154. Li Qinghao Is Missing

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“Listen.” Nancheng Lie’s serious voice rang in the car. “The kidnapper called me and asked me to leave the ransom in a fitting room at the mall ahead. Let’s take actions separately. He’ll ask me to leave once I place the ransom in the fitting room. I want you to wait outside the fitting room and take pictures as soon as the kidnapper shows up.”

Max’s mind was in turmoil. He failed to reach Qiao, so he was not sure if Qiao was the one who had Li Qinghao kidnapped. But he knew that if he wanted Nancheng Lie to let Qiao off, he would have to do as Nancheng Lie asked.

“I’ll do as you say.” Max told himself to calm down. He had to save Qiao, because Qiao was the brother of that man.

As expected, as soon as Nancheng Lie placed the ransom properly, the kidnapper called him and asked him to leave the mall. Nancheng Lie could only do as he was told, because he knew the kidnapper was spying on him.

He walked out of the mall. Standing outside he couldn’t set his mind at rest. He had been restless since he received the call from Assassination Agency of LD organization. The kidnapper had taken Li Qinghao away under the nose of the men of LD organization. It proved that the kidnapper was a talented criminal.

Who the hell was the kidnapper?

Night fell and time was passing, but Max didn’t come out yet. It showed that the kidnapper didn’t go to get the ransom yet. It had been half an hour. Nancheng Lie was worried, so he phoned Max, “Has anything happened?”

“I have been staring closely at the fitting room. Many people went in and out, but none of them left with that bag full of money.” Max was confused. Didn’t those who went into the fitting room notice that someone left a bag there?


Nancheng Li hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed the kidnapper’s number, but no one answered. It went to voicemail.

‘Obviously he is playing a trick on me. Damn it! The ransom must have been taken away!’ Nancheng Lie thought.

He turned around and ran into the mall. Just as he expected, the bag was gone.

“I’ve photographed everyone who came into this dress shop.” Max was not stupid. He took pictures of everyone as they walked into the store for fear that he might miss something.

“Let me have a look.” Nancheng Lie took the mobile phone from Max and studied the pictures. After careful observation, he found the suspect. “It’s her.” Nancheng Lie pointed at a fat woman on the screen.

“Are you serious? She didn’t take anything,” Max asked, puzzled.

“She hid the money under her clothes.”

“How did she hide so much cash under her clothes?”

“I think that’s why she looked so fat.” Nancheng Lie gave the mobile phone back to Max. “Do you know where to find Qiao?” It was still uncertain whether Qiao was the one who had kidnapped Li Qinghao. Maybe he was not just the son of the Qiao family.

Max shook his head and answered, “Normally he comes to me. Considering his hatred for me, I am sure he will come to me soon.”

“You go home first.” Nancheng Lie walked towards his car.

“Lie…” Max called him.

Nancheng Lie stopped and said, “Let me know if Qiao calls you. I… I promise to spare his life.” He knew that if he didn’t make such a promise, Max wouldn’t reveal Qiao’s whereabouts. “But if my men find him first, I’ll kill him.”

After saying goodbye to Max, Nancheng Lie went directly to that abandoned warehouse. Those members of Assassination Agency of LD organization showed up as soon as Nancheng Lie arrived at the destination. “My lord.” Every member of Assassination Agency was ordinary-looking.

After Qiao left, Spy was bursting with curiosity when he saw those men of Assassination Agency of LD organization get into the warehouse. But he dared not to get too close to the warehouse, because he would be discovered once he approached. So up to now, he still didn’t know that Li Qinghao was no longer in the warehouse. Seeing that Nancheng Lie arrived here and those armed men showed up at once, Spy was a little surprised. He soon realized that those men were sent by Nancheng Lie to protect Li Qinghao.

‘So those men were here to save Li Qinghao? But now they are talking with Nancheng Lie and seem in no hurry to get Li Qinghao out of the abandoned warehouse. All this shows that…’ Spy thought. He got a bad feeling. His breathing became heavy.

“Who’s there?” Nancheng Lie and his men immediately discovered Spy. The next second several guns were aimed at Spy’s head.

“Take it easy, I’m not your enemy.” Spy emerged from his hiding place with an expressionless face.

Nancheng Lie knew Spy. When he learned that Li Qinghao decided to join the detective agency set up by Mu Yinting, he had the Intelligence Agency of LD organization check up on every member of the detective agency. He was shocked when he saw Spy’s profile. Spy was a real killer wanted by Interpol. He was among the top ten killers in the world.

Nancheng Lie squinted at Spy. “You are Silver Fox, right?”

Spy kept his eyes fixed on Nancheng Lie. ‘He now looks completely different from the image he has cultivated in magazines. He has been described as a playboy in magazines, but at this moment, he looks like a dangerous man,’ Spy thought to himself.

“It seems that you already know who I’m.” Spy twisted his lips into a cold smile and continued, “But you still allowed me to stay with him. It’s hard to guess what’s on your mind.” Gang members all knew that the Nancheng family was a powerful, mysterious family, but no one knew who the Nancheng family’ backer was. Some people suspected that the Nancheng family had something to do with a certain underworld organization. It now seemed that they were being proved right.

“Because he trusts you.” The reason given by Nancheng Lie was very simple.

His every word was like a hammer pounding on Spy’s heart. Spy looked sharply at Nancheng Lie. His smile disappeared. To be honest, Nancheng Lie’s words touched him deeply.

He was a killer. His previous employers trusted him because he could easily kill any target. But Li Qinghao’s trust in him was unfounded and sincere. “He has his plan. He asked me to follow and protect him,” Spy explained.

Spy couldn’t understand why Li Qinghao dared to trust him with his life. Li Qinghao’s unfounded trust in him was puzzling, but meanwhile, too enticing to refuse.

“Well, now can you give me an explanation of why he is not in the warehouse?” Nancheng Lie breathed a sigh of relief. Since Xu had his own plan, he must have foreseen the dangers facing him.

Although he looked relaxed, the cold look in his eyes gave everyone shudders.

‘Why didn’t you tell me about your plan, Xu? Why did you put yourself at risk?’ Nancheng Lie thought. He had a lot of questions to ask Li Qinghao, but in fact, he himself knew the answer of every question.

‘The reason Xu kept his plan a secret from me is because he’s a man, not a woman. He’ll never depend on others to solve problems. Why did he put himself at risk? Because he is trying to act as a decoy to catch the guy behind the scene.

Damn it! Xu’s too willful. I’ll teach him a lesson when he comes back to me…

How can you hide all this from me, Xu? How can you put yourself at risk?’ Nancheng Lie thought, feeling a little bitter.

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