84. I’ll Be There Waiting for You to Come Back

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“I’m okay.” The worried look in Li Qinghao’s eyes was obvious. Nancheng Lie forced a smile, trying to comfort Li Qinghao. “Just now I felt a sharp pain in my chest, but it doesn’t matter. I felt the same way when I found Xu lying unconscious in the woods two years ago.”

At this moment, not only Nancheng Lie but also Li Qinghao felt a deep sense of heartache. Nancheng’s words rang heartbreaking. Li Qinghao had an impulse to tell Nancheng that he was Han Mingxu and he was all right.

But he couldn’t. He bit his lower lip and resisted the impulse to speak. He wouldn’t tell Nancheng the truth unless he was completely free from danger. He didn’t want Nancheng Lie to be heartbroken once more.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen you so sad. Is it because of me?” The pain only lasted for a while. Nancheng Lie would be all right as long as he didn’t think about Han Mingxu.

Li Qinghao let go of Nancheng Lie, turned back to the bedside and put on the tuxedo.

“Hey, it’s just a joke. Don’t be angry with me. Anyway, I’m your ex.” Nanchenglie said in embarrassment.

The look in Li Qinghao’s eyes betrayed him. Nancheng Lie knew that Li Qinghao cared about him. Maybe he still loved him. Nancheng Lie was familiar with the way Li Qinghao looked at him, because many of his exs had once stared at him with such loving eyes, just like Li Qinghao did. But anyway, he was unable to make any response to Li Qinghao’s love.

If he were the erstwhile Nancheng Lie, he would directly push Li Qinghao down on the bed and screw him. But now things were different. After these days of contact with Li Qinghao, Nancheng Lie felt that Li Qinghao was different from his other exs. He… He regarded Li Qinghao as a friend. Yes, Li Qinghao was now his friend, so he was careful to avoid embarrassment.

Nancheng Lie filled his head with nonsense. Li Qinghao didn’t take what Nancheng said seriously.

After a while, Nancheng Lie came back to his senses. He looked at the handsome young man in front of him, his heart racing uncontrollably. He had a feeling Li Qinghao was not simply a friend to him.

The beige tuxedo seemed to be tailor-made for Li Qinghao. He looked distinguished and gave an elegant aura, like a prince. Li Qinghao had good figure. Although he was thin, he had a kind of natural beauty in him. Nancheng Lie swallowed hard. Damn it! He couldn’t take his eyes off Li Qinghao.

Li Qinghao gave Nancheng Lie a glance and said, “Let’s go.”

Nancheng Lie’s heart gave a lurch.

‘His glance gives me a feeling of familiarity.

In the past, Xu always refused me when I invited him to some banquets. But he was easily persuaded and as long as I pretended to be unhappy, he agreed. Then he glanced blandly at me and said, ‘Let’s go.” Nancheng Lie thought.

“Nancheng Lie.” Li Qinghao stopped at the door and looked back at Nancheng Lie, who was laughing foolishly. He shook his head helplessly. ‘He’s now a mature man. How can he laugh a silly laugh? I have to say he has not changed over the years,’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

“I’m coming.” Nancheng Lie came back to himself. He stood up and lengthened his stride to keep up with Li Qinghao. He refused to admit that he had feelings for Li Qinghao. ‘He is Li Qinghao, not Xu. He’s just my friend, and Xu is my only love. They are different,’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

Jimmy was waiting for them at the front door downstairs. When he saw them, he said respectfully, “Mr. Nancheng, Mr. Li, the car is ready. It will take us to the place where the enthronement is going to take place.”

“Isn’t it held in the Royal Palace?” asked Li Qinghao. The Royal Palace was not far away from here, and it would take only a few minutes to walk there. They wouldn’t need to take the car if their destination were the Royal Palace.

“No. Prince Keqi is going to be crowned king in the cathedral. By then the priest will give him the ring that symbolizes the power of the king,” Jimmy explained.

Jimmy walked over to the car and opened the door for them. Then he slipped into the passenger seat.

“Can you tell me something about the cathedral?” Li QInghao knew a lot about the legal system in Leiluo Kingdom, but he had not studied the religion of Leiluo Kingdom. Hearing what Jimmy said, he felt that he missed a lot.

“The God we believe in is closely related to the system of our country. The reason men are superior to women in our country is because our God is a male. The omnipotent God is above all living beings, and the king is the son of God. So people must obey the king and no one dares to challenge his authority. That’s the real origin of the legal system in Leiluo Kingdom.” Most people were proud when they talked about their countries. But there was a strain of bitterness in Jimmy’s voice when he talked about Leiluo Kingdom.

