156. The End

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

My dear brother?

The kinship between Han Mingxu and Keqi was a taboo subject for Nancheng Lie. In his view Keqi was a damned fake and a damned murder. How dared he mention Xu to him? Nancheng Lie got angry and gave Keqi a sock on the jaw. Seeing that their master was being beaten, Keqi’s bodyguards immediately came forward to protect him. When they was about to take action, the men of Assassination Agency of LD organization were also ready for a fight.

Every member of Assassination Agency of LD organization was expert at martial arts. Even Nancheng Lie dared not say he was better than them. After all, they had received very strict training.

Keqi was expert at martial arts, too. He had been asked by Frise to take martial arts lessons since he was a child.

Nancheng Lie and Keqi’s fists collided, and they moved a step backward at the same time.

“I don’t have time to waste on you. Get out of the way,” said Nancheng Lie. He was worried about Li Qinghao.

Keqi snorted coldly, “I don’t have time to waste on you, too. You get out of my way!”

As a result, neither of them was willing to make compromises.

“Get out of the way if you don’t want to put Xu in danger.” Why did this guy always show up when Xu’s life was in danger?

Keqi’s face clouded over. His expression changed from indifference to seriousness. He frowned at Nancheng Lie and said, “Tell me what happened.”

Nancheng Lie gave Keqi a look. He didn’t want to tell Keqi anything about Xu, but considering the strong possibility that Keqi wouldn’t let him pass if he remained silent, he gave in. After all, Keqi was as wayward as Xu. “Hop in, I’ll tell you everything.”

“You know all of Xu’s past experiences, right?” Nancheng Lie was well aware that Keqi knew more than he did about Han Mingxu.

“Yes, almost all,” Keqi answered honestly.

“So do you remember Han Ping?”

Han Ping? Keqi’s heart missed a beat. Hearing Nancheng Lie’s words, Keqi suddenly recollected that Han Ping was the first one who professed his love to Han Mingxu at junior high school.

Half a month ago Han Ping went to Leiluo Kingdom and claimed to be Han Mingxu’s classmate. At that time Keqi thought that Han Ping just mistook him for Han Mingxu, so he didn’t think much about Han Ping’s purpose. But now he realized… “What happened to Qinghao? Han Ping have something to do with Qinghao’s crisis, right?” He was asking questions, but his tone showed that he was sure of what he said.

“Han Ping went to Leiluo Kingdom to visit me half a month ago. At that time I didn’t pay much attention to him. Anyway I believe Qinghao can… He escaped from death twice. He’ll be fine.”

“That’s not what I’m afraid of.” Nancheng Lie pressed the accelerator hard. “I’m just worried about Xu’s health. He is being threatened by the sequela of TRKS.”

“What do you mean by that?” The sequela of TRKS? Did it mean Qinghao was not fully recover yet? A guilty expression formed on Keqi’s face.

Out of the corner of his eye, Nancheng Lie caught a look of helpless and regret on Keqi’s face. He knew how Keqi felt because he once felt the same way. “The virus in Xu’s body has been cleared out, but by the time the antidote of TRKS was developed it was too late, so he developed the sequela. He… He became a teenager of thirteen or fourteen again.”

What?! Keqi’s face changed. What Nancheng Lie said was a big surprise to him.

“I don’t quite get your meaning.” He looked at Nancheng Lie with a puzzled look on his face. “Do you mean that he became younger?” How could an adult become a teenager again? “One example of an idiom in the Chinese language is ‘An old man can be rejuvenated’. Does this idiom a correct description of what happened to him?”

“Have you seen the cartoon Detective Conan?” Nancheng Lie answered him with another question.

‘An old man? Come on, Xu is not at all old,’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

Keqi shook his head.

“Alright, you’ve offered a good description.” Nancheng Lie could think of nothing else to say.

Nancheng Lie drove to Han Ping’s apartment. A short time ago Han Ping had moved to the apartment below Nancheng Lie’s. The GPS chip in Li Qinghao showed that he was now nearby. Besides, the people sent by Nancheng Lie to stalk Han Ping reported that Han Ping was here.

Nancheng Lie couldn’t understand why Han Ping brought Xu to this place. His apartment was obviously not a good place to hide a hostage.

But anyway, Xu was in danger because Han Ping was a time bomb.

“Wait…” Spy asked, “Do you hear a strange noise?”

A strange noise?

The men of Assassination Agency looked at one another and pricked up their ears. There was indeed a faint noise.

Everyone looked at Spy in surprise. They couldn’t help but admire him for having such a good ear.

“I used to be blind. You know, blind people can hear much better than ordinary people can,” Spy explained.

“There’s a helicopter over there,” One of them said. “Look at the sky! A helicopter is coming closer.”

