113. The Decision of Giving Up The Throne

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“Get away from me!” Li Qinghao’s temples pulsed, threatening a headache. No doubt Nancheng Lie was the biggest trouble of his life. “We’ve got to get out of here first. The really interesting part of the show will be performed tomorrow.” He curved his lips into a cold smile. He was cool, aloof and afraid of getting into trouble, but it didn’t meant that he would not strike back when attacked.

“Wow!” Nancheng Lie pounced on Li Qinghao again. He flung his arms around Li’s neck and showered Li with kisses. “You look so sexy when you are serious…” He paused and lowered his voice, “I can’t resist your charm, honey.”

Nancheng Lie’s honeyed words sounded pleasant to the ear, but Li Qinghao remained unmoved. He even had an impulse to tear Nancheng limb from limb.

“Alright.” Seeing that Li Qinghao was livid, Nancheng Lie raised his arms in surrender. “Xu, we are a couple, and you should get used to my style of flirting. It will be good for…” He broke off in the middle of a sentence.

“For what? Uh-huh?” Li Qinghao asked in a heavily teasing tone. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Nancheng Lie with a shadow of a smile.

A look of provocation swept across his handsome face. Most of the time Li Qinghao was aloof and detached, but at this moment, he looked so seductive that Nancheng Lie couldn’t take his eyes off him. Nancheng swallowed hard and answered, “It will be good for our sex life.”

Li Qinghao covered Nancheng Lie’s mouth with his hand. How could he be so brazen? “Listen, don’t say such things to me anymore.” The Han family was a scholarly family, and every member was well-spoken. Nancheng Lie’s words obviously offended Li Qinghao.

Li Qinghao rolled his eyes at Nancheng Lie, and then took out a sheet of paper from the inside pocket of his jacket. He unfolded the paper. It was a map.

“Why are you so kind to your twin brother? He’s a murderer!” Nancheng Lie held Li Qinghao’s hand and asked, “Are you sure you want to help him?”

Li Qinghao nodded his head, “I want to help him, but it doesn’t mean I have forgiven him. You know me. I’m not a kind-hearted man. Even if my twin brother hadn’t been Keqi, he would have killed me two years ago. There are two kinds of miserable people in the world: the dead and those who are alive but unable to control their own destinies. From the point of view of an outsider, what Keqi did is understandable. If I had been Keqi, I would have made the same choice. Frise is also a pitiable figure, but I’ll never forgive her.” A trace of ruthlessness crossed his eyes. Although he seemed distant and indifferent, he was soft-hearted underneath. Most of the time he was too lazy to make a fuss about trivialities, but this time he was terribly offended because Frise had crossed the line several times.

Nancheng Lie ran his tongue around his lips. He really wanted to play role-playing games and have sex with Xu. It must be very exciting!

Seeing the burning desire in Nancheng Lie’s eyes, Li Qinghao knew that Nancheng Lie must be fantasizing about making love with him. He let out a breath in a long sigh. He had a presentiment that Nancheng would continue to bring him trouble.

According to the map, they found the exit. There was a large wood outside, where Mu Ming was waiting for them.

“How could you be so slow? I almost thought you two were already killed by Frise.” Mu Ming had been in a bad mood all day, because he had been involved in trouble for no reason. Now he was angrier because he was kept waiting outside for a long time.

“Some things can only be done at night,” Nancheng Lie said meaningfully.

“Shut up!” Li Qinghao gave Nancheng a warning look and asked Mu Ming, “Have you found substitutes for me and Lie?”

“Sure.” Mu Ming clapped his hands, and two men came out of the woods. It was so dark that Li Qinghao couldn’t see their faces clearly, but they two resembled Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao separately in shape. “Give them your clothes, quickly, they’ll go back to the villa instead of you. Come one, there’s no time.”

“Okay.” Nancheng Lie was very expert at undressing himself.

“After putting on these clothes, they look very much like us from a distance. As long as they don’t let the bodyguards see their faces, the bodyguards won’t discover the truth. Then Frise would think we were still in this villa.” Li Qinghao didn’t like to play games, but it didn’t mean that he didn’t know how to play games. He only wanted to play high-level games.

The two men got dressed and walked into the villa. Mu Ming watched their figures disappear. “Let’s go,” he urged.

