101. Give Me A Kiss

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Li Qinghao told Mr. Li and Mrs. Li that he wanted to go and live with Nancheng Lie for some days. They had no objection. After all, their son grew older and had his own friends. They were glad that their son was on friendly terms with Nancheng Lie, because it was good for him.

Inside the car.

Li Qinghao leaned back in the seat with his eyes closed. Nancheng Lie stole a glance at Li Qinghao from time to time, while driving. “Are you tired?” Li Qinghao’s tiredness and paleness needled Nancheng Lie.

“Yes, I’m tired, both physically and mentally.” Li Qinghao didn’t want to lie to Nancheng, because it would hurt him deeply. “By the way, what do you think Wilbert Dom wants? Mr. Li told me that an old acquaintance of his introduced Wilbert to him. He only has a small company, and his factory is small too. Wilbert should have known from the beginning that if he signs a contract with Mr. Li, Mr. Li will have to cooperate with other factories. I think he must have taken it into consideration before coming to China. So, why does he now play for time?”

Li Qinghao’s analysis hit the nail on the head.

“You are right. If he hadn’t been interested in the cooperation with Mr. Li, he wouldn’t have come to China. What’s more, why did he invite you to dinner with him tomorrow?” That was what Nancheng really cared about.

Li Qinghao chuckled, “Do you think he is interested in me? That’s impossible.”

Nanchenglie didn’t agree with him. “I believe in my taste. You are the best in the world; otherwise, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.”

Li Qinghao’s heart raced. Although he admitted he loved Nancheng Lie, he was not thick-skinned enough to confess his love at any time and any place, like Nancheng Lie did with him. Li Qinghao’s silence puzzled Nancheng Lie. He stopped the car and asked, “What’s wrong?”

There were only vehicles in the street at night. Sometimes the whistle of sports cars broke the silence. Li Qinghao sat quietly in the passenger seat, blushing with embarrassment.  Staring at Li Qinghao, Nancheng Lie instinctively leaned towards him. They were so close that they could feel each other’s hot breath.

Li Qinghao pushed Nancheng Lie away and said, “Don’t look at me with flirty eyes, okay?” Nancheng Lie’s eyes glowed with lust.

“You know, I can’t control myself.” Nancheng Lie sat upright and continued, “Alright, let’s talk about Wilbert Dom. Since you fear that he has a plot, you can ask Mr. Li to refuse the cooperation. The contract hasn’t been signed, right?”

Li Qinghao rolled his eyes at Nancheng Lie. “What should I say to Mr. Li? Should I tell him that I learned from the young master of Nancheng family that Wilbert Dom is the son of the King of Drugs in Germany?”

Nancheng Lie shrugged and said, “Why not?”


Li Qinghao raised his eyebrows, and then slowly curved his lips into a smile. “Yes, why not?” He took out his cell phone, dialed the home number and told Mr. Li that he was dubious about Wilbert’s real intention. Certainly, he didn’t mention directly that Wilbert’s father was a drug dealer. He just said euphemistically, “The Dom family is not as simple as we imagined. Wilbert is probably brewing a plot. So you’d better give up the cooperation with him.”

Mr. Li was a smart man, knowing that Li Qinghao was now with Nancheng Lie. As a self-made businessman, Mr. Li soon understood that it was a warning from Nancheng Lie. So he replied, “Okay, I got it.”

Li Qinghao hung up the phone. Nancheng Lie said, “You care more about the Li family than about the Han family.”

Li Qinghao shook his head and replied, “The Han family is different from the Li family. The Han family is well-connected with many influential people. What’s more, the Hans and the Nanchengs are family friends. People who want to gang up against the Han family, in fact, will give up their plan under intense pressure from Nancheng family. But the Li family has no powerful friends. I think maybe it’s destiny that I was reborn as Li Qinghao. I swear I will take care of his parents on behalf of Li Qinghao.”

The real Li Qinghao had died for him. Although he seemed aloof, he was a man with a conscience.

“You are taking advantage of us Nanchengs.”

Li Qinghao heard the jealousy in Nancheng Lie’s voice. He gazed at Nancheng for a while and asked, “Could you allow me to do that?”

“Let me see.” Nancheng Lie rubbed his chin meditatively and continued, “We can make a deal.”

“Oh? What do you want?”

Nancheng Lie tilted his face and said, “Give me a kiss. As long as you give me a kiss, I will do whatever you want me to do.”

Li Qinghao gave him a slap on the cheek as a response.

At Nancheng’s residence.

Li Qinghao walked ahead of Nancheng Lie. With Li’s luggage in his hand, Nancheng murmured, “Xu.”

“Uh-huh?” Li Qinghao looked back at Nancheng.

Nancheng Lie walked quickly to Li Qinghao and said in a very serious tone, “Xu, how could you beat your future husband?”


Everyone in the villa was startled by a loud thudding noise outside. All the people, including Nancheng Lie’s father and the gardeners, ran out to see what was happening. Then they saw Nancheng Lie, who always paid attention to his personal image, lying on his back on the ground and a handsome young man standing beside him. The young man smiled and said in a very gentle voice, “Now you know what ‘beating’ is.”