Nancheng Lie got a bad feeling. He cursed, “Oh, shit!” He ran quickly upstairs. ‘The helicopter appears at this crucial moment. No wonder Han Ping is not at all afraid. Obviously, he is ready to leave by helicopter. A car can’t catch up with a helicopter. There is no doubt that we can’t catch up with him by the time he gets on the helicopter,’ Nancheng Lie thought.

Keqi immediately followed Nancheng Lie upstairs. Spy glanced at their backs and turned to run towards the opposite building. One of the men of Assassination Agency immediately followed him; the rest of them chose to run after Nancheng Lie. As for Keqi’s bodyguards, their task was to protect their master. So they tried to follow Keqi.

Perceiving that his bodyguards were going to follow him upstairs, Keqi turned around and ordered, “You guys stay here.” He wanted them to guard the entrance.

The helicopter roared in the sky and the big blades churned the air. The noise made everyone jittery.

In a room, Li Qinghao had no intention of getting out of bed. He knew who the helicopter was for.

“Shall I carry you out?” Han Ping made a gesture.

Li Qinghao raised his eyebrows and asked, “We are not on the top floor, are we?”

Han Ming gave a faint smile. “Do you think we are at the apartment below Nancheng Lie’s?”

“Aren’t we?” Li Qinghao asked in reply.

“Actually we are at the apartment opposite his.”



“I have lived here since I moved into this housing estate. In order to conceal my true intentions, I’ve also bought the apartment below Nancheng Lie’s.” Keqi curved his lips into a triumphant, charming smile. “Well, let’s go to the top of the building. Although they are coming soon, I don’t think they can catch up.”

“Really?” Li Qinghao was not worried. “I’m not afraid of death.” He just worried that if he died Nancheng Lie would suffer a nervous breakdown. There was a flicker of tenderness in his eyes. At this moment, he showed a total disregard of his own safety. He put Nancheng Lie above anything else.

Li Qinghao thought it was funny.

‘Everyone thinks that Nancheng Lie loves me dearly. But I know that my love for him is as deep as the sea.

When I woke up from a two-year coma, I never wanted to tell Nancheng Lie the truth because I was afraid that he would act on impulse and get hurt.

Nancheng Lie has become paramount in my life before I knew it,’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

With his hands tied back, Li Qinghao could only follow Han Ping to the top of the building. The helicopter was slowly approaching.

He was wondering if Nancheng Lie would appear with a worried look on his face in the next second. He had an overwhelming desire to see him.

Bang… The door was kicked open, and Nancheng Lie appeared in the doorway, panting heavily. Although he was very anxious to rescue his Xu, he tried his best to compose himself and smiled, “It’s not funny, my dear old classmate. Stop your game.”

Han Ping looked at Nancheng Lie and slowly took out a gun. “I’m serious, my dear old classmate.”

The helicopter landed on the top of the building. The wind from the rotation of the blades was so strong that Nancheng Lie even couldn’t open his eyes. Han Ping carried Li Qinghao on his shoulders and said to Nancheng Lie, “I’m sorry, my dear friend. I hope to see you in Germany soon.”

“Han Ping, you can’t take him away.” Han Ping was about to get on the helicopter when someone pushed Nancheng Lie aside and walked towards him.

The voice was familiar… Han Ping stopped and turned around. He curled his lips into a sexy smile and said, “Hello, long time no see…”

A bullet whistled past Han Ping’s ear.

“Let go of him,” Keqi said, his eyes as hard as flint.

A man on the helicopter ordered, “Hurry up, Mr. Han.” The man was Dom’s assistant.

“Han Ping, you’d better let go of Qinghao; Otherwise, I’ll find and kill you wherever you go,” Keqi threatened. He knew clearly that Li Qinghao was his twin brother Han Mingxu to whom he owed the most.

“Let go of him, Han Ping. Otherwise, you will be sorry.”

“Really?” Han Ping’s face turned cold in an instant. The worried look on Keqi’s face needled Han Ping. He was seized by a sudden impulse of killing Li Qinghao.

If Dom hadn’t asked him to take Li Qinghao to Germany, Han Ping would have thrown Li Qinghao off the building.

“Han Ping, remember what you said to me?”

“Of course.” Han Ping smiled with characteristic insouciance and continued, “I said I love you. That’s not a lie. I professed my love to you at junior high school. At that time I liked you very much. Afterwards I went abroad. I forgot many of our old classmates, but your face seemed to be engraved on my memory. I couldn’t forget you, but I knew you would be with Nancheng Lie, so I didn’t come back.”

“Let him go if you really love Han Mingxu.” Keqi still remembered the look in Han Ping’s eyes when he said, “Mingxu, I’ve loved you since junior high school.”

