95. He’s Like an Angel with White Wings

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Li Qinghao was 183 cm in height. Even though he was thin, he was not light in weight. But Nancheng Lie felt that Li was as light as a feather.

Nancheng bowed his head and looked at Li Qinghao, who was sleeping soundly with his head against Nancheng’s shoulder. A dull red flush suffused Li’s pale face. There was a murderous glow in Nancheng’s eyes. He wouldn’t spare anyone who hurt Xu.

He laid Li Qinghao on the bed and turned on the air-conditioner. Although he wanted to hold Li Qinghao in his arms and have a sleep, he had to leave because he had more important things to do.

He came to the study and called his assistant Yang Kai, “I won’t go to work tomorrow morning, but you need to give me a report about our company’s investment in Leiluo Kingdom tomorrow afternoon when I arrive at the company.”

“It means that I have to work through the night, Young Master.”

“You’ll get a tripling of month-end bonus.” Nancheng Lie dangled rich rewards before Yang Kai. “I remember that you like Audi’s new convertible very much. Ain’t you gonna work hard and buy one?”

“Since you said that, I’ll work hard for the bonus.”

Those who were familiar with Nancheng Lie called him Young master. He was the third and youngest son of his father. The personal names of the younger generation of Nancheng family were usually beginning with the character “云”(Yun), such as his eldest brother Yunyu and his second brother Yunseng. But his name was different.  In Chinese, the second character of 云宇(Yunyu) meant the universe; the second character of 云森(Yunseng) meant the forest and land. The combination of their names had a meaning of “heaven and earth”.

As for Nancheng Lie, he cried very fiercely when he was born. He was vigorous, so his father named him Nancheng Lie, hoping he could always be as bright as a flame.

It was true that Nancheng Lie, who had been loved and carefully looked after since childhood, did lead a radiant life.

Nancheng Lie came out of the study and leaned against the wall of the corridor. He promised not to hurt Keqi, but he never promised to spare Leiluo Kingdom. Now that he knew Frise had nothing to threaten Li Qinghao, he decided to take revenge on her without mercy.

But meanwhile, he was still worried about Li Qinghao.

TRKS was a kind of semi-finished virus, and the so-called antidote was also a semi-finished product. So, what on earth would happen to Li Qinghao?

Was he going to die? No!

Nancheng Lie couldn’t stand the defeat. He once lost Xu and sank into the depths of despair and heartache. He couldn’t bear to lose Xu again.

Everyone who hurt Xu had to pay a price. Leiluo Kingdom was the origin of all these things.

When he returned to his bedroom, he subconsciously held his breath, because he knew Li Qinghao was sensitive to disturbance, and any noise would wake him up.

He came to the bedside, but didn’t go to bed at once. The room was painted white with moonshine. He watched Li Qinghao quietly.

The white silk quilt covered Li Qinghao’s thin body. The clear, bright moonlight flattered his pale skin and dark hair. Nancheng Lie soon took his eyes off Li Qinghao for fear that his intense gaze would awake Li Qinghao. He took out his pajamas and went next door to the bathroom for a shower. Then he came back to his bedroom. He didn’t take Li Qinghao in his arms; instead, he lay down on the other side of the bed.

A faint smile formed on his lips. He was in no hurry to unmask Li Qinghao.

The next day morning, Li Qinghao woke up feeling short of breath. He felt a heavy weight on his thigh. Besides, his waist was seized by a strong arm. What was worse, an arm constricted his neck. He found it hard to breathe.

All this gave Li Qinghao a sense of familiarity. He didn’t forget the days he spent with Nancheng Lie at Nancheng Mansion even after an interval of 2 years.

Li Qinghao subconsciously stuck out his foot and kicked Nancheng Lie off the bed.

Nancheng Lie, who was 188 cm tall, fell on the floor with a bang. Although the floor was carpeted, his buns hurt.

He rubbed his buttocks instinctively before he opened his eyes, staring at the familiar ceiling, dazed and dizzy. This was his bedroom, so… He regained consciousness, his eyes shining. Xu! It must be Xu! Only Xu dared to kick him. Nancheng Lie immediately raised himself from the ground and was about to jump onto the bed. But he froze when he met Li Qinghao’s pure eyes.

Li Qinghao sat sideways on the bed. The silk quilt had slipped to his waist. In order to avoid waking him up, Nancheng Lie hadn’t got Li Qinghao into his pajamas last night. So now Li was still wearing his white shirt.

The shirt was made of silk, so it wouldn’t wrinkle. Li Qinghao brushed his hair back with his hand and then looked blankly at Nancheng Lie.

