage!" Yuwen Tonghui said seriously, and his words were strong and firm.

"I'll do it now."

Ah! No, Wang Shang is too anxious. Why did Wang Shang make a decision so quickly? I'm afraid he didn't even see what his parents looked like. However, I can't interfere with Wang Shang's decision. Meng Zhao thought about quitting and going to the door.

After Meng Zhao left, Yuwen Tonghui stood up and went to the window to look at the dark night. The clouds were thick tonight, but his mood had no effect.

Oh! Ann Hibiscus didn't expect that we were so predestined, so soon to see!

Good morning the next day, hibiscus and junlintian were called to the main hall by the emperor, saying that they had something important to discuss. An Hibiscus walked quickly in front, and the emperor came to the sky leisurely and leisurely behind.

Seeing the casual appearance of Jun Lintian, an mujin was worried: "hurry up. It's late for a while. I'm afraid the emperor is not happy."

"What are you afraid of? Who won't give you some face when you are by my side?" Junlintian is very leisurely, but he is right. As long as he is there, no one dares to put her in Hibiscus.

An Hibiscus is to enjoy the appearance of junlintian to protect herself. As long as she has junlintian, even if she pokes a hole in the sky, he will make it up for him. I can't stand him so much that she will spoil herself. An Hibiscus quietly rolled her eyes and walked to him.

To the hall, Yuwen Tonghui, Meng Zhao several people are also in.

Just after the ceremony, the emperor looked at an mujin and asked, "what do you think of the king?"

"Ah! What are you talking about, emperor An Hibiscus was a little surprised. Why did the emperor suddenly ask such a question? Could he say that Yuwen Tonghui was good? If she could not, Yuwen Tonghui would be bad.

However, since the emperor had already asked, an mujin had to answer again. For such a man of ten thousand people, he must choose a good one and say, "I think he is very good, elegant and just."

Although she was dealing with it, an Mu Jin was very serious. She didn't notice that Jun Lin Tian's face was more than half black. This woman dared to say good things to other men in front of me.

"In that case, hibiscus, how about I point you to him?" The emperor said this in a low voice, but everyone in the shop could hear it.

It turns out that on the way to an mujin, the envoys of Qingchuan state came to the hall first, indicating Yuwen Tonghui's intention and proposing the terms of betrothal gifts.

Without waiting for an Hibiscus to answer, Jun Lintian, standing next to him, turned down his ice face with no expression: "no way!

Although there is no expression on Jun Lintian's face, his tone is irresistible. He is so invincible, so firm and dissatisfied, and so determined. "

Before an Hibiscus came to China, Jun Lintian said these two words so forcefully. She thought she had heard them wrong. As a result, Jun Lintian's words really scared an hibiscus.

"Why not? As far as I know, girl Hibiscus is still in her boudoir. Even if she falls in love with her highness, you are not married. Why can't we marry our king? " Meng Zhao interjected. He had heard about the name and prestige of Jun Lintian for a long time. Now he is really insightful, arrogant and arrogant. This kind of person is what Meng Zhao dislikes most. In his eyes, only Yuwen Tonghui has such capital, and others are in vain.

"I never need reason to speak." Jun Lintian's voice is still the same, but now he is more impatient. This is the first time that he meets someone who dares to question him like this. He is really impatient.

"Emperor, have you forgotten? Hibiscus and her royal highness Chen have an engagement. What's more, the imperial concubine's marriage can't be changed. How can you let me marry another king? "An Hibiscus has a tough attitude. The imperial concubine's marriage can't be regretted. If the emperor really wants to marry her to Yuwen Tonghui, he doesn't pay attention to the imperial concubine.

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