115. Jimmy’s Betrayal

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Frise and Keqi got in the car. Jimmy followed close behind them.

Sitting in the car, Frise took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, “Are they two still in the villa?” Although she was sure that the first voice from the loudspeakers belonged to Nancheng Lie, she wanted an affirmative answer from the guards of her villa. “They are still there. Okay, I see.”

“What have you done to Nancheng Lie and Qinghao?” Not only Frise, but also Keqi believed that the first voice from the loudspeakers belonged to Nancheng Lie. But hearing what Frise said, he thought that maybe he was wrong.

Frise sneered, “My dear nephew, you should worry about yourself instead of Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao.” There were no outsiders in the car, so Frise didn’t bother to pretend to be gentle and kind.

“Hahaha…” Keqi gave a little chuckle. “Apart from my life, I have nothing. To me the worst thing is death, but you know, I’m not afraid of it. So, I don’t think I need to worry about myself. By the way, Auntie, I have to say your plan is really great.”

“Shut up!” Frise knew Keqi was mocking her failure. After a moment’s silence she asked, “Han Mingxu… Did you really kill him?”

Keqi squinted at Frise and answered her question with another question, “Do you think a man will return to life after death, Auntie?”

Her men had been beside him when he had killed Han Mingxu two years ago. There was no doubt that Han Mingxu was dead, but the man had introduced himself as Han Mingxu just now. Who the hell was he?

There was a dead silence in the car.

The car drove out of the city proper and came to the suburbs. The driver, who had been silent all the way, finally said, “There are two masks on the back seat. Please put them on.” His voice was emotionless. The masks could blindfold their eyes.

“What?! What did you say?” Frise screamed. How dared he ask her to put on such a mask?

The driver explained in a flat voice, “Mr. Han asked you to do that.”

“You…” Frise wanted to say something more, but out of the corner of her eye she saw that Keqi already put on a mask. Frise hesitated for a moment, but finally she pick up the other mask and put it on.

Half an hour later, the car finally stopped.

“Now you can take off the masks,” the driver said, opening the car door.

For Frise and Keqi, this was a completely strange place. They looked around and found themselves on the hillside. There were several houses nearby. Although they knew that they were still in the royal city, they couldn’t tell exactly where they were.

“Please follow me.” The driver led them into a villa.

Unlike Frise’s private villa, there was no bodyguard outside this villa. Obviously, the owner of the villa was a very confident person and not worried that Frise and Keqi would play tricks.

They passed a big garden, which was full of beautiful flowers, but they were in no mood to stop and enjoy flowers. They came to the hall, but there was no one in it.

Suddenly there came a low, male voice, “Welcome to this villa.” A tall, well-built man in a strange mask came down the stairs. It was Mu Ming.

Mu Ming thought it necessary to wear the mask. In the event that conflicts occurred, the mask could keep his face hidden from Frise and Keqi, and he would be safer.

But his mask… With the mask he looked like a vampire in movies who had a large, fierce-looking mouth. When you suddenly saw him in this empty villa, you would think you were stepping into a mysterious place.

The driver was speechless. He could’t imagine his boss having such a special hobby.

Frise glared at the masked man in front of her, as if she was almost going to bite his head off. Standing at the foot of the stairs, Mu Ming had no intention of moving on. “Princess Frise, if you want to see my master, please follow me upstairs. As for this gentleman…” Mu Ming paused for a moment. Then he turned to the driver and said, “Take him to the guest room for a rest.”

“What is your purpose? Are you the man who called himself as Han Mingxu in the cathedral?” Frise put forward a series of questions.

Mu Ming covered his ears with his hands and replied, “No, I’m nothing but an unimportant person. The people upstairs will give you an answer.” Mu Ming couldn’t stand garrulous women like Frise, but he felt well disposed towards Keqi, because Keqi had been silent since he entered the villa. In the eyes of Mu Ming, Keqi was calm and level-headed.

Mu Ming led Frise to the door of a room. Then he turned around to leave.

Frise shouted at him, “Wait a minute!”

Mu Ming looked back at her and smiled, “Your Highness, don’t tell me you are scared.”

As a matter of fact, Frise was a little scared. Everything happened so fast that she had no time to think about what was upon her. What was more, this villa was weird.

“Don’t worry. Inside the room are living people, not ghosts.” Mu Ming waved his hand and left.

The door was slightly open, and there was only a crack between the door and its frame. Frise tried to look inside through the crack, but saw nothing because the crack was very thin. After hesitating for a few seconds, Frise resolutely pushed open the door.

Then she froze.

A woman, who wore a revealing low-cut top, sat on the sofa in the room. The woman was a complete contrast to Frise.

Her presence frightened Frise.

The woman had been waiting in the room for a long time. She was hired to wait here for a guest. She thought that her guest would be a man, but it turned out to be a woman. She was actually a prostitute. Because of the low status of women in Leiluo Kingdom, women were looked down upon, let alone prostitutes.

“Why are you here?” Frise blurted out.

