Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 23 - The Seafolk Emerge To The Surface

Fubuki: "So he managed to stop the Meteor without damaging the Cities, But how?" She said as she looked at a picture of the Meteor, Or what's left of it through her phone

Fubuki: "This isn't right" She said, Examining the picture thoroughly, She didn't thought that he would not only destroy the Meteor and save the the Cities from getting some very seriously destroyed, But also turn it into dust, She thought that he just punched the Meteorite with more force than normal, But it is seemingly impossible to make an Asteroid turn into dust with a punch, Fubuki could understand it if the Meteor was punched into tiny rocks but not pure powder

Fubuki: "There's more about him that i just dont know yet, I wish to meet him soon, But for now, I'll just try to keep collecting more info about him" Said Fubuki as she took off her shoes and laid on to her bed with her phone still in her hands 'I think i'll go help when he arrives so that i could hopefully see him in person, Well not really in person but a glimpse of him would be enough of an accomplishment' she thought as Fubuki continued to look at some more news at her phone, And there was one particular news that caught her emerald green eyes attention

Fubuki: "And he has been promoted to B-class rank 51..." She muttered as Fubuki sighed, Feeling that this person is in need of attention of hers, But she decided to not approach the man head on until the time is right, There's a chance they are both one of the same, She turned off her phone and laid it beside her as her green eyes staired at the ceiling of her room, So many thoughts ran through her head, And some if not all of those thoughts we're about Saitama...If it even is his real name at this point.


Genos: "Sensei, I'll be going to get my parts" He said as i nodded to him as he left my apartment to go to Dr. Kuseno to finish his new upgrades

It's been a week since i accepted my Psychic Abilities, I was surprised that the Sea monsters haven't arrived yet, But of course i couldn't waste an opportunity like that as i trained my Abilities throughout the week, Nothing to serious, Just some final touches to really master and refine some of my powers, Though i really want to test my Healing Ability, But that could wait until i found someone to heal

Camden: "Oh yeah, I forgot to restock the Refrigerator" I said as i got up and went to put on my Hero suit, Even if the Sea people or something haven't arrived yet, Monsters are still coming into the Cities, More than normal actually, So there's a chance i could encounter one while going and finding a Grocery Store to restock the empty refrigerator

As i exited my apartment, I was surprised to see a few Subterraneans arised from the ground with their King, I didn't expect to see them today or ever actually, I totally forgot about them as i easily dealt with one of them, And as i expected, The others retreated to the tiny hole that they were just exited upon to the surface, Making me continue my task at hand, Restocking the fridge

On City B later, Yes your probably saying i could've went to a Grocery Store in City Z, But guess what, All of the stores are either closed or just abandoned, I mean there are still Groceries in they're but i'm not gonna steal it...Yeah, So I decided to waste more of my time going to City B to find an up and running Grocery Store

After i finished buying everything that i need for the fridge, I started to make my way back, But of course, One of the Seafolk appeared while i was walking towards my apartment, Everyone panicked and ran away blah blah blah then i punched it while no one was around and i resumed to my walking session towards City Z...And i thought they were gonna show up a few days more than i'd like, While i was thinking about my interesting life so far and how i got here in the first place, I heard a ding in my head

[Ding! New Mission Aquired.]

[Mission: Defeat Deep Sea King.]

[Reward: Six Tomoe Black Rinnegan/1,000$ in yen.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

The feminine voice of Chiaki said to my head as the familiar looking hologram appeared in front of me, I was expecting this so no big surprises here, But the reward...Is there even a Black Rinnegan? I know a little bit of the Rinnegan, It's from Naruto right? You have super duper abilities that i think Chiaki would explain to me when i complete this quest, But a BLACK one, I think when i saw the Rinnegan from the first time which was in YouTube, It was purple, Is there something i'm missing? Are there different Rinnegan's in Naruto like a Blue or Red one or some shit? I didn't watch all the episodes of the Anime, Either way, I accepted the mission as the hologram dissapeared and i sighed 'After this, Boros will soon arrive...I expect the reward to be way more overpowered than this'

[It will User! Just you wait.]

Camden: "If you say so" I said as i continued to make ground back towards my apartment...Maybe i should get a new home, Probably a mansion but i'll put that on my 'To Do List' later so that i would never forget about it, I hope

Camden: "Is it done?" I asked him as i sat down in front of the table that was next to my sleeping mattress as Genos did the same

Genos: "Hai Sensei, Though, I just wanted to inform you that i have to go to City J"

Camden: "Oh? Is it about the Seafolk right?"

Genos: "Hai Sensei, The one you defeated was in the news today, The other member's are in City J, Wrecking haveck" He said to me as i nodded and Genos left with a bow 'How did he know that i defeated one of them? There weren't any people they're except for me...Maybe he's just a good stalker after all'

[User! The Deep Sea King has arrived at City J!]

Chiaki informed me, I guess I don't have much time than i thought i would have

Camden: "Then i'll get ready, Oh and about the Six Tomoe Black Rinnegan, Will it be stronger than like Sasuke's?" I asked Chiaki while i stood up and made my way towards my Hero suit

[If you complete this Mission and get the reward, A Six Tomoe Black Rinnegan, It will be MUCH more powerful than any other eye powers out they're...Well for your standards, I hope atleast.]

Chiaki said with full of confidence in her voice until the last sentence that she said, I don't know how powerful it's going to be, Did she create it herself? Probably at this point, But i am very curious of how powerful it is, I know some of the Abilities that a Rinnegan has, But we shall see when i get the reward first hand as i finished putting on my Hero suit and left my apartment a second time this day, I never thought that would happen as i made my way towards City J.

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