82. Li Qinghao Is as Important as Xu

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

LD was short for Loup-du. It meant “red wolf” in Chinese.

LD was an organization that even the Mafia dared not offend. The rise of LD was a legend. Every time members of LD committed a crime, they left a platinum mark in the shape of a wolf at the scene, with a word ‘red’ engraved on the belly of the wolf. LD organization was unruly and aggressive. But different from other organizations that were suppressed by the government, LD solved many hard cases secretly for the government.

So, the government was in a sense LD organization’s backer. In other words, LD and the government were taking advantage of each other. LD organization knew a lot of government secrets. So why was the government willing to support LD? It was because of the mysterious members of LD organization.

The leader of LD organization used to be the head and the supreme commander of Asian Interpol. Those in the same position of great power as him were usually middle-aged men whose meritorious military service was illustrious, but he was very young. At that time, he was only 28 years old.

He felt that he had reached the acme of his career. He had achieved great success in his career as an official. Even if he continued to work as a criminal policeman, he wouldn’t be more successful. So, he resigned his position.

On the day he resigned, his four subordinates also resigned resolutely. LD organization was founded that day. At that time, it was just a small organization with only five members.

Later, he recruited the most famous spy in the world, who was code-named Mask.

Then, he recruited the most famous intelligence officer in the International Intelligence Agency, who was code-named Justice.

Finally, he recruited the youngest major general in a certain army of a certain country, who was code-named General.

When the four of them sat in a restaurant eating spaghetti, LD organization was formally established.

To be honest, they were just a group of people who got tired of their former jobs and had nothing to do.

The reason they named their organization ‘Red Wolf’ was because they admired the wolf’s natural character. Wolves had strong vitality and high loyalty. They were social animals.

The wolf’ gregariousness symbolized the unity of the four of them. The wolf’s loyalty meant that they would never betray one another. An organization was like a family. The unity and loyalty of its members were very important. Why did they put ‘Red’ before ‘Wolf’? It was because their leader was named Nancheng Hong.

T/N note: In Chinese, 红(Hong, meaning red) sounds the same to the third character of 南城泓(Nancheng Hong).

The organization was half named after Nancheng Hong, not because he was the most outstanding of the four founding members but because of a gamble. They bet wine, and Nancheng Hong won. This proved that men could live without women, but not without wine.

The young criminal police had command of the whole organization. The young spy added the power of camouflage to the organization. The young intelligence officer brought a strong intelligence network. The young major general brought the most powerful armed forces to the organization. Owing to the network of relationships behind the four founding members, LD naturally became the most powerful organization in the world.

Nancheng Lie’s eldest brother, Nancheng Yunyu was the present leader of LD organization. His grandfather passed the position directly to him instead of his father.

Nancheng Yunyu was by nature a leader. He was a decisive and commanding figure, who was raised by his grandfather. Nancheng Yunyu was now 40 years old. He was a perfect man in the eye of outsiders. But few people knew that his younger brother Nancheng Lie was his only weakness.

Nancheng Yunyu spent his childhood training. In addition, he was a very calm and reticent figure. So, his childhood was joyless.

When Nancheng Yunyu was 19 years old, Nancheng Lie was born in the blessing and expectation of the whole Nancheng family. As the youngest master of the Nancheng family, he was born noble.

As a newborn baby, Nancheng Lie was good-looking. His crying reverberated in the hospital. Doctors, his parents, sisters and brothers took turns at coaxing him, but in vain. He kept crying.

Finally, it was the turn of Nancheng Yunyu. Other members of the Nancheng family dared not give the newborn baby to him for fear that he might scare Nancheng Lie. With a poker face, he picked up the newborn boy. Unexpectedly, Nancheng Lie stopped crying at once.

In fact, at that time Nancheng Lie was too tired to cry.

But Nancheng Yunyu didn’t know the truth. He felt a sense of achievement because he solved a difficult problem that couldn’t be solved by others. From then on, Nancheng Yunyu spent a lot of time taking care of the baby every day.

He regarded Nancheng Lie as his own son.

For this reason, Old Master Nancheng was increasingly dissatisfied with his eldest son. Fortunately, Nancheng Yunyu finally got married and had his own children. Otherwise, Old Master Nancheng might be tempted to kill his eldest son.

