121. We Are A Couple

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

It was not difficult to fake up such an excuse. Li Qinghao phoned Mr. Li. “Dad, an archaeologist I know told me that a site of ancient culture has been found in the south of our country. He urgently needs a person who is skilled in photography, so he phoned me. I will immediately set off to join him. Maybe we won’t see each other for the next few months. Please tell mom about it.”

His voice filled with juvenile vitality, not as gravelly as before. Mr. Li did a double-take when he heard Li Qinghao’s clear voice from the other end of the line. “You… What’s wrong with your voice?”

Mr. Li felt that his son had been like a new man since he awoke from his coma. His daily performance was incredible. The doctor told Mr. Li that the radical changes to his son’s personality couldn’t be explained by medical science. Anyway, Mr. Li was quite satisfied with his son’s performance so far. So, to sum up, Mr. Li thought that God was fair.

“Dad, you must have watched the news about my senior. He’s now the king of Leiluo Kingdom. A few days ago he was involved in a scandal, so Nancheng Lie and I came to Leiluo Kingdom to visit him. The weather here is quite changeable, so I have caught a cold.” Li Qinghao gave an impeccable explanation.

“I’ll tell your mom about it. But remember, the doctor told you not to overuse your legs…”

“Don’t worry, Dad. I’ve been to the hospital, and the doctor said that I’m recovering well. As long as I avoid severe exercise such as running, there won’t be any problem. By the way, perhaps the signal around that site will be choppy. Please don’t worry if you can’t reach me on the phone.”

“Okay, I see. You are old enough to make your own decision. All I can do is support you.” As a self-made man, Mr. Li became more and more fond of his son, and his attitude towards his son was very liberal.

After reaching an agreement with Mr. Li, Li Qinghao hung up the phone and turned to look at Nancheng Lie. “What in the world are you doing?” Just now when Li Qinghao had talked to Mr. Li on the phone, Nancheng Lie had kept caressing his face. Now Nancheng Lie was constantly tugging at Li Qinghao’s collar.

“Wow, you have beautiful, translucent skin.” Nancheng Lie had felt bored when Li Qinghao had been on the phone with Mr. Li. So he began to study Li Qinghao’s face. Suddenly he found that Li Qinghao’s skin was much smoother than before. Out of curiosity, he began to caress Li Qinghao’s face.

“Do you want to ask how I keep youth?” Li Qinghao pushed Nancheng Lie away. To be honest, he thought that getting younger was acceptable. After all, it was nothing, compared with the soul transmigration. But how to deal with Nancheng Lie was a big headache for him. He had a sense of foreboding that he would be constantly harassed by Nancheng Lie from now on.

Nancheng Lie curled his lips into a sexy smile. “I won’t ask such a silly question. After all, you are not a woman.”

Li Qinghao rolled his eyes at Nancheng Lie. “Since you know I’m not a woman, don’t ogle at me like that. Now, go and start the car!”

“You can’t wait to come home with me to see my parents– that is to say your parents-in-law?”

“Shut up! Drive me to any clothing store,” said Li Qinghao.

‘He’s an idiot! Does he think that I look fine in this oversize gym suit?’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

If Li Qinghao were still 183 cm tall, they would went to the clothing store that they used to frequent. But the pity was that Li Qinghao was now only 163 cm tall. None of the clothes in that store was the right size for him. So, they had to go to a new shopping mall.

Standing at the front door of the shopping mall, Nancheng Lie raised his hand and asked, “Can I ask you a question, Xu?”


“Are we going to buy some large-size children’s clothes or small-size adult clothes?” Nancheng Lie asked in a teasing tone.

Hearing this, blue veins stood out on Li Qinghao’s temples. He clenched his fists and punched Nancheng Lie in the abdomen.

“You’re hurting me.” Nancheng Lie gulped in pain. Although Li Qinghao was petite, he was a boxer with a strong punch because he had been trained specifically in unarmed combat.

“Do you want to die?” Li Qinghao didn’t expect Nancheng Lie to act shamelessly like that.

“No.” Nancheng Lie smiled like a playboy. He threw his arm around Li Qinghao’s shoulders, bent over and whispered in Li’s ear, “I want to be with you forever.”

In the eyes of passersby, Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao were like a couple of real brothers. What was more, they were both handsome. It is generally known that handsome guys are always eye-catching. While Nancheng Lie was immensely attractive to mature women, Li Qinghao was attractive to maidens. So, almost all of women around cast sheep’s eyes at Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao.

Li Qinghao didn’t want to behave rudely in public, so he had to resist the impulse of kicking Nancheng Lie. He curved his lips into a faint smile. Nancheng Lie’s heart began to thump wildly.

