134. A Case of Adultery

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Li Qinghao followed Mu Yinting to the underground parking lot of MG Group. Fortunately, the parking lot was open to the public. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been able to get inside so easily.

“MG Group?” Li Qinghao raised a questioning eyebrow and asked, “Which star is the target of your investigation?”

MG Group was one of the top entertainment companies in China. There was no lack of stars in entertainment companies, and it was easy for stars to get involved in scandals. That was why Li Qinghao made such a guess.

Mu Yinting gave a mysterious smile and answered, “The boss of MG Group.”

Li Qinghao was dazed for a second before he realized who Mu Yinting was talking about. He blinked and asked, “Do you mean Lei Wen?”

“You know him?! I thought that you never watch the entertainment news.” Mu Yinting was surprised.

Li Qinghao shook his head and replied, “You know, the deep friendship between the Han family and the Nancheng family has been spanning for various generations. After the death of my mother, I spent most of my childhood in the Nancheng Mansion. Every time Nancheng Lie’s grandfather or father celebrated a birthday, senior officials and famous businessmen came to the party. Nancheng Lie was required to be present, and he always asked me to accompany him.”

“Oh, it turns out that you are his child bride,” Mu Yinting said in a teasing tone.

Li Qinghao rolled his eyes at Mu Yinting. He didn’t mind such jokes because he in fact was not Nancheng Lie’s child bride. “I first saw Lei Wen at a birthday party. I remember that time he and his girlfriend… At that time, I was young, and Lei Wen was not the president of MG Group. He was just the general manager of MG Group and his current wife was just his girlfriend. The elders said that Lei Wen was a single-minded and mature man, unlike Lie’s second brother. Lie said that a man changed over time…  By the way, who entrusted you with the investigation of Lei Wen?” Han Mingxu had only a nodding acquaintance with Lei Wen, but the Nancheng family had strong ties to the Lei family. Lei Wen was Nancheng Yunsen’s old schoolmate and best friend.

“I told you that we usually accept orders online. I know nothing about the client’s identity. As private detectives, we should stick to the principles. We won’t try to find out the true identity of our clients without their permission. Otherwise, it will cause unnecessary trouble.” Mu Yinting was professionally principled. Maybe it was because he was both a detective and a physicist.

“I understand.” Everyone’s profession ought to be respected. “So what shall we do next?”

Mu Yinting pointed to a car not far away and said, “That’s Lei Wen’s car.”

Li Qinghao remembered that Nancheng Yunyu once said, “Lei Wen is a man who takes his work very seriously.”

“So we are gonna wait here?”

“Yeah, it’s a good way.”

The wait was agonizing, especially when you had no way to kill time.

“I admire your patience.” Li Qinghao thought for a while and asked, “Why did you decide to be a detective?”

“Don’t you think it’s exciting to dig up other people’s privacy? There are new stories every day, and the ending of each story is unpredictable. It’s much more exciting than reading the Grimm’s Fairy Tales and the Arabian Nights.” It turned out that Mu Yinting had chosen to be a detective purely and simply to kill time.

Li Qinghao voiced his opinion, “I think it’s more interesting to point a scalpel at someone’s main artery.”

Mu Yinting’s lips convulsed. “People who study medicine are crazy, including you and Yingli. There are so many doctors in the world. I can’t understand why many young people still want to study medicine. In my opinion, it’s meaningless to be a doctor unless you can achieve eminence in the medical world.”

“I’m motivated not by fame or money.” Li Qinghao’s mind wandered. “When I was a teenager, I didn’t know what to major in. I’m not interested in going into business or politics as a career. Once my little cousin caught a cold, and the family doctor gave him a shot in the butt. At that moment, I decided to study medicine, but I want to be a neurosurgeon, because I can’t bear to give anyone a buttock injection. You know, it’s embarrassing to…” Li Qinghao left the sentence unfinished, but Mu Yinting knew what he meant. He couldn’t help laughing. “You are really an oddball.”

The reason Li Qinghao didn’t want to give patients injections was because he felt embarrassed to see their buttocks. It must be the funniest reason in the world.

“Shh.” Li Qinghao suddenly said “Here comes Lei Wen.”

Mu Yinting looked in the direction of the staircase. A tall man showed up. “It’s just 3:00 p.m. now. Shouldn’t Lei Wen be at work? What is he going to do?”

“Bosses have the privilege of leaving work early,” said Li Qinghao. This was what Nancheng Lie had been saying over and over again in the past few days.

