65. Twins

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Li Qinghao put a wet towel on Nancheng Lie’s forehead.

“Why can’t you take care of yourself?” Li Qinghao looked at the man lying in bed and sighed. Nancheng Lie had a high fever and was now in a coma. ‘You always lose your head because of me. Nancheng Lie, my heart aches for you, you know?’ Li Qinghao thought.

He reached out to touch Nancheng Lie’s face. This man was sleeping peacefully like a baby, and there was no trace of arrogance on his handsome face. Li Qinghao brushed Nancheng Lie’s eyelids with his fingertips. Then he lowered his head and slowly approached him. “Why are you so good to me?” He gave Nancheng Lie a kiss on the eyelid. “What should I do, Lie?”

“Don’t go… Please don’t go… Xu… Don’t leave me… ”

Nancheng Lie felt uneasy even in his sleep.

Li Qinghao held Nancheng Lie’s hand and lay down beside him. “Take it easy. I won’t leave you. Everything will be fine.”

“Xu… Xu… Sorry… I’m sorry…”

Nancheng Lie muttered all night. His every word was clearly heard by Li Qinghao. “Sorry… I’m sorry… Sorry…” Nancheng Lie’s hoarse voice rang in Li Qinghao’s ears. For the first time Li Qinghao felt that he was wrong.

To be honest, he didn’t want to leave Nancheng Lie; he didn’t have the heart to refuse Nancheng Lie; he didn’t want Nancheng Lie to marry someone else…

He knew that Nancheng Lie had slept with many people and even had many lovers, but he didn’t care about that because deep in his heart he knew that no matter where Nancheng Lie went, he would eventually come back to him.

Li Qinghao grew tired and drifted off into a light sleep.

Suddenly, he felt someone tapping his face. He developed an appalling headache and became irritable.

He opened his eyes and saw Nancheng Lie standing at his bedside.

“You are awake?” Nancheng Lie’s voice was still kind of hoarse, but he looked energetic now. “Now that you are awake, get up quickly. I have some questions for you.” From small to large, Nancheng Lie never took medicine for a cold or a fever, but as long as Han Mingxu accompanied him, he would soon get better.

For example, he was sick last night, but now he was already recovered.

“What’s your question?” Li Qinghao instinctively moved his ass to the bedside, ready to run away at any time, because he knew that Nancheng Lie was very horrible when he was awake. None of the Nancheng family was mediocre. Nancheng Lie was the young master of the Nancheng family. They saw him as the apple of their eye and doted on him. He couldn’t be a mediocre man.

“What are you afraid of?” Nancheng Lie flung his arms around Li Qinghao’s waist and pulled him towards him. “We made love many times before. Why are you still afraid of me?”

Li Qinghao’s temples pulsed. He resisted an impulse to hit Nancheng Lie and asked, “What questions do you have for me?”

“I will ask you only once. You’d better think carefully before you answer. Otherwise…” Nancheng Lie twisted his lips into an evil smile. The cruelty in his smile sent a chill through Li Qinghao. “The Royal Family of Leiluo Kingdom can spy on your family and even threaten you with their safety. If you annoy me, I will do the same.”

“You… How did you know that?” Li Qinghao was shocked.

‘Does he know that Princess Frise threatened me with violence? Or he knows that I was injected with TRKS? He…”

“I’m not interested in what happened between you and the Royal Family of Leiluo Kingdom. I can get you out if you want. Or you can stay here if you are willing to be with the crown prince. I just want to know what happened two years ago. Don’t tell me you lost your memory. Yes, you are a changed man after two years in a coma. If not for this face…” Nancheng Lie brushed Li Qinghao’s cheek with his fingertips.

“This face?” Li Qinghao gave a little chuckle. “You said yesterday that you mistook Keqi for Han Mingxu because they looked exactly alike. Now it’s because of this face that you see me as Li Qinghao. Do you judge a person only by his face, Nancheng Lie?”

“What do you mean by that? Are you trying to tell me that you are not Li Qinghao although you look exactly like him?”

“Keqi looks exactly like Han Mingxu, but you think that he’s not Han Mingxu. So, it’s hardly surprising that I’m not Li Qinghao.”

“Xu has a twin brother. What about you? Don’t tell me Li Qinghao also has a twin brother!” Nancheng Lie roared.


Li Qinghao had a brainwave. Nancheng Lie’s words gave him a clue as to the source of the doubts that had gnawed away at the back of his mind for a long time. “What did you say?” he asked.

“Don’t play dumb, Li Qinghao. I’ve checked you out, you don’t have a twin brother, and the paternity test has proved the blood relationship between Li Qinghao and his father.”

Li Qinghao suddenly asked, “Have you checked the DNA of Keqi and Grandpa Han? Are they related by blood?”

“What do you mean?” Nancheng Lie didn’t understand Li Qinghao.

“Since you have checked my DNA, what about Keqi? I mean, is Keqi’s DNA the same as Han Mingxu’?” There was a DNA data record left by Han Mingxu in the database of Nancheng Hospital. If Keqi hadn’t had cosmetic surgery, only one explanation could account for all these oddities– Han Mingxu and Keqi were twins.

They were twins…

“May I ask you a question, Nancheng Lie?” Li Qinghao asked in a soft voice. He knelt on the bed and put his hands on Nancheng Lie’s shoulders. “Why do you think that Keqi is not Han Mingxu? Answer me.”

His voice was so gentle; his eyes were like bottomless brown pools. Nancheng Lie was stunned by the uncanny familiarity of Li Qinghao’s eyes and tone. At this moment, he felt as if the man in front of him were his beloved Xu.

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