Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 33 - Meeting Geryuganshoop

Geryuganshoop: "Groribas is gone!" He exclaimed loudly as he saw the dead and burnt body of the poor Groribas, Laying on the ground without motion and thought 'He managed to kill Groribas! That intruder is getting on my nerves!' he thought as he searched the cameras for different parts of the ship until he saw me break one of the security cams as i kept on moving forward and destroying more of it on my journey

Geryuganshoop: "Melzargard was supposed to defend the ship! Now him and i are the only elite fighters left!" He shouted and complained as the door to where Geryuganshoop was opened as Boros entered the room

Boros: "What's the hold up Geryuganshoop?" He said to him, Surprising Geryuganshoop as he turned to face Boros

Geryuganshoop: "M-my apologies Lord Boros, Someone managed to infiltrate the ship and has caused some major problems, He has been killing everything that i send at him without much trouble"

Boros: "Don't panic Geryuganshoop, Just as long as the power sphere is at a safe place, The ship will not fall" He said as he looked at the screen to where laid the entire map of his spacecraft but some parts of it we're totally destroyed as it was displayed on screen

Boros: "The damage has been at the crew's living territory, Though minnows won't be enough to deal with this, Geryuganshoop, You, Groribas and Melzargard are my top warriors here, And i wish for you three to eliminate this intruder" He said as he turned around to face the door as he started to walk away

Geryuganshoop: "G-Groribas has been killed by him already B-Boros-sama"

Boros: "Nani?" He tilted his head to look back at the sweating Geryuganshoop

Geryuganshoop: "I-I'll go get Melzargard! Together we can eliminate him" He said as Boros looked at me through the cameras '...Is he the one i'm looking for?' he thought.


"Ha!" A battle cry came out from Metal Bat as he swung his metal bat toward's the flying Melzargard that was charging straight at them, Melzargard seeing Metal Bat's attempt for an attack, Tries to flick it away, But he underestimated the power behind the metal bat as it hit his hands and it came off his arm

Melzargard: "Nani?!" Said Melzargard in shock, He never thought that tiny thing would do something as Atomic Samurai readied his Katana

Atomic: "Atomic Dash!" He said as he pulled his Katana in front of him as he immediately dash straight towards the still in shocked Melzargard, Appearing in front of him as he just managed to bȧrėly sliced Melzargard's arm off, Making the flying Melzargard surprised at the sudden attack as Atomic Samurai backed off

Atomic: "Now!"

Genos: "Hai!" Genos said as he blasted off towards Melzargard as his cyborg arm revealed a blade that was hidden inside, Genos readied his blade as he cut off both of Melzargard's wings, After that Genos roundhouse kicks Melzargard towards the ground

Bang: "Here he comes! Let's go!" He said as Tank-top Master, Puri Puri Prisoner and Iaian all rushed to where Melzargard was going to land in order to deliver a huge blow to him and ultimately finishing him off in the process

"Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock" "Angel Rush!" "Tank-top Punch!" "Iai of Certain Kill!"

All four said as they closed in on Melzargard as he landed on the ground hard

"It's over with this!" They all said in unison as they released their own attacks and moves against the defenseless Melzargard

Atomic: "Their doing it!"

Metal Bat: "Damn, They are really going out of town"

Genos: "It seems they caught him" The three of them watched the scene as they unloaded on Melzargard as he was sent back far, His body filled with holes and mush all together

Melzargard: "Argh...Damn it!"

"Oy Melzargard! What are you doing?!"

The voice of Geryuganshoop invaded the mind of Melzargard

Melzargard: "What is it?"

"Somebody has invaded the ship!"

Melzargard: "Huh? Impossible"

"Well it's not, Finish them off and come here and deal with the intruder already"

He said to Melzargard as he stopped communicating with him

Melzargard: "How about we launch a bombardment" He said as one of the heads left Melzargard's body as it grew wings and left towards the ship

Metal Bat: "Oh no you don't!" Metal Bat shouted as he hit the head straight on, Leaving it into a pile of meat, Though while that happened, Melzargard's body regenerated as he was back to his normal form

Atomic: "You have got to be kidding me"

Bang: "I guess we just have to keep on fighting until we find his weakness"

Iainan: "He has insane regenaration! Even with our attacks combined it wasn't enough to bring him down" He said as everyone watched the scene in front of them

"Melzargard! I really need you here to take this intruder out!"

Melzargard: "I want too but im occupied right now, These creatures are very persistent"

"The hell?! The life forms down their are proving to be quite the challenge, Maybe a little too much!"

Melzargard: "They are pretty strong, But not something i could not handle, And the ship? Is it going down?"

"It's not, But more than half of the crew in the ship has been eliminated"

Melzargard: "Nani?! Then target my location with a bombardment from the ship"

"I told you i'm dealing with the intruder, If you where here then we could've dealt with it by now, And besides, The artillery bombardment is runned by the lower ranks"

Melzargard: "Well i can't go their right now"

"All right, I'll contact the artillery members, But don't get caught in the attack!"