Nancheng had been together with Han Mingxu morning and night. He couldn’t tell how many times they woke up together in the morning, but only this time he felt that his Xu was like an angel with white wings.

Nancheng Lie’s loving eyes brought Li Qinghao back to his senses. He closed his eyes and recalled what had happened last night. He had a sudden sense of danger. When he opened his eyes again, he was wide awake.

He teased, “Mr. Nancheng, it’s early in the morning, but you seem in the best of spirits. Although this method is more effective than an alarm clock, I don’t think you should wake me up in this way. After all, I’m not feeling too lazy to get out of bed.” He looked at Nancheng Lie with a meaningful smile.

As a result of his bad sleeping posture, when Nancheng woke up, his robe had been half open. After being kicked out of the bed, his robe was completely open, revealing his naked chest. ‘I know he’s trying to hide his feelings. Since he doesn’t want to confess his real identity to me, I won’t force him,’ Nancheng thought to himself.

“Thank goodness, I escaped from your control in time. Otherwise, I might have lost my virginity. Look at this! You even pulled apart my robe.” Nancheng Lie deliberately straightened up and showed his six-pack stomach. His bronze skin gave an aura of manliness, and his body was athletic.

Li Qinghao had known Nancheng Lie’s shamelessness since childhood. “Your virginity? Are you serious?” Everyone knew Nancheng had lots of exes.

Nancheng Lie curved his lips into an ambiguous smile and said in a teasing tone, “Do you want to screw me?”

Li Qinghao rolled his eyes at Nancheng and answered, “I’m not interested.”

“Oh?” A crafty look came to Nancheng Lie’s eyes. “So, you only want to lie beneath me?

“You…” Li Qinghao picked up a pillow and threw it at Nancheng.

‘Nancheng Lie is behaving very oddly today. I knew he’s a shameless man, but he has never flirted with me in such a flagrant way before, although sometimes he assumes an ambiguous attitude towards me. What’s up with him today? To be exact, his attitude towards me has changed since yesterday. He seems… He seems to regard me as his lover,’ Li Qinghao thought.

On the surface Li Qinghao seemed calm and indifferent, but in fact, he was a maelstrom of churning emotions inside.

‘Has he discovered my secret? Even more strangely, I didn’t wake up last night when he carried me to his bedroom. No, in fact, I was conscious at that time. I knew he picked me up, carried me to his bedroom and tuck me in, but I didn’t break away from his arms.’

Li Qinghao sighed. ‘It’s because I subconsciously regard myself as Han Mingxu instead of Li Qinghao. I’m so familiar with Nancheng Lie’s hug that I can’t put up any resistance.

Now I see why Keqi refuses to keep frequent contact with Nancheng Lie. It’s because Nancheng is an extremely smart man who can discover the minutest detail in everything. The more time you spend with him, the more likely he is to see through you.

Now he must have begun to doubt my identity.

But will he believe that I’m Han Mingxu? After all, I’m now in Li Qinghao’s body. So far as I know, Li Qinghao is just his ex and has nothing to do with Han Mingxu.

No one will believe what happened to me except through personal experience,’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

Nancheng Hong was a mysterious and tremendous man. He was also the first leader of LD organization. According to the rule made by him, all members of the Nancheng family must have breakfast and supper together.

The reason for this was simple: he wanted to strengthen ties among the family members. He thought a family could be closely united as long as its members spent more time together. On the other hand, Nancheng Hong was playful, and making rules was one of his interests. As a result, the rule was handed down through the ages.

Nancheng Lie’s mother used to be his father’s personal nurse. During that period, she had developed a habit of cooking, and often cooked some delicious and nutritious food for Mr. Nancheng. She was now the hostess of the Nancheng family and had a noble status. There were plenty of servants to wait on her. Although there was no need for her to cook meals herself, she maintained the habit for years. Every time the Nancheng family gathered together, she prepared food for them.

They were used to all kinds of costly foods. Sometimes a bowl of porridge with bone soup was very tasty to them.

After an interval of 2 years, once more Li Qinghao sat in the dining room of the Nancheng Mansion. Seeing those familiar faces filled his mind with a tumult of feelings. He used to be so close with them, but now he was a stranger to them.

“Qinghao, I heard that you had a car accident and were in a coma for two years. You should have more porridge with bone soup. It’s very good for your health,” a soft, female voice said.

“Thank you, Auntie.” All eyes were focused on Li Qinghao. He calmly picked up a spoon and began to eat. He knew they must be surprised to see him appear with Nancheng. After all, no one except those who were approved by Nancheng family could be admitted to the Nancheng Mansion.

Li Qinghao didn’t care much for that. It was Nancheng Lie’s duty to offer an explanation. It had nothing to do with him.

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