After walking along a mountain road for half an hour, they finally arrived at the foot of the mountain, where Mu Ming’s car was parked. Although Nancheng Lie had a flashlight in his hand, it could only pick out the dim figures of Li Qinghao. They got in the car, and Mu Ming turned on the lights. Nancheng Lie got worried at the sight of Li Qinghao’s pale face. “Xu, are you okay?” Damn it! Did the virus in his body show its effect again?

Li Qinghao smiled soothingly at Nancheng Lie and answered, “My feet hurt after a long walk, but I’m okay.”

Nancheng Lie frowned. After a while, he stopped frowning, smiling as if nothing had happened. He took Li Qinghao in his arms and said, “Try to get some sleep. I will take care of the rest.”

“Okay.” Li Qinghao didn’t refuse. Sometimes obedience was a a good way to get along with your partner.

Mu Ming slammed his foot on the accelerator and soon the car was speeding off. Before long they arrived at Mu Ming’s house.”In order to ensure your safety, I had to bring you to my house. Really, Boss, I intend to sell this house and buy a new one, when everything is settled. Can you buy me a new house, Boss?”

Nancheng Lie readily agreed, “No problem.”

“Really?” Mu Ming could hardly believe what he just heard.

“Yes.” Nancheng replied in a firm tone. “But your bonus will decrease year by year.”

“Shit!” Mu Ming cursed.

The second day.

At 10 a.m.

After having been photographed kissing a mysterious man on the coast, Keqi had held a press conference and openly admitted to reporters that he was gay. But this was only his personal response. As the king of Leiluo Kingdom, he had to bear all the consequences of his actions.

Now it was time.

Not long ago Keqi had been crowned king in this magnificent cathedral. Now he was standing here once again, but no longer the noblest man in Leiluo Kingdom, at least in the eyes of the royals. However, they didn’t know that Keqi felt relaxed and peaceful at this moment because for the first time he felt that freedom was within reach. To be honest, he preferred to be a free citizen rather than a king.

Standing on the platform, Keqi looked down at the royals who were sitting in the auditorium. He felt as if he was surrounded by strange people. The royals had always greeted him with bright, charming smiles some days ago when he had been a noble king. Now they looked like demons, although they were smiling brightly.

“Your Majesty, please forgive me for being impudent. God bless Leiluo Kingdom. Now you have to give me the ring that symbolizes the power of the king.” The priest, who had given the ring to Keqi at the enthronement, now forced Keqi to surrender the ring.

“Okay.” Keqi slipped the ring from his left thumb. He felt as if he was relieved from a heavy burden. He paid for his mistakes, and at the moment, he was light-hearted.

In Leiluo Kingdom priests were intermediaries, like judges in a court of law. They always remained impartial. So, the priest didn’t give the ring to anyone else. He just took the ring from Keqi’s hand and put it on the offering table. “The royals have presented a petition with joint signatures. Your Majesty, they want you to give a more detail explanation about your sexual orientation.”

“There’s no need to explain more. I have made it clear at the press conference that I’m gay. What’s more, I don’t think today you guys are here to make further investigation of my sexual orientation.” Keqi curved his lips into a faint, sarcastic smile.

“No!” Frise stood up and said sadly, “Your Majesty, I don’t believe you are gay. I know you have your reasons. Can you tell me?” She was behaving like a decent, kindly elder, but in fact, she was warning Keqi not to defect.

All the other royals thought Frise was afraid of having no one to depend on after Keqi’s abdication, but they were wrong.

“Aunt Frise.” Keqi’s soft voice rang in Frise’s ears. She was stunned for a moment. When he was a child, he had called her ‘Aunt Frise’. At that time, he had been naive, simple and full of hope and anticipation. But when he grew up and knew that he was just a tool to help her grab power, he was a changed man. From then on, he always talks to her in a sarcastic tone. “Aunt Frise, thank you for your untiring and sincere teachings. I’m sorry I disappointed you and Grandpa. I know the scandal about me has brought disgrace upon the Royal Family of Leiluo Kingdom. In order to redeem the honour of Leiluo Kingdom, I decide to give up the throne.”

Just as the words fell from his lips, the nobles burst into an uproar.

“Is there any other legal heir to the throne?”

“His Majesty has no brothers or sisters.”

A buzz of excitement filled the cathedral.

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