Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 42 - No Way Did Fubuki Just Did That...

A/N: Hope you enjoy it! I had a really fun time writing this :D, hope it's not too cringe.

After I arrived at my apartment, I took a fresh clean shower to get off the blood and other weird smells that I obtained when killing the huge bird back at King's apartment, when I was finished, I put my stained clothes in the washer, for now, I'll do those later, you might be thinking I should do it immediately since the stains need to be cleaned immediately, but meh, I'll buy some new ones if that happens. I wore a simple yellow shirt with my grey shorts that I recently bought, not the one with the design, but the normal one

*Knock* *Knock*

Camden: "Come in" The door opened and it revealed Genos, no scratches or pieces of metal missing whatsoever as Genos approached me who was sitting in front of the table

Camden: "I see you managed on your own?" I asked as Genos nodded

Genos: "Hai, I had no trouble at all Sensei" He said, he hasn't used his new upgrades at all when he finally got it implemented into him, he only used his 'Incinerate' and other things that I have already seen him do, and most likely he didn't use his new upgrade against G4 either

Camden: "Well I think we deserve some food after that"

Genos: "Hai! I'll go work on that now!" He went to the kitchen with an apron on and started to cook something, I don't what he's going to make in that kitchen, it's about noon here so I can expect some foods that I have made for the both of us, but who knows...oh wait

Camden: "I forgot that there were dishes to be cleaned, seriously, I'm forcing the events to happen, this is not intentional I swear" I stood up from the floor and grabbed my sword that was in its scabbard, I unsheathed it and laid it on the table 'I'll use you for now against Sonic, well if I can' I thought as I grab the handle, holding it straight down to the ground as did a couple of slashes in the air, I put it back in its scabbard and laid it down next to the table as I sat down again in front of the table, and then I thought something crazy that just might work

Camden: "Let's see here..." I closed my eyes and opened them a second later to reveal my Rinnegan, I created a basketball-sized blue flame on my right hand, and a lighting ball on my left hand, I brought my two hands together as the fire and lighting merged into a deadly attack waiting to be used, it didn't make a sound or an explosion which was good, Genos was too busy doing the dishes so I think I'm clear to do more experiments without making too much noise, this blast would be good fo ȧssassinations, I don't know why but that's how I feel about it

Camden: "How about we add some more, Amaterasu!" I muttered as black flames enveloped the merged attacks of the lighting ball and the blue fire, but slowly, the black flames soon merged with it, creating this amalgamation of epic proportions, but you know me about experimenting, we're not done yet, I opened my left palm and created an energy ball that was the same size as the thing on my right hand, I brought the combination of blue flames, electricity, and Amaterasu into the energy ball, infusing those three merge attacks into the energy ball, combining it into one terrifying blast

After a while, the energy ball absorbed it and thus creating the thing that I will call from now on, the 'Catastrophic Blast', and as expected, I heard a Ding! in my head

[Ding! Do you want to learn "Catastrophic Blast"?]

[Yes] ? [No]

I smirked and pressed yes. The hologram disappeared as I brought my right hand in front of me and made a 'Catastrophic Blast'

Camden: "So I can create my own abilities now? Well, this is the only foundation I have to work with but it's fine because I have a new normal blast that I will be looking forward to using on monsters" I made the two blast's on my hands go away, I don't want to keep it too long or I'll probably do something stupid like destroying my own apartment, though wait till I vaporize some monsters with it, can't wait for that.

Meanwhile with Genos

Genos was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes that we had earlier when suddenly he sensed something, he immediately looks around him, though he didn't see anything 'No, that's not a regular person at all, probably a monster headed this way' he thought as he stopped what he was doing, hanