77. An Appointment with Princess Frise

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

In order to get the antidote for him?

Li Qinghao felt Keqi’s words ridiculous. ‘He once tried to kill me, but now he says that he wants to protect me. How ridiculous!’ he thought to himself.

“I know you had an ulterior motive for getting close to me, but I will wait until the day you are willing to tell me what your plan is. I just don’t understand why you described what you saw in your dream, especially at this juncture. You know that’s the truth, but you insisted on speaking out. Qinghao… Maybe you are not Li Qinghao, are you?” It sounded like a question, but his tone was affirmative. He narrowed his eyes and gave a powerful aura. Keqi looked the same as the day Li Qinghao first saw him in the hospital.

His powerful aura made those around him breathless.

The pity was that he was not the real Li Qinghao, so he was not afraid of Keqi.

“Oh? Are you sure?” Li Qinghao answered his question with another question. He was not at all influenced by Keqi; instead, he enjoyed the confrontation. He knew Keqi was thrown into confusion. It meant that Keqi would probably lose the game.

Li Qinghao’s calm eyes and flat voice cooled Keqi off. There was a wave of momentum beneath Li Qinghao’s calmness. He seemed to have the power to control everything. The way he smiled… Keqi was stunned for a second. He felt that Li Qinghao’s indifferent smile looked familiar.

Seeing that Keqi didn’t answer, Li Qinghao asked, “If two men who have the same DNA and look exactly alike are not one and the same person, what do you think their relationship…”

Keqi instinctively raised his hand and gripped Li Qinghao by the throat, but he soon came to himself. When he realized what he was doing, he slowly loosened his grip. His dark, brooding eyes fixed on Li Qinghao. It seemed as if he was suppressing all negative emotions and resisting his homicidal instincts. Finally, he let out a sigh.

Keqi was good at controlling his emotions. It was the first time he showed his emotions in front of others. A few moments later, Keqi sat down on the sofa opposite Li Qinghao and began to chat with him like an old friend. “They are probably identical twins, so they have the same DNA.” He recovered his habitual geniality and was a gentle prince again.

Li Qinghao smiled slightly. In the bright light his pale face was as pure as a lily. Although he was not an extremely gorgeous man, his soul gave off a heavy fragrance like a rose in bloom.

Keqi’s heart missed a beat, but soon he composed himself and asked, “Did Li Ka tell you something? No, it’s impossible. My people keep Li Ka under strict surveillance all the time. I know his every movement. Moreover, Li Ka can’t know so much.”

T/N note:

Li Ka: a student of Nancheng College majoring in business administration. He once spread the rumour that Li Qinghao committed suicide because of Nancheng Lie.

“Oh?” Li Qinghao decided to put his cards on the table, because he knew people with secrets could arouse Keqi’s curiosity more easily. “Since you have a thoughtful plan, why do you keep Li Ka alive? Don’t you think it’s dangerous? He’s like a bomb ready to explode.”

“I like fighting. It’s dangerous and exciting.” In short, he was a man of an adventurous disposition. “Actually Li Ka doesn’t know much about the car accident two years ago. He happened to bike over when Han Mingxu and Li Qinghao rolled down the hillside. Li Ka is a student of Nancheng College. If something bad happened to him, Nancheng family might launch an investigation, and it would do me no good.”

Keqi looked at Li Qinghao and saw his reflection in his clear eyes. For a moment Keqi had a feeling this man saw through his sin.

Li Qinghao shook his head and said, “Maybe deep down, you hope that someone can stop you, so you keep Li Ka alive.”

Keqi’s gaze sharpened, then he smiled and said, “Qinghao, you are really an interesting person.” Did he want someone to stop him? No, he never thought about it. But why did he keep Li Ka alive? He couldn’t give an answer. Sometimes people did something for no reason. “I’m a cruel man who stops at nothing to achieve his goal.”

“That’s why you killed your twin brother Han Mingxu, right?”

As Li Qinghao finished speaking, there was a dead silence in the room. They both held their breath. There was a flash of cruelty in Keqi’s eyes. Li Qinghao didn’t know whether Keqi’s disgust was aimed at him or Han Mingxu. He found that he liked to provoke Keqi like that. He knew it was improper to talk about such a taboo topic, but he couldn’t control himself. A monster inside him was howling and wanted him to revolt.

He had to admit that he was also a cruel man. He took a kind of dark pleasure in Keqi’s uneasiness.

There was a dead silence in the room. They subconsciously held their breath, feeling like prisoners who had ropes around their necks and were going to die at any time. They looked at each other and tried to read each other’s mind, but saw nothing from each other’s expression.

At last, Keqi walked out of the room.

Li Qinghao Looked at Keqi’s retreating figure and gave a bitter smile.

Nancheng Lie had been in a trance after leaving the palace of the crown prince. Li Qinghao’s words kept ringing in his mind. He couldn’t tell how he felt, but he had to admit he had a strong sense of heartache when he heard that Li Qinghao was infected with the virus named TRKS. He felt the same way when he knew Xu had an accident.

A mixture of uneasiness, confusion and fear surged in him. No! He kept telling himself that he was just afraid that he would never know where Xu was if Li Qinghao died suddenly.

Elen was also lost in thought. The young man named Li Qinghao gave him a feeling of familiarity. As a doctor, he was sensitive. His intuition helped him a lot in daily life. He sensed that something was wrong with Li Qinghao, but what puzzled him most was how Li Qinghao got infected with TRKS.

Elen turned his head and looked at Nancheng Lie, who was driving his car with a gloomy face.

“Xu was shot two years ago. I remember that Li Qinghao was in the same car with Xu at that time. Afterwards, he was in a coma for two years. Why is he appearing in Leiluo Kingdom? He… He seems to have an ambiguous relationship with Xu… er, with that man?”

Nancheng Lie came back to his senses. He shook his head and said, “I don’t know, but I have to keep Li Qinghao alive. He knew Keqi was not Xu before I found out Keqi’s real identity. Besides, he knows better than anyone else what happened between Keqi and Xu. What’s more, he knows Xu’s whereabouts.”

“Oh?” Elen was surprised. “Is that so?” Judging from the look of pain on Nancheng Lie’s face, things were not so simple.

“Bro, I need to calm down.” Nancheng Lie refused to think more about Li Qinghao. Now he only wanted to see Xu as soon as possible.

After returning to the hotel, Nancheng Lie called Frise.

Frise learned from his subordinate that Nancheng Lie had gone to the palace of the crown prince with Elen and wanted to do a psychological evaluation for Li Qinghao. ‘Li Qinghao… It’s all because of Li Qinghao. He will probably ruin my plan!’ Frise thought to herself. An idea formed in her mind. “Go get Li Qinghao from Keqi and then kill him,” she said to the beautiful young man standing beside her.

“Your Highness?” The young man was confused. “Aren’t you going to use him to pin Keqi down?”

“I intended to do so, but that day Li Qinghao broke into the conference room and almost destroyed my plan. I think he has known something. There are many other ways to hamper Keqi. I have waited 20 years. I don’t mind waiting a little longer. But the existence of Li Qinghao brings me a sense of uneasiness.” Hunters intuited the danger of their preys. Frise always trusted her instinct. She decided to give up Li Qinghao. She thought she was the one who held all the cards, and only she could make the rules. Even without Li Qinghao, she was confident that she could force Keqi to abdicate the throne of Leiluo Kingdom.

The beautiful young man replied, “Okay, I got it.” He always obeyed orders from his master.

After he left, Frise still felt uneasy. Suddenly, her phone rang. She glanced at the screen and answered the phone without hesitation. She was the princess of Leiluo Kingdom. Although she didn’t know who was at the other end of the phone, she was sure that the caller wasn’t an ordinary person.

“This is Nancheng Lie speaking,” said a calm voice on the other line. Frise felt surprised. She never had any dealings with Nancheng Lie.

“Hello, Mr. Nancheng, I’ve heard so much about you,” Frise replied politely. She was wondering why Nancheng Lie called her. Her only connection with Nancheng Lie was Keqi.

“Do you have time, Your Highness? I want to meet you in private.”

“No problem, but Mingxu’s enthronement will take place soon and I have a lot of things to do. What about meeting after the enthronement? I will give a dinner to express my thanks to you for taking care of Mingxu in the past years.”

“Can you spare me a few minutes before you make a decision, Your Highness? Don’t you want to know why I want to see you in private?”

Frise narrowed her eyes. Then she smiled and said, “Setting priorities is of critical importance. Mr. Nancheng, I’m all ears.” Frise was a clever woman. Nancheng Lie seemed very confident that she would go to meet him. In this case it was necessary to give him a chance to speak.

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