At the Nancheng Mansion.

Nancheng Yunyu was having a video conference with other leading members of LD organization. Suddenly, his phone rang. Nancheng Yunyu frowned. His cell phone supported a second SIM card. Except for the three good friends who were now having a video conference with him, only his family knew his private number. Even his business partners didn’t have his cell phone number. So, the caller must be his family. Maybe it was Nancheng Lie.

After thinking for a short moment, Nancheng Yunyu decided to answer the phone. “Wait for me.”

“Bro.” Nangcheng Lie’s voice came through the line.

‘In the past, this guy never phoned me on his own initiative. He always avoids me like the plague. Although I’m strict with him, I don’t think I’m an awful brother. Even when I knew he was gay, I never planned to correct him. Aren’t I nice to him?’ Nancheng Yunyu thought to himself.

Actually everyone knew if the one Nancheng Lie loved were not Han Mingxu, Nancheng Yunyu would have shot that man to death. Han Mingxu was like a younger brother to him too.

“What’s up?” Nancheng Yunyu was happy that his younger brother called him. Although he guessed Nancheng Lie must have a favor to ask of him, he was very satisfied that when in trouble, his younger brother could think of him and turn to him for help.

“Do you know T organization?” asked Nancheng Lie.

“T organization?” Nancheng Yunyu was usually a calm man, but at this moment, he was a little bit surprised.

The three cadres of LD organization who were still having a video conference with him, heard his words.

“T organization?” As the head of the Intelligence Unit, Justice quickly sorted out all the documents about T organization and then emailed them to Nancheng Yunyu.

T/N note:

Justice: a code name of one of LD organization’s leading cadres. The code name was handed down from generation to generation. After the death or retirement of the previous head of the Intelligence Unit, the title would be passed to the present head.

Nancheng Yunyu quickly scanned the documents. He was surprised, because LD organization had just been tasked with destroying T organization. The Interpol trusted him with this task, and the reward was up to 50 million dollars. Nancheng Yunyu thought it was a good business, so he intended to discuss it with his three good friends. But he hadn’t expected Nancheng Lie to mention this organization to him.

That was why he was surprised.

Nancheng Yunyu quickly composed himself and answered, “Yes, I know it. What’s wrong?”

“Do you know TRKS, a virus developed by T organization?” asked Nancheng Lie.

“Viruses developed by T organization are threatening the living environment of human beings. This afternoon we received an order from the Interpol. We are tasked with destroying T organization. But I know nothing about TRKS.” While speaking, Nancheng Yunyu punched the word ‘TRKS’ into the keypad. The next second the other three members of LD organization received a message from him.

Justice quickly texted Nancheng Yunyu, “It’s a virus newly developed by T organization. Different from other viruses, TRKS can remain latent for a long time in human body before it finally explodes.”

T/N note:

Justice: the leader of the Intelligence Unit of LD organization. He had access to all the information in the world.

“Now I know it. You go on speaking.”

“My friend has been infected with TRKS. He needs an antidote.”

To destroy T organization was in a sense more difficult than to get the antidote from T organization. So, Nancheng Yunyu lapsed into silence. He never mixed his personal affairs with work.


“Is your friend important to you?” It was the first time that Nancheng Lie asked Nancheng Yunyu for help.

Was his friend important to him?

Nancheng Lie was lost in thought. Was Li Qinghao important? He never thought about it. A voice inside his head told him Li Qinghao was very important. If Li Qinghao died, Xu’s whereabouts would be unknown.

Was Li Qinghao important to him? It was a simple question, but he couldn’t answer. He vaguely felt that there was a deeper reason why he regarded Li Qinghao as important.

“Is it hard to answer?” Nancheng Lie’s silence gave Nancheng Yunyu the answer. If Nancheng Lie didn’t care about Li Qinghao, he wouldn’t spend time thinking about this question. But if he were already well aware of his feelings for Li Qinghao, he would answer this question without hesitation. Nancheng Lie was mulling and hesitating. It showed that he needed more time to sort himself out.

His mind was in a turmoil.

Nancheng Lie finally answered, “Yes, he is as important as Xu.”

‘Li Qinghao is the only one who knows Xu’s whereabouts, so he is as important as Xu, at least for now,’ Li Qinghao told himself in his heart.

“Okay, I see.”

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