The eyes are the window of the mind. At that time, Han Ping’s eyes did sparkle with a convincing show of affection.

“Shut up!” Nancheng Lie knew what Keqi was going to say. In his view, Xu’s rebirth should be kept a secret.

Keqi gestured to Nancheng Lie to be calm and repeated, “Let him go if you really love Han Mingxu.”

“What are you talking about?…” The next second Han Ping trembled violently and blood gushed from the wound in his back. He was too weak to carry Li Qinghao so Li fell off his shoulders. Han Ping turned around and fixed his eyes on the opposite building. Although he couldn’t see clearly, his instincts were telling him that there was a sniper in the opposite building.

‘That sniper is dangerous.

But why didn’t he shoot me directly in the head? If he had done so, I would be dead by now,’ Han ping thought to himself.

Seeing that things were getting rough, the man on the helicopter immediately jumped out and tried to take Li Qinghao away. Just then, Li Qinghao opened his eyes and kicked the man hard in the shins. Then he snatched the gun from Han Ping’s hand and pointed it at the man. “Now I want to have a talk with your boss.”

The sudden change of the situation surprised everyone.

Didn’t Li Qinghao have his hands tied behind his back? How did he untie the rope?

The man turned to look at Han Ping with anger. “It’s you… You betrayed my master…” He paused for a second and yelled at the pilot, “Start the engine and fly away right now!”

As its blades restarted to rotate, the helicopter rose up slowly into the air. Li Qinghao and Han Ping promptly drew back so as to avoid injury.

Han Ping complained, “I paid a high price for betraying Dom.”


Keqi couldn’t understand what Han Ping meant. Nancheng Lie no longer looked anxious; instead, he walked unhurriedly towards Li Qinghao.

‘Han Ping betrayed Dom… Did he reach an agreement with Nancheng Lie?’ Keqi thought to himself.

Nancheng Lie came up to Li Qinghao and took the gun from Li’s hand. Then he carried Li on his shoulders and said, “We need to talk alone, Xu. I want to sort some things out.”

“Put me down! How dare you? Nancheng Lie, put me down!” Li Qinghao warned. However, his warning was not working. He was taken away by Nancheng Lie under the watchful eyes of the people.


Han Ping blinked. Nancheng Lie called that boy… Xu?

He let his eyes settle upon Keqi. “Let him go if you really love Han Mingxu.” Keqi’s words kept ringing in his mind.

So what on earth did he mean?

Nancheng Lie carried Li Qinghao into the bedroom and threw him on the bed. Then he pressed Li Qinghao down firmly beneath him and said, “Xu, you’d better give me an explanation.”

“Are you serious?” Li Qinghao threw a punch at Nancheng Lie but missed because Nancheng Lie caught him by the wrist. “When did you strike a deal with Han Ping? I know you kept a lot of things from me. You’d better give me an explanation.”

Nancheng Lie stared at Li Qinghao for a long while before he gave a meaningful smile and said, “I’ll explain everything to you later. Now let’s do something exciting.”


The writer’s postscript:

The conflict between Wilbert Dom and Nancheng Lie is another story, and I’m not going to give a detailed description. Besides, what happened between Nancheng Lie and Han Ping? Nancheng Lie decided to exploit Han Ping to strike back against Dom when he found that Han Ping had something to do with Dom. But anyway, he needed to reach an agreement with Han Ping first.

Han Ping asked for a big sum of money. It was a piece of cake for Nancheng Lie. What was more, he wanted Han Mingxu(Keqi). Nancheng Lie agreed readily.

Nancheng Lie wanted to sell Keqi to Han Ping. So, even if Keqi hadn’t showed up, Nancheng Lie would have planned to get Keqi here.

How did Han Ping know Dom? The story started at a casino in Germany. Han Ping lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the casino, but he couldn’t afford to pay back the money. The owner of the casino had his men hunt Han Ping. Dom happened to pass by and saved Han Ping. Afterwards, Han Ping began to work for Dom. But actually, Han Ping didn’t treat Dom as his boss. Both of them knew that they were unable to conquer each other. Han Ping wanted a place where he could live temporarily, so he moved into Dom’s house. He was bored with the deadening routine of his life. Therefore, when he learned that Dom was brewing a plot against the Nancheng family, he decided to join in. But he didn’t expect to meet his Mr. Right– Keqi.

Li Qinghao was completely unaware that Nancheng Lie reached an agreement with Han Ping. He always thought of Han Ping as his enemy. That was why Spy fired shots at Han Ping. But Li Qinghao just wanted to subdue Han Ping. Spy was told not to kill Han Ping.


That’s the end of the story. Maybe some of you will say it’s not finished yet, but I think it’s time to say goodbye. Wish you health and happiness, my dear friends.

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