125. The Admission Interview

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

As a doctor, Nancheng Yunsen was efficient and reliable.

Half an hour later, Nancheng Yunsen phoned Li Qinghao. “Xu, I’ve commended you to the dean of Medical College of Polytechnic University. Considering that human life is of inestimable value and should be treated carefully, the dean wanted you to attend an interview. I thought it reasonable, so I agreed to his request. What’s your opinion?”

“No problem, bro. I agree with you.”

“I’ll pick you up after lunch.”

“Okay, thank you, bro.”

Nancheng College, as a world-famous college, was recognized by the world with the financial support of the Nancheng family. Polytechnic University was a little different from Nancheng College. It was also a private university, but the average family condition of its students was somewhere between those of aristocratic universities and national universities.

In other words, although Polytechnic University was not an aristocratic university, the living conditions of its students were pretty good. The yearly tuition of Polytechnic University was twice as much as that of a normal national university. Although it was expensive, many parents still hoped that their children could be admitted into Polytechnic University, most because Polytechnic University had a graduate employment rate of 100%.

Li Qinghao and Nancheng Yunsen were walking in the campus of Polytechnic University.

It was the end of June, and all the students were busy with their end-of-term exams, so the campus was very quiet. “I know you didn’t want to go back to Nancheng College for fear of being recognized. But why did you choose Polytechnic University?” asked Nancheng Yunsen. He had thought that Xu would go to a national university to experience life.

Li Qinghao answered, “Because the campus environment and teaching equipment of Polytechnic University are better than those of other medical colleges.” He was wearing a black sports suit and dark glasses, his black shoulder-length hair tied back. He had the air of a second-generation rich man.

His noble temperament had its roots in his background and was unchangeable.

“You are a rational boy.” Nancheng Yunsen reached out and wanted to touch Li Qinghao’s head, but Li dodged. “Bro, don’t treat me as a child,” said Li Qinghao. When he was a child, his elders liked to touch his head very much. Now he was 22 years old and had the right to refuse.

“You have changed a lot. You used to be aloof and detached, but now you seem cordial.”

“You used to play tricks on me. That was why I kept a poker face.” Nancheng Yunyu was quite a serious person; Nancheng Yunsen was frivolous and always treated life as merely playing games; Nancheng Lie was debonair and romantic. The three brothers were different in character, but one thing was certain, they all loved their family.

“Rest assured, from now on we are family and I’ll protect you.”

There was a flicker of sharpness in Li Qinghao’s eyes. He had a plan. He would try to make Nancheng Lie marry into and live with his family. But whatever the result, they were family.

Sensing Li Qinghao’s aggression, Nancheng Yunsen grinned, “My poor little brother mistakes a fox for a rabbit. May God bless him.”

The glint of aggression in Li Qinghao’s eyes vanished. He curved his lips into a smile and said, “Don’t worry, nothing can defeat your little brother.” Nancheng Lie was the most thick-skinned person Li Qinghao had ever seen.

The dean of Medical College was waiting for them in the entrance hall. A welcome ceremony should have been held, because Nancheng Yunsen was a benefactor to Medical College. But at length the dean gave up the idea.

“Let me introduce you to each other. This is Mr. Wu, the dean of Medical College of Polytechnic University. This is my cousin Li Minghao.” The new name ‘Li Minghao’ was a combination of ‘Han Mingxu’ and ‘Li Qinghao’.

Li Qinghao was surprised when he heard the word ‘cousin’. He raised a questioning eyebrow at Nancheng Yunsen, who gave a meaningful smile without a word. Nancheng Yunsen was very sure that Li Qinghao would be admitted into Polytechnic University because he was capable. But considering that he looked like a teenager of thirteen or fourteen, it would surely cause a stir if he entered Medical College. Therefore, Nancheng Yunsen gave Dean Wu a hint that Li Qinghao had the Nancheng family behind him.

Dean Wu exchanged a knowing look with Nancheng Yunsen.

They came to the dean’s office. Dean Wu made tea for Nancheng Yunsen and Li Qinghao, and then began to chat with Nancheng Yunsen. He eyed Li Qinghao secretly.

Nancheng Yunsen didn’t explain why Li Qinghao wanted to attend the Medical College of Polytechnic University at such a young age. He also didn’t say which school Li Qinghao studied in before. Dean Wu was a wise man. Although he didn’t make an investigation, he knew Nancheng Yunsen must have done something to Li Qinghao’s personnel file stored in the Bureau of Education.

Dean Wu’s gaze didn’t make Li Qinghao nervous. He kept smiling and took a sip of tea from time to time.

Li Qinghao was a cultured man. He looked elegant when he drank tea. Dean Wu looked at Li Qinghao and sighed with emotion. ‘The children from rich families are indeed different,’ he thought.