They came to the casual clothing section where there were all stores of world-famous brands. According to Li Qinghao’s previous preferences, he would buy shirts and casual trousers. But now he was a teenager in appearance and not suitable for collared shirts. So, he had to give up his usual preferences.

“Xu, how about this one?” Nancheng Lie picked up a purely white T-shirt with three-quarter sleeves and a round collar. There was no pattern on the T-shirt. Nancheng Lie showed the T-shirt to Li Qinghao. Its design was very simple, and few people could look sexy in it.

But Li Qinghao was an exception. He had the air of a mature, noble, charming man.

“Not bad,” Li Qinghao believed in Nancheng Lie’s taste in clothes. “I also want that black pants. Emm… a small size is okay.”

“Okay, wait a moment, please.” A waitress quickly fetched the pants that Li Qinghao wanted. The pants were purely black. “The fitting room is over there.”

Li Qinghao didn’t want to try on the new clothes, but the sportswear he was dressing now belonged to Yingli and was too large for him. He wanted to change clothes as soon as possible.

When Li Qinghao was in the fitting room, Nancheng Lie picked out two more tracksuits. One was pure blue, and the other was pure black. “I want these two styles of clothes. Please fetch him and me two sets each, according to our sizes.”

“No problem. Are you two brothers?” The waitress began to pack the clothes, while chatting with Nancheng Lie.

Nancheng Lie hated to be mistaken for Li Qinghao’s brother, because Han Mingxu used to regard Nancheng Lie as his brother. He had a hard time establishing a romantic relationship with Xu. Now he had an itch to announce to the world that they were together. So, he was satisfied with the waitress’s question. “No.” He gave a bright smile and continued, “We are a couple.”

“You are a couple?!” The waitress’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Yes, we are gay. Have you seen any other couples like us?” Nancheng Lie was trying to play a trick on the waitress.

“Yes, of course I have.” The waitress nodded repeatedly. “I often read novels about boys’ love. I’m a fujoshi.” The waitress’s eyes glowed with excitement. Since Nancheng Lie had the good grace to admit that he was gay, she decided to ask him outright, “Are you gay? Are you really gay?” It seemed that handsome guys were all gay. The young boy, who was trying on clothes in the fitting room, must be the bottom one.

Nancheng Lie was about to answer when Li Qinghao pulled open the door of the fitting room. He came out in his new clothes. He was aware of the waitress looking at him with blazing eyes as if he were a delicious dish. Li Qinghao let his eyes settle upon Nancheng Lie’s face and saw him smiling like a hoodlum. “What are you smiling at?” He gave the old clothes to the waitress and said, “Please bag up these clothes for me. I’ll leave in the new clothes.”

“Shh!” Nancheng Lie made a gesture at the waitress and indicated that she should keep their conversation a secret. Then he picked up the four tracksuits that the waitress had packed. “Can I pay by credit card, please?”

“You’re going to buy four tracksuits?” Li Qinghao raised his eyebrows.

“Two for you, and the other two for me,” Nancheng Lie explained. He took out his credit card and gave it to the waitress.

“You are so boring.” So, they were going to wear sweethearts’ outfits? Li Qinghao shook his head helplessly. Why did this guy always do meaningless things? Nancheng Lie paid the bill, and then they walked away side by side. Nancheng Lie was 25 cm taller than Li Qinghao. He had long legs, but the length of his every step was almost the same as Li Qinghao’s. This proved that he was a considerate and romantic man.

Looking at Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao slowly disappearing in distance, the waitress filled her mind with a myriad of thoughts. She had thought that Li Qinghao had a sweet, lively personality, but facts proved she was wrong. Li Qinghao dominated his relationship with Nancheng Lie.

They came to an underwear store. Li Qinghao was much shorter and thinner than before, so he had to buy some new clothes, including coats, pants and underwear. When selecting underpants, they stood shoulder to shoulder discussing what size underpants Li Qinghao should buy. All waitresses looked at them with curious eyes.

Fortunately, both of them were thick-skinned. So, they behaved with perfect composure even under the waitresses’ intense gaze.

“Mr. Nancheng?” A male voice came from behind. Then a good-looking man came up to Nancheng Lie. “Haven’t seen you for a long time, Mr. Nancheng.” He gazed in happy surprise at Nancheng Lie, as if Nancheng Lie were a rare treasure.

Li Qinghao took a look at the man. Although he didn’t know the man, he could guess that the man was Nancheng Lie’s ex-lover.

“Hi, Max, long time no see.” Nancheng Lie was surprised to meet Max here. He had first met Max at a gay bar. To be more exact, Max was the first person to have sex with Nancheng Lie.

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