Genos: "I didn't know you could make those Sensei" Said Genos as we were casually walking in the streets of City B, I thought that the journey back here would be boring, And you may agree, Though Genos kept bringing up random topics that i don't even know anymore, And that led us suddenly arriving at City B, Though I guess all of that talk with Genos really paid off, I thought it was just a couple minutes ago we started to talk about random things, Well time surely does fly

Camden: "Yep, Though you managed to stop it with your blast, That is very impressive since that attack was very serious, Like very serious" I said to him 'Even though i didn't really put any force behind the blast but whatever, If it makes Genos happy then im good'

Genos: "Thank you for your praise, But i still need to improve myself to become strong"

Camden: "Can't wait for that to happen" I said with some expectations for him because in the manga, He really has improved over the course of a few months after Season 2 of the anime ended

Camden: "Oh i forgot, Let's eat somewhere"

Genos: "Hai, Where should we stop by Sensei?"

Camden: "Hmm, How about some ramen, I think Naruto would be proud"

Genos: "Who is this Naruto, Sensei?" He asked, I realized he doesn't know who he is, Of course, he doesn't

Camden: "Oh him, He's my very long lost friend when i was a child, He was tired of me beating him every day in a fight, And he decided to leave me without letting me even know, Till this day, I still hope that we meet each other again" I said to him, What i just said has to be the most bullshit story in history, Though this is Genos we're talking about so he'll believe it

Genos: "Really Sensei?!" He said as i nodded

Genos: "I see, I will be here with you Sensei until the very end until you have finally found your long lost friend"

Camden: "...Yeah" I just said as we arrived at a random ramen shop next to the border of City Z and B.


Fubuki: "What did he do?" Asked Fubuki to Eyelashes and Mountain Ape

Eyelashes: "They went into the middle of nowhere, And him and S-class hero Genos we're talking about sparring with each other" Said Eyelashes to Fubuki as Mountain Ape nodded

Fubuki: "Did you see them spar?"

Mountain Ape: "No Fubuki-sama, When we arrived we only saw a destroyed valley, And we also heard a massive explosion when we were making our way towards them" He said, Making Fubuki sigh

Fubuki: "Alright you two did good, You can go now" She said to both of them as they left to do their own things, Fubuki, On the other hand, Went her way to her bedroom and laid down exhausted like a stressful mother

Fubuki: "I can't make any ȧssumptions yet until i see him in person, I have his picture here but my stupid brain can't handle looking at his face for more than 5 second's" She complained to herself, She didn't expect him to be so different than when she first saw him 'Maybe he's like me'.


"Here are your orders" The old man said as he served us our ramen orders, Mine was a nice pork ramen, Is that a good first choice or not? This is my first time eating ramen in a while actually, So i have high expectations for this since i live here in Japan, This should taste more refined than in the United States, For Genos he ordered shrimp ramen, To be honest, Shrimp flavor is complete garbage in my opinion

"Itadakimasu" We both said together as we dug in, Or dig in, You decide

Camden: "This is so good!" I said as i ferociously ate my ramen in peace, While Genos didn't do the same thing as me, But he also ate his own very quickly, Just not as messy as me

Genos: "Sensei, Have you thought of your hero name yet?" He asked as i stop eating my ramen and looked at him

Camden: "No, I can't think of any, Can you suggest some?"

Genos: "Sure, How about Skywalker perhaps?"

Camden: "...Now that, Is a hero name if i ever heard one, Skywalker it is then!" I happily said, Genos always saves from any bad situation

Genos: "Hai, I'll contact the Hero Association after we are done with our food" He said as we resumed our eating

After a while, We finished our ramen, But exactly after we finished, Amai Mask arrives into the restaurant and walked straight to us, It's still noon since our spar ended so fast and not like in the anime, I thought he had like a movie or television show or something or is it when Boros appeared? But i guess not as he approached us both, Good thing we're the only people in here, Otherwise we'd be surrounded mercilessly

Amai Mask: "Hi, Are you two the new heroes yes?" He said as we nodded

Genos: "Yes we are, And you must be Amai Mask, A-class rank 1" He said and he nodded

Amai Mask: "Yes i am"

Genos: "What do you want with us?" He asked, Though i already know what he's gonna do, So i didn't bother to listen to their conversation, Just kidding i kinda eavesdrop a little

Amai Mask: "Could you come with me outside for a little bit Genos-Kun?" He said as Genos looked at me and i nodded and they exited the restaurant

Camden: "So even if I'm a B-class hero, He didn't let me come with them" I muttered to myself 'I wonder what am i going to do for the rest of the day'

"Oy, Are you finished with your food?" The old man said to me as he broke me out of my thoughts

Camden: "Yeah we're done"

"That will be 1,000 yen for those two bowls" He said as i pulled out the exact amount and laid it on the table

Camden: "I'll put it here"

"Sure, I'll come pick it up" He said and i nodded and stood up to leave the place as Genos arrived back and made his way next to me

Camden: "What did you two do?"

Genos: "Nothing much Sensei, He just welcomed me and told some stuff about being an S-class hero" He said, I know half of that is true, I think, That Amai dude creeped me out when i first saw him back in my world and he still does

Camden: "Well if that's all, We should get going then" I said he nodded as we left together

As we're walking towards my apartment, Genos said that he has to do something and will be back soon, Of course, I let him go as we walked the

opposite directions, I'm not his Father, Mother, Or his Big Brother if he even has one, I can't control his life, But i'll try to make him follow the right path and help him seek his goal on getting revenge on the cyborg that killed his family, I may not be his guardian, But i am his Sensei and he is my Disciple 'Geez, All that manga reading upped my philosophy game' i thought as i made my way towards my apartment.

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