52. I Will Die Without the Antidote

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Mu Yinting’s laboratory was a two-story villa. Next to his lab was another splendid villa. It was Mu Yinting’s home.

Just as they reached the door of the laboratory, Yingli, who was waiting for them inside, opened the door. Yingli was Mu Yinting’s sweetheart. He was a proud leopard.

Yingli was a doctor. Most doctors, not to mention the high-born Yingli, had studied psychology.

“You are really a miracle beyond the reach of science, Xu.” Most foreigners were enthusiastic. Although Yingli seemed aloof and detached, he was a bold and unconstrained man underneath. Han Mingxu had once saved his life, so he was well disposed towards Han Mingxu.

“After this thing is over, I will be willing to be Mu Yingting’s experimental subject.” Li Qinghao curved his lips into a teasing smile. If Nancheng Lie saw Han Mingxu, who was always elegant and casual, smile like this, he would be very excited.

In Mu Yinting’s laboratory, there was a special room allocated for Yingli. It was his office. The office was well equipped, and you could enter a small operating room through a side door. Although it was just a small room, all the equipment inside was worth a fortune.

Lying on the examining table, Li Qinghao was a little nervous.

“It’s not a caesarean section. Why are you so nervous?”

Li Qinghao snorted, “Since my spirit can free itself from my former body, maybe there’s really something in my stomach.”

However, the result was contrary to what he expected. Li Qinghao was in good condition, except for the wound in his leg.

“Do you know TRKS?” Sitting on the sofa, he talked to the couple over a cup of coffee. He was so calm that no one could imagine what a terrible thing that had happened to him.

TRKS? Yingli and Mu Yinting looked at each other in mild astonishment.

Mu Yinting replied, “If my memory is correct, it’s said to be a virus developed by T organization.”

“Would you like to challenge it?”

“What do you mean?” It seemed that this guy was going to give them a big surprise.

“Yes, TRKS is a virus developed by T organization. It can remain latent for 49 days in human body. Pathogens will take effect after 49 days. When the time comes, human body heat will accelerate its spread through human blood. 49 days later, blood vessel will explode as the virus piled up to a certain amount. Unfortunately, I was injected with TRKS.” His voice was flat and calm as if he was just talking about something unrelated to him. But Yingli and Mu Yinting sitting opposite him changed their faces.

“Han Mingxu, don’t joke around!” On the island, T organization represented the grim reaper. They had a group that specialized in medicine. How could this guy be infected with this kind of virus?

“Do you think I’m joking about my life?” Li Qinghao heaved a sigh and continued, “I have only five months left to live. If I can’t get the antidote five months later, I will die.”

Death seemed to be a horrible thing to him now.

“Haven’t you got the antidote?” Since there was a poison, there was an antidote naturally. The person who had injected him with TRKS must have the antidote. Mu Yinting’s mind was buffeted by a storm of speculation. “This matter must have nothing to do with Li Qinghao’s circle of friends. So, is it related to the Nancheng family or the Han family? Or… it’s related to Leiluo Kingdom?” The last one was the most likely.

“As you think, the person who injected me with TRKS is the princess of Leiluo Kingdom. She wants the throne of Leiluo Kingdom, but the fake Han Mingxu is now the first in line of succession to the throne. That princess threw me a curve ball. She said if the fake Han Mingxu didn’t pass the throne to her, she would…” Li Qinghao shrugged and continued, “You know, even if she succeeds to the throne, she won’t allow me to live on. She’s indeed a shrewd, cunning plotter, but the pity is that I don’t want to give my life to her. What’s to be done?”

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