Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 2 - First Day Working Out With An Unexpected Reward

After yesterday's incident, I had accepted my new life here in the One Punch Man world, And this is my first day here as the mc himself, But there is still 3 years when canon starts so i have to start training in order to get my limiter broken

When i woke up, I cleaned my now new apartment, Because i dont want to deal with this after a long hard day working out, Maybe even a broken bone considering i haven't done this kind of intense training regimen before

As i finished cleaning, I put on my blue tracker suit, Don't go training when you just had a shower, I've learned from experience that it is much better to shower after you workout, Imho

I left my apartment as i just took my time standing still and looking around, From the memories i have, I know basically all the places in city Z 'Good thing, Otherwise i'd be lost like a lost dog' i thought as i went to the nearest parks, Yes i know that working out in a park seems very weird, And i would agree, Though it's one of the best places to start, Then eventually, Your going to move from working out from the park, To working out in the gym, But i don't care about going into the gym, This is much easier if i just workout on the park

As i arrived, I was surprised to see a decent amount of people here 'Well, Considering im Saitama with hair, City z used to be filled with people, But then monsters started coming out of nowhere, And people decided that it's best to leave to go to the other cities' i thought as i went to one of the empty playgrounds

Camden: "Alright, I'll do push-ups first, Since squats and sit ups require mostly the use of your legs, While push-ups only requires your hands" I said as i positioned myself into like a plank formation, I spread my arms next to my shoulder tips, After i finished preparing myself, I slowly let myself down, Once i was imminent of hitting the ground, I pushed myself up using my two hands near my shoulders as i went back up in the same position as i was the first time

Camden: "1..." I said as i continued doing push-ups, My limit with push-ups was around 30-40, Which sounds very average for a dude who just wants to be fit, Even military troops i think can do 50 averagely, When i was hitting the 30 mark, My legs were starting to act up, My hands were still fine though a little bit of scratches, When i hit 50, My legs started to cramp and my arms were starting to twitch, But i pulled though and kept going

Camden: "One....Hundred!" I said horsely as i immediately dropped to the ground as my breathing was non stop and i had to held my breath together, After what seems like forever, I managed to control my breathing into a consistent pace

Camden: "I-i should have brought water" I said as i stood up and sitted next to one of the benches near the playground

Camden: "Barely survived, And i still have to do sit-ups and squats, I just know my legs will be dead when i'm done with this" I said as i went back to my apartment to grab some water bottles, I grabbed like 3 of them and started to go back with the water

As soon as i arrived, I departed the water near me so that i can access it much more easier as i continued to do the next exercise, Sit-ups

I laid in the ground except for my legs, After i was satisfied with my positioning, I grabbed the tip of my knee with both of my hands and started to let myself climb up, Making me "Sit up" as i let myself fall again and continued to do more

The feeling is like doing a pull up if you know what i mean, It feels like that, And i have done it before as i had some idea how to do sit-ups more efficiently, When i hit the 50 mark though, My back started to arch, Surprisingly, My hands were becoming tired, I suppose that pulling myself up from the ground with just the help of my legs and hands is pretty harsh, When i hit the 100 mark, I felt the same as when i did 100 push-ups, I felt my breathing becoming fast, I grabbed one of the water bottles and chugged some in my system

Camden: "I have to get used to this soon, Or else im just abusing myself" I said as i rested a bit on the bench as i had to do 100 squats

And just like i said, Even though i feel my legs become normal again, When i did my first squat, It was becoming the leg that i had just done 100 sit-ups in, This exercise is really a leg killer, When i hit 50, My whole legs started to shake and twitch, It almost feels like when your legs starts to cramp, But it sends a tiny bolt of lightning to your body, But i perservered and made 100 squats as i fell buŧŧ first on the ground as i immediately chugged the rest of the water that was left as two bottles of water was remaining

Camden: "A-ah, Fuck that hurts" I said in a tired voice as i managed to get up and went to the bench with my shaky legs

Camden: "Next is the run, But let's rest first, No way in hell im going for a run without some rest" I said and i rested for a good 15 minutes, It feels like not quite enough since im running a 10km run, But im a big boy today

The robotic voice said to my in my mind as i was shocked

Camden: "You can do that?"

[Yes User!]

Camden: "God thank you, I don't think i can keep my focus on counting how many left do i need to run" I said as i grabbed the two remaining water bottles and put them in my pockets as i started to run around the city, Hoping not to encounter a monster

[1 Hour later.]

[User! I would like to inform you that you have finished your run today.]

The voice echoed back in my head as i stopped dead in my tracks as i breath in and out, Feeling my legs about to explode as i chugged the last water bottle that i have

Camden: "That wasn't bad like the other ones i did, Though considering i took some breaks here and there" I said as i made my way back to my apartment with the three empty water bottles since these will be helpful

As i arrived, I immediately took a shower, Since i was covered in sweat, I smelled like shit, I decided to take a nice cold shower after a hard day of working out, Oh and of course, I didn't forget to take my Anti hairloss shampoo

[Congrats User for completing your first day of the mission! Here's something that will help you along the way.]



It said in my head as a holographic screen popped out in front of me as i was surprised

Camden: "I can get money as well?"

[Yes User!]

Camden: "So if i do complete another workout session, I'll get 100 dollars again?"

[No, You can only get the money reward 1 time per day, And since your in Japan, I'll convert it into their currency of 100 dollars.]

It said as i was a little sad, Since i checked while i was cleaning my apartment, I only had about 1,000$ i think, And since this is Japan i am living in, I dont know how much it is in their currency, After a while, I pressed accept since of course i want the money, I was actually pretty worried that my money was not enough to live with for 3 years

As suddenly, A pile of Japanese paper money appeared next to me

Camden: "Wait, So if 100$ is 10,000 yen, And i have about 1000$ dollars atleast in that Saitama had after i reincarnated as him, That means i have 100,000 yen plus the recent 10,000 yen that i received" I said as i put all of my money in one of the empty drawers as i laid back down in me sleeping mat

Camden: "I think that's enough money to last me for atleast sometime, Plus i have income, We'll if i managed to finish my training, But overall, This is going to be an interesting journey" I said as i turned on my tv and i was surprised that an anime show is on air right now

Camden: "Im in an anime world with anime shows, Nice" I said as i just remembered something

Camden: "Oh yeah, I have to pay rent here, And since their is still people living in City Z, The payment is gonna be more pricey, But after 3 years where everyone leaves, It will significantly lower down" I reminded myself as i continued to watch some anime until i fell asleep.

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