142. Li Qinghao’s New Position

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“Yeah, so this detective agency will be left to you after I leave.” Mu Yinting was a man who always acted on his own will. A few years ago he had founded the detective agency on a sudden impulse, but he hadn’t expected it to be so profitable. Although he was loath to hand the detective agency over to someone else, he had to do so because he couldn’t bear to part with his spouse. Now he felt at ease after entrusting Li Qinghao with the management of this detective agency. “Permit me to give you some advice, Xu. Most of the time you are cool and aloof. I think it will do you good to treat people and handle things with enthusiasm.” People shouldn’t live in a narrow, closed room, because without windows sunlight can’t filter into the room and people inside will soon die because of the lack of oxygen. So, we should expand our social circle and let more oxygen flow in.

Li Qinghao gave a smile. He thought what Mu Yinting said was reasonable.

Since Mu Yinting was going to withdraw from the detective agency, it was necessary to redraw the development plan. So, a first shareholders’ meeting was held in the meeting room on the second floor.

“Is our detective agency going out of business?” Acker asked nervously. “Boss, don’t tell me yes. You know, I had a hard time getting this job.”

The former policeman Zhang Wei was a steady fellow. Hearing this, Zhang Wei raised his hand and knocked Acker on the head. “We all know you are a miser. Your monthly bank interest is enough to support yourself.”

“Don’t cut the ground from under my feet, bro,” Acker shouted, feeling aggrieved.

Mia smiled and looked at them with happiness in her eyes.

It was the first time they sat together for a serious talk. Although Li Qinghao had heard of Zhang Wei and Spy from Mu Yinting, he had no chance to talk with them before. As for Acker, Li Qinghao was familiar with him. He had seen Acker many times before.


Before he came here, he had been worried that Acker would recognize him. But Mu Yinting said that he and Acker were friends that were ready to die for each other. He trusted Aacker, just like Li Qinghao trusted him. We sometimes trust our friends without reason.

Acker was a smart man. He got suspicious because this boy looked exactly like Li Qinghao he knew, but he didn’t ask any question.

What about Spy? He sat quietly in a corner and watched his colleagues laughing and frolicking. He was distant and indifferent. There seemed to be a veil of mist in his eyes. No one could see him through.

He was a handsome man. His strongly defined chin and steely eyes showed that he had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

Sensing that he was being stared at, Spy turned around and fixed his eyes on Li Qinghao. His gaze was emotionless, but didn’t make Li Qinghao feel oppressed.

Obviously, he was a man with stories.

“Alright, today we are gathered here to have an important meeting. I have an announcement to make,” Mu Yinting said in an authoritative tone of voice. “You’d better prepare yourself mentally first, although it’s not a big deal.”

“Boss, don’t beat around the bush,” Acker said impatiently. He was a passionate and energetic racing driver.

“Boss, come straight to the point.” Zhang Wei looked at Mu Yinting with a straight face.

“Boss?”Mia turned to Li Qinghao with a puzzled look in her eyes.

Spy’s face remained impassive.

“Listen to me…” Mu Yinting took a deep breath. As everyone was waiting with bated breath for his next remark, he announced calmly, “I’m going to emigrate.”

“Well, it’s no big deal.” Acker breathed a sigh of relief. He had thought that something serious had happene He had thought that something serious had happened, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

“You plan to emigrate?!” Zhang Wei stared tentatively at Mu Yinting.

Spy raised his eyebrows and asked, “Are you going to leave here?” He guessed that Mu Yinting intended not only to leave this country but also to withdraw from this detective agency.

Acker and Mia opened their eyes wide in astonishment. They finally understood what Mu Yinting meant by ’emigrate’.

“Yes, as you might expect, I won’t come back any time soon. Even if I come back one day, I will be no longer the boss of this detective agency. But don’t worry, we will always be friends. So…” Mu Yinting glanced around the room at the other people and made up his mind. “I’m going to hand the detective agency over to Minghao.” Li Minghao was a false name that Li Qinghao used. “We’ve worked together for so long. In the ordinary course of events, I should hand over the detective agency to one of you instead of Minghao, although he is a big shareholder. But my decision is made after much deliberation. Mia is a girl. I think girls are by nature should be taken care of. So I never consider her as a candidate. Acker is a radical. I think he is not fit to be a leader, because a boss should be calm and steady. Zhang Wei, as a former policeman, has a logical mind, but lacks leadership skills. The police catch criminals, and the appeal court conducts trials. In a word, Zhang Wei is good at collecting evidence, but bad at making a final decision. Spy is a killer. He is accustomed to taking orders from his clients instead of issuing orders. So, after careful consideration, I have decided to give the detective agency to Minghao because he is the most suitable candidate,” Mu Yinting concluded. He objectively analyzed everyone’s personality. The four of them, indeed, were not fit to be a leader. But was Li Qinghao the right man?

Mu Yinting knew that Li Qinghao would be very responsible as long as he took over the running of the detective agency. He believed that Li Qinghao would make these four people admire him from the bottom of their hearts in the near future.

Acker had no objection to Li Qinghao’s taking over the detective agency. Zhang Wei didn’t agree with Mu Yinting’s decision. In his view, Li Qinghao was just a boy. It didn’t mean that he looked down upon Li Qinghao. He just couldn’t find a reason to convince himself to accept such a young boy as his boss. But anyway, he didn’t speak out against Mu Yinting’s decision openly. As for Spy, he remained expressionless.

“Well, now I’m going to report the findings of Lei Wen case to the client. From now on, this detective agency is formally handed over to you guys.”

After Mu Yinting left, they looked at one another, not knowing what to say. Even Acker, who had always been lively and talkative, was gazing at Li Qinghao in silence at the moment.

Li Qinghao always kept to himself. He spent most of his time with Nancheng Lie. He was confused about why Mu Yinting suddenly made a decision to hand over the detective agency to him, but… He curved his lips into a smile and swept his eyes over the people in the meeting room. “I’m also puzzled as to why Boss Mu made such a decision. After all, I’m just 13 years old. I know it’s hard for you to believe a 13-year-old teenager. So, I’m going to do something to make you believe that I can be trusted to do the job.”

“What do you mean by that?” Zhang Wei asked.

“I’m going to tell you a secret. Are you interested in listening to me?”

Without hesitation Spy stood up and intended to leave.

Zhang Wei glanced at Li Qinghao and stood up to leave. Acker looked at Spy and Zhang Wei and then at Li Qinghao.  He decided to stay. As for Mia, she stared at Li Qinghao, bursting with curiosity. As we know, all women have itching ears.

Li Qinghao didn’t care about the departure of Spy and Zhang Wei, because he was sure that they would stop at hearing his next remark. “Do you know T organization?”

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