“God.” Nancheng Lie’s mother felt very worried. She wanted to go and check her son, but her husband stopped her. He shook his head and said, “Relax, don’t forget that our son has excellent fighting skills.”

His youngest son was brought up by his oldest son. Nancheng Yunyu had been concerned with turning Nancheng Lie into an all-round heir of LD organization. That was why Nancheng Lie had excellent fighting skills. As for his attitude towards that young man… Nancheng Lie’s father was curious. He remembered his son loved Han Mingxu. Why did his son allow that young man to take such liberties? Anyway, Mr. Nancheng felt well disposed towards that young man who could subdue his son.

“Qinghao……” A little girl ran out of the villa and rushed into Li Qinghao’s arms. “Qinghao, you are so wonderful!” While running, Nancheng Beibei looked at Li Qinghao with watery, adoring eyes.

She ran very fast, and accidentally stumbled over a stone. Fortunately, Li Qinghao responded promptly and caught her with his arms in time. Staying in the arms of the one she liked made Nancheng Beibei feel happier. With a triumphant smile, she threw her arms around Li Qinghao’s neck and planted several kisses on his cheek.

Nancheng Lie got insanely jealous. He instantly got up from the ground, detached his niece from Li Qinghao’s arms, walked to the door and threw her into Nancheng Yunyu’s arms. He looked earnestly at his eldest brother and warned, “Bro, you have to do something about your daughter. Don’t let her behave as if in heat.”

Nancheng Yunyu’s wife was a white-collar elite. Although she had a high IQ, she was confused by Nancheng Lie’s words. She looked Li Qinghao up and down.

This young man reminded her of Han Mingxu who was not a Nancheng but had a very special position in the Nancheng family. It was all because he was in the good graces of the most favored son of the Nancheng family, Nancheng Lie. But now Li Qinghao seemed to take Han Mingxu’s place in Nancheng’s heart.

Nancheng Beibei shouted, “Uncle, how can you bully me? I’m not in heat. Only Blake will go into heat.” Blake was a sheepdog. He was Nancheng Beibei’s pet. Nancheng Lie had given Blake to Nancheng Beibei on her fifth birthday.

Nancheng Yunyu turned to his little daughter and asked, “How do you know Blake will go into heat?” Nancheng Beibei was just a seven-year-old girl. The subject about estrus was too deep for her.

Nancheng Beibei smiled complacently and explained, “Once when Blake was ill, I had Uncle Yunsen examine him. Uncle Yunsen said that Blake entered estrus. I asked Uncle Yunsen what he meant by estrus, he told me that during estrus males always wanted to sleep with females.”

“Nancheng Yunsen.” Nancheng Yunyu turned himself in the direction of the hall and fixed his dark, cold eyes on Nancheng Yunsen who had just come downstairs after a shower.

Nancheng Yunsen gave a shiver. It was June, and the weather was getting hotter. Why did he feel cold?

“Why are you all standing at the door?” Nancheng Yunsen was wearing a sapphire blue night-robe. Drips of water rolled down from his wet hair. He looked very sexy.

Due to Nancheng Beibei’s words, the whole Nancheng family concurred that Nancheng Yunsen was in heat. As the leader of the younger generation, Nancheng Yunyu ordered, “Take him back to his bedroom, and make him dress properly.”

The guards replied with one voice, “Yes, sir.” They were affiliated to the armed forces of LD organization. They were the best of the best.

The next second two tall, strong men appeared in the hall and dragged Nancheng Yunsen upstairs.

Nancheng Lie carried the luggage in one hand and his free hand grabbed Li Qinghao by the wrist. Then he walked up to his parents and said, “Dad, Mom, this is Li Qinghao. He’s the one whom I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

Nancheng Lie was very blunt and straightforward. He formally introduced Li Qinghao to his family, hoping that his family would respect Li Qinghao like they did with him. He had no idea how shocked his family would be after hearing his words. He never took their opinions into consideration. When he had been a junior high school student, he had told his father directly that he loved Han Mingxu. He was not imploring his family to accept his beloved; in fact, he was telling his family that they had to accept his beloved.

All the people looked at Li Qinghao, but he didn’t feel embarrassed. He came gracefully up to them and said, “Hello, I’m Li Qinghao. I will live here in the following days. I hope that we will get along well.” Each of the Nancheng family was shrewd. They could tell at a glance what kind of person Li Qinghao was.

Nancheng Yunyu, who knew the truth, had no objection. His wife didn’t care whom her brother-in-law was with. Mr. Nancheng was glad that someone could have his youngest son eating out of his hand. Mrs. Nancheng didn’t understand why her son, who had loved Xu deeply before, suddenly fell in love with another man, but she had no objection to their being together, because she knew Li Qinghao was a man of good character.

Nancheng Lie took Li Qinghao’s hand and brought him to his bedroom. Then he looked at Li Qinghao with confident, proud eyes and said, “You’ve met my parents, and I’m your fiancé now.”

Blue veins stood out on Li Qinghao’s temples, and he was unable any longer to keep from picking up a pillow and throwing it at Nancheng Lie. ‘Damn it! He’s such a self-righteous bastard, but I can’t refuse him,’ Li Qinghao thought.

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