Melzargard: "Hold on!" He suddenly shouted towards the ship, Though suddenly his body got sliced in half courtesy of Atomic Samurai

Atomic: "You let your guard down" He said as the other half of Melzargard's body with his head was in the air 'Oy! Geryuganshoop!...Damn it! How tough is this intruder?' he thought as he reformed back with the other part of his body.

"One more time!" Metal Bat shouted as he smashed the head of Melzargard again, Smashing him on the ground as bit's of flesh exploded from it's head, Though he could see a tiny blue marble from where the head of Melzargard was smashed at as Metal Back picked it up after the head was regenerated

Metal Bat: "What's this?" He asked as he examined the shiny marble, Melzargard's head seeing this had his eyes widened

"Give it back!"

Metal Bat: "I dont want to" He said as he threw the marble straight up and smashed it with his bat as Melzargard's head dissolved into the ground, Which made Metal Bat surprised

Metal Bat: "Heh! Gotcha, OY! This guy has a marble looking things inside of him, That's how you hurt the damn thing!" He shouted to the others as Melzargard looked towards the direction of Metal Bat as he saw one of his head dissolved on the ground

Bang: "I see, Now we know how to deal with him" Bang said as the others nodded

Atomic: "Nice job, Guess i gotta keep chopping till i get to that vital marble huh" He said as he charged at Melzargard and started to slash his Katana all over Melzargard's body, Hoping to destroy the marble's that Metal Bat was talking about 'No way! I've had that head for a hundred years! And it ended in this dump of a planet! No matter, They will all die when the shells hit that's for sure'


"Oi! Intruder! Stop what your doing and leave this place! If you don't we will reveal our forces against you!" I heard Geryuganshoop's voice in my head after i arrived at this pick a path part of the ship, Which i already know what's about to go down

Camden: "We're should i go"

Geryuganshoop: "Take just a single step and you're dead!"

Camden: "I've already come this far, So i won't go back now, Tell me where are you so that i could leave this place already" I said outloud for Geryuganshoop to hear loud and clear

Geryuganshoop: "W-well head straight to your right, And go up the stairs, You should find me their because i'm going to eliminate you!" He said as i smirked

Camden: "But my gut says to go left"

Geryuganshoop: "N-no! You'll just waste your time their, And besides, You want to get out of here as soon as possible right?" He said, Trying his best to not let me take the left side

Camden: "Hmm, I'll try to clear out the left side first, Just so i don't miss anything" I said as i ignored Geryuganshoop's protest and i proceeded to make my way towards Geryuganshoop

Geryuganshoop: "YAMETEEEEEEE!"


The big metal door that was hiding the control area was destroyed as the crew members inside the room turned to look at the sudden explosion

Camden: "Finally, I found the place" I said as i looked around the room and saw a bunch of screens, Though almost all of them wasn't on since i broke atleast some if not all of the camera's that we're in various different parts of Boros's ship

Geryuganshoop: "Oi" Geryuganshoop said as he came out from the big metal door that i had just destroyed

Geryuganshoop: "You dare run around and destroy our ship?" He said as rocks kept flying all over the room as the area was completely filled with smoke

Geryuganshoop: "Now, Geryuganshoop, The supreme telekinetic power of the universe will grind you into a meatballs!"

"Oi! Geryuganshoop-sama! The bombardment is almost done" A random voice could be heard but Geryuganshoop paid it no mind

Geryuganshoop: "I guess you leave with no other choice! Super Telekinetic Gravitational Wave!" After he said that, Every crew inside of the room started to scramble their way out of their, Knowing that this attack would surely kill them

Geryuganshoop: "Die!" He said as the gravity became very heavy as the crew members who we're caught in the attack was immediately thrown to the ground, Except for me as i was standing perfectly still as it wasn't affecting me at all, Though there was a crater formed around me, Geryuganshoop seeing this became irritated as he uses his Telekinesis to grab some rocks around the area and started to spun them around very fast, Creating a tornado within a few seconds

Camden: "Wind! Oh sweet wind how i missed you!"

Geryuganshoop: "Try and fight this! Telekinetic Shower of Rubbel!" He said as the rocks that we're spinning around Geryuganshoop was launched towards me, as the power behind each rock was so strong it penetrated through the ship, Leaving noticeable holes behind as dust filled the room

Geryuganshoop: "I-i got him!" He said, Though his expression changed quickly when the dust settled as i was their unharmed

Camden: "It was fun while it lasted, Goodbye for now, Kamui!"

Geryuganshoop: "N-nani!?" His final words as he was sent into my Kamui Dimension where he will die their slowly

Camden: "Hey you" I said as i made my way to the remaining crew members that we're in the room

Camden: "Tell me where is your Boss, If you don't you'll join Geryuganshoop" I asked them politely as the monster creatures we're shaking and sweating prefiously.

[I don't know if i want to give the mc the ability that i picked out right now, I think some of you might like it or not, Maybe it will make your surprised, And frankly it doesn't make sense to me giving the mc that ability since he'll probably won't use it unless if he wanted to, But at the same time it feels right to me giving to him, Lol, So i want your requests, Do you want me to give the mc the ability that i picked for him, Or give an ability that we'll be more of use to him, Leave your thoughts :D.]

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