“What?” The woman blinked and looked at Frise quizzically. She got a feeling that she had seen Frise before somewhere. After thinking for a while, she shouted out in happy surprise, “Princess Frise… You are Princess Frise!” She didn’t expect to see the noble Princess Frise here.

Frise calmed herself down. The woman’s reactions showed that she only knew Frise by repute. Perhaps it was because she had seen Frise on TV or in the newspapers that she could recognize her. But Frise was very impressed with the woman’s face.


“It seems that you have a pleasant chat with your old friend.” A door that connected this room with a fitting room was pushed open, and in the next second Nancheng Lie appeared in the doorway. He wore an evil smile.

“You… Why are you here?” Frise subconsciously took a few steps back. She had just called the head of her personal bodyguards, and he had told her that Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao were still in the villa. How could Nancheng Lie appear here?

“Me?” Nancheng Lie ran his tongue around his lips and continued, “Maybe… Nancheng Lie and I are twin brothers, just like Han Mingxu and Keqi.”

Nancheng Lie walked in. He motioned the woman to go out. Then he sat down on the bed, crossed his legs and looked at Frise with a shadow of a smile.

He was happy to see that Frise’s face changed in a flash. Although he was smiling, his eyes were as cold as ice.

“You are not Nancheng Lie.” Frise shook her head. Nancheng Lie wouldn’t look at her with such cold, pitiless eyes.

“Who do you think I am, Your Highness?” asked Nancheng Lie.

“Who the hell are you?” She didn’t think he was Nancheng Lie, but his voice was exactly the same as Nancheng Lie’s.

In the eyes of Frise, Nancheng Lie was just a playboy, completely different from the man in front of her who was obviously a dominating figure.

“I…. If you think I’m not Nancheng Lie, you can call me Han Mingxu,” Nancheng Lie said casually. A murderous glow appeared in his eyes. ‘This damned woman asked Keqi to kill Xu. In the final analysis, she is largely blamed for Xu’s death. Keqi has to pay a price. As for Frise, I will make her life a living hell,’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

He clenched his fists, blue veins popping out on the back of his hands.

All the hardships he had suffered was caused by this woman.

“I should have guessed! You installed those loudspeakers in the cathedral and….” Frise was interrupted by the ringing phone. She glanced at the screen. The call came from her bodyguard. “What’s the matter?… What?!” A few minutes later, Frise hung up the phone. She turned to look at Nancheng Lie. Her attitude toward him changed. She furrowed his brow and asked, “Are you really Nancheng Lie?”

Her bodyguard told her on the phone just now that the two men in the villa were in fact not Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao. If this was the case, the person in front of her was probably Nancheng Lie.

If he was Nancheng Lie, he must have already known the real relationship between Keqi and Han Mingxu and what she had done to Han Mingxu.

“Shh!” Nancheng Lie stretched out his index finger, signalling for Frise to keep quiet. “Now let me tell you a story.” He took out a voice recorder from his trouser pocket, and then pushed the play button…


Frise’s scream reverberated in the room.

“What do you think of the story? It’s more wonderful than Chinese folklore, isn’t it?” Nancheng Lie slid the recorder into his pocket and stood up. “Both you and Keqi deserve to die.” His tone of voice suddenly changed. There was no mistaking the venom in his voice.

As Nancheng Lie approached, Frise instinctively stepped back. She was overwhelmed with an intense sense of fear, because Nancheng’s eyes glowed murderously when he looked at her. She began to tremble all over.

“What are you afraid of? Xu felt no fear even when the bullet punctured his chest. Why are you so afraid, Princess Frise? Uh-huh?”

Nancheng slowly forced Frise into a corner. Then, he raised his hands and pressed them separately onto the wall near her ears. He looked coldly at her and twisted his lips into a cruel smile.

‘I will torture this woman to death. Even if Xu intercedes for her, I won’t let her off,’ Nancheng Lie thought.

“Han Mingxu… Is he really alive?” Frise couldn’t believe it. Keqi had killed Han Mingxu with his own hands two years ago. How could Han Mingxu still be alive?


Nancheng Lie gave Frise a hard slap. She was hit so hard that she fell to the ground and her face went numb. Frise choked and spat out some blood. “Hoo…” Nancheng Lie blew on his palm and said, “I’m sorry. I’m not a gentleman. I will crucify anyone who falls foul of me, no matter it’s a man or a woman.”

“You…” Frise swallowed the words that she was going to say when she saw the pitiless eyes of Nancheng Lie.

Just then, someone knocked at the door.

“Come in.” Nancheng Lie put on the mask of a playboy again and looked in the direction of the door with a smile. But the next second his smile disappeared. “Oh, it’s you, Jimmy.”


Frise’s eyes widened in astonishment. She looked at Jimmy, who was standing in the doorway, and asked, “Are you here to save me, Jimmy? Come here… No! You betrayed me!” Seeing that Nancheng Lie was familiar with Jimmy, Frise was suddenly enlightened.

How did they escape from her villa? With Jimmy’s help, they could do it easily. Their arrival in Leiluo Kingdom meant the beginning of their plan. The reason Jimmy stayed by her side was because he had been ordered to spy on her.

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