Dean Wu said to Li Qinghao, “In the first year our Medical College will focus on cultivating students’ interest in medicine. In the second year they can decide on their specialty directions. Do you have any plan for your future?” He seemed to be hinting that Li Qinghao was sure to be admitted. In other words, the interview Li Qinghao would attend was just a formality.

Li Qinghao politely replied, “Of course I’ll study medicine from scratch.”

“It’s a rule of Polytechnic University that the students of Medical College have to live on campus. The senior students often do human simulation experiments during the time of self-study at night, and sometimes our college will let the freshmen watch their seniors do the experiments so that they will know how to choose their specialty directions in their sophomore year.”

“If I have the honor to enter Polytechnic University, I’ll definitely abide by school regulations.” Li Qinghao made a promise. He knew that Dean Wu wouldn’t force him to live on campus if he didn’t want to. But this time he didn’t intend to be an exception. The Hans and the Nanchengs were close family friends. Han Mingxu grew up with Nancheng Lie. So, when he had studied medicine in Nancheng College, he had been in an incredibly privileged position. Now he suddenly wanted to experience the life of an ordinary student.

Medical College required the students to live on campus so as to provide them with a better education. How could he refuse to obey such a considerate rule?

Li Qinghao’s promise set Dean Wu’s mind at rest. Since Nancheng Yunsen made such a request, Dean Wu would admit Li Qinghao into Medical College even if he failed the interview. But anyway, Li Qinghao was from a rich family, so Dean Wu feared that Li would be very difficult to deal with. After a chat with Li Qinghao, Dean Wu had a good impression of Li Qinghao. Unlike many unruly and domineering teenagers, Li Qinghao was mature, polite and reasonable. But Dean Wu’s teaching experience of the last 20 years told him that Li Qinghao was indifferent by nature, although Li was understanding and amenable to reason.

They chatted for a while, and then Dean Wu arranged for Li Qinghao to attend an interview.

The result was predictable– Li Qinghao passed the interview. It was not because Dean Wu had told the interviewers in advance to give Li Qinghao preferential treatment, but because Li Qinghao was indeed outstanding. At the end of the interview, the interviewers all had a sincere desire to make him their pupil. It would not be long before Li Qinghao learned of their intention and began to avoid them like the plague.

“The spring semester is coming to an end. In order for Minghao to establish good relations with his future classmates, I suggest that he should start as a freshman next semester. What do you think, Mr. Nancheng?”

Nancheng Yunsen turned to Li Qinghao and asked, “Do you have any questions, Xu?”

Li Qinghao shook his head and said to Dean Wu, “Thank you, Mr. Wu.”

They were chatting in the dean’s office. Suddenly, Li Qinghao’s cell phone rang. He took out his phone and glanced at the screen. It was a call from Nancheng Lie. Li Qinghao’s eyes lit up and a smile formed on his lips. “Excuse me, I’ve got a call,” he said in a polite, measured tone. He was not at all like a thirteen-year-old boy.

Li Qinghao went out of the dean’s office and answered the phone. Nancheng Lie’s voice came from the other end of the line. “Xu, I’m hungry.”

He sounded both pitiful and eager to get what he wanted. In the eyes of Li Qinghao, Nancheng Lie was like a Samoyed dog, by turns domineering and childish. “Did your eldest brother tie you up and forbid you to eat anything?”

“No, it’s all because of you.”

“Because of me?” Li Qinghao didn’t think he had something to do with it.

“Xu, we are a couple. As far as I know, couples often do something romantic, such as bringing meals for their sweethearts. Xu, I’m waiting for you to give me a surprise.”

Hearing Nancheng Lie’s lame explanation, Li Qinghao couldn’t help but roar, “Are you freaking mental?”

“I’m just expecting you to come and see me in my company,” Nancheng Lie said, feeling wronged.

“You… Have you been waiting for me since noon?” asked Li Qinghao. What Nancheng Lie did was an example of the truism that the more one gets, the more one wants.

“Not exactly,” Nancheng Lie replied in a clear, firm tone of voice. He paused for a second and continued in a soft voice, “I’ve been waiting since this morning.”

Li Qinghao frowned. Was this guy flirting with him or threatening him? “It’s none of my business.” He hung up the phone, a senseless anger welling up in his heart. He wanted to turn a deaf ear to Nancheng Lie’s complaint, but he knew that Nancheng Lie probably didn’t eat yet.

He went back to the dean’s office. Seeing that Li Qinghao was back, Nancheng Yunsen stood up and excused himself.

“Where are you going next? I can give you a ride.”

Li Qinghao composed himself soon after getting in Nancheng Yunsen’s car. “Please drive me to Shishang Avenue.”

“Are you hungry?”

“I’m going to buy your little brother a box lunch.”

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