They two followed Lei Wen’s car at a distance. Lei Wen went to a supermarket first. He bought some vegetables and drove to a high-end residential area not far away from the city proper. He parked the car and went upstairs with the ingredients bought from the supermarket.

“This building is 13 storeys high. Which floor do you think he is on?” asked Mu Yinting.

Li Qinghao snorted, “No matter which floor he is on, we can’t get in.”

Mu Yinting nodded, “Yes, you are right.”

“I have an idea.” Li Qinghao crossed his arms over his chest and looked Mu Yinting up and down. His gaze made Mu Yinting’s flesh creep. “Don’t try to boss me,” Mu Yinting hastened to say.

Li Qinghao gave a little chuckle and looked threateningly at Mu Yinting.

“Alright, tell me what you want me to do.”

“There is a simple but effective way to find out which floor he is on. You can disguise yourself as a pizza delivery man and knock on doors until you find Lei Wen,’ Li Qinghao said in a teasing tone.

Mu Yinting rolled his eyes at Li Qinghao and asked, “Are you serious? Have you ever seen a pizza delivery man as tall and strong as me?”

“Er, you don’t look like a pizza delivery boy, but there is no other way. You are a professional detective. Don’t tell me you are unwilling to do that.” Li Qinghao raised his eyebrows and gazed at Mu Yinting with disdain.

What Li Qinghao said failed to prod Mu Yinting into action. He remained unmoved and said, “Compared with me, you look more like a pizza delivery boy.”

Li Qinghao nodded, “Yes… but I’m just a minor.”

Mu Yinting looked at Li Qinghao with open-mouthed incredulity.

From the first time they met, Mu Yinting knew that Han Mingxu was a sharp-tongued man although he seemed aloof and detached. Facts proved that he was right.

Mu Yinting was needled by what Li Qinghao said, but considering that Li Qinghao was just a teenager, he decided to play the part of a delivery man himself. He ordered pizza delivery and specially emphasized, “Please ask a tall, strong delivery man to deliver pizzas to me. I’ll tip him 500 yuan.” The boss of the pizza shop readily agreed to Mu Yinting’s request. Although he couldn’t figure out Mu Yinting’s intention, he decided to accept the order because he knew very well that almost all occupants of this housing estate were rich.

At the Nancheng Group.

Nancheng Lie sat in his office with a bored expression on his face. There was an investigation report on his desk, which showed that Yangming Electronics was not acquired and had no financial problems. In other words, he could entrust the production of the sensor to Yangming Electronics. But for some unknown reason, he hesitated.

When you can’t make a decision, you should put it aside for the time being. Nancheng Lie knew very well that as a boss, he shouldn’t act on impulse. He never forced himself to do anything in a hurry unless it was related to Han Mingxu. In fact, he was a slowcoach.

A slowcoach felt bored when he had nothing to do. Then he thought of his sweetheart. Nancheng Lie phoned Li Qinghao. “Xu, I miss you.”

It took him quite some time to establish a romantic relationship with Xu. So, Nancheng Lie genuinely loved and cherished Xu. He was honey-mouthed when speaking to Xu.

“I’m accustomed to your honeyed words,” Li Qinghao replied.

“What are you doing?” Nancheng Lie was also accustomed to the way Li Qinghao spoke.

“I’m in Mu Yinting’s car.” Li Qinghao gave a detailed answer to protect Nancheng Lie from asking more meaningless questions, but things did not turn out the way he wanted it. “What are you doing in his car?” Nancheng Lie asked nervously.

“Boss Mu has been entrusted to stalk a man who is quite likely to have committed adultery. We followed him to a housing estate where his apartment is. But this building is 13 storeys high, and we don’t know which floor he is on. So we ordered pizza delivery, and then Boss Mu disguised himself as a pizza delivery man and went to knock on doors, floor by floor.” Li Qinghao couldn’t help laughing. He seemed to take a kind of dark pleasure in seeing Mu Yinting make an ass of himself.

“If you want to know which floor he lives on, why don’t you ask security guards?” Nancheng Lie asked without thinking. ‘Xu is doing something really interesting. I should have gone with Xu,’ he thought to himself.

“This is a very high-end housing estate. I guess all the security guards here must have been well trained. They won’t give me any information about the occupants. On the contrary, it will put them on full alert.” That was why Li Qinghao suggested that Mu Yinting should disguise himself as a delivery man. Mu Yinting had raised no objections. Obviously, he also thought it was impracticable to ask the security guards about Lei Wen.

Li Qinghao scoffed at Nancheng Lie’s suggestion. “You can ask IT Department of Nancheng Group for help, but we can’t.”

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