“That’s absurd.” Li Qinghao snorted. “Men are superior to women? I don’t think this sentence can correctly and fully describe women’s status in Leiluo Kingdom.”

“Yes, to be more exact, a woman’s status is determined by the power of her family. If her family is noble and powerful, she will have a higher social standing. But anyway, she is inferior to her male family members.”

“Just like Princess Frise?” Li Qinghao asked.

Jimmy was taken aback. He didn’t understand why Li Qinghao mentioned Princess Frise. He even didn’t know how to answer.

“Don’t be nervous, Jimmy. I just made a joke without thinking. If the old king hadn’t taken the son of the former prince back to Leiluo Kingdom two years ago, Keqi wouldn’t ascend the throne today and Princess Frise would be reduced to a normal noble lady. Even her family would go downhill due to no man. Finally, she and her family would be looked down upon by other nobles. Do you think so?”

Jimmy’s palms were oozing sweat. Mr. Li looked like a gentle man. How could he ask such a penetrating question?

When Jimmy was still silent, the car stopped at the cathedral. They arrived later than many people. There were cars thickly parked in orderly rows outside the cathedral. People were queuing to enter the cathedral.

There were also many reporters from different countries. They gathered at the door of the cathedral and wanted to interview the leading role of today’s show and the honoured guests from different countries.

The young master of Nancheng family was one of the people they would most like to interview.

The car stopped and Nancheng Lie got out first. His handsome appearance immediately captured everyone’s attention. Instead of walking away, he went to the other side of the car and opened the door. Was there a beauty in the car?

Many reporters who knew Nancheng Lie lifted their cameras and began to take pictures.

Nancheng Lie was in fact not famous in foreign entertainment circles. After all, he hadn’t ever made a public international statement about his real identity, so the foreign reporters didn’t know him. When they saw some other reporters constantly taking pictures of Nancheng, they followed. But the next moment, they were shocked.

Those Chinese reporters crazily rushed to that man. They suddenly realized that handsome oriental man seemed to be very famous.

Who was he? A foreign reporter grabbed a Chinese reporter by the arm and asked, “Who’s that man?”

The Chinese reporter replied, “Nancheng Lie, the youngest and most favored son of Nancheng family.”

A reporter, who didn’t hear of Nancheng family, was not worthy of the title of international journalist.

After all, Nancheng Group held a hegemonic position in commercial circles.

The foreign reporters also surged forward.

“Mr. Nancheng, are you here for the enthronement of your best friend Han Mingxu?”

“Mr. Nancheng, who’s the handsome guy beside you? Is he your lover? ”

“Mr. Nancheng, Mr. Han will soon become the new king of Leiluo Kingdom. Will Nancheng Group benefit from it?”

“Mr. Nancheng, your best friend is going to be the king. Do you have anything to say to him?”

“Mr. Nancheng, you are said to be gay. Don’t you think it’s impolite to bring your lover to your best friend’s enthronement?”

The reporters scrambled to ask questions. A charming smile stuck to Nancheng Lie’s handsome face. He kept a firm hold of Li Qinghao’s hand and posed for the reporters. “OK… My time is limited, and I can answer only a few questions.” He took the microphone from a reporter nearest to him. “First of all, Xu and I are good friends. I’ve been on good terms with him. Now Xu is going to formally ascend the throne, and as the successor of Nancheng Group, I’m here to congratulate him on behalf of the Nancheng family.

Secondly, the handsome guy beside me is not my lover. He’s a mutual friend of Xu and me. He’s also our junior. I’m gay indeed, but I won’t appear with my lover on such an occasion. Now under the watchful eye of the people of the world, I have something to say. If one day I took a man with me on a formal occasion, he… he must be my only love,” Nancheng Lie said in a low voice, emphasizing the last sentence. He subconsciously tightened his grip on Li Qinghao’s wrist.


Li Qinghao looked up at Nancheng Lie, knowing that Nancheng must have thought of Han Mingxu again. At this moment, he must have mixed feelings, but he behaved like a fighter. He put away his sadness and kept smiling for the cameras. For the first time Li Qinghao realized that Nancheng Lie was so mature and charming.

“Finally, I want to tell Xu… no matter where you are, no matter what difficulties you run into, I’ll be there waiting for you to come back.” It sounded like he was backing Keqi. Only Li Qinghao knew what Nancheng really meant.

He was calling his love, “I’ll be there waiting for you to come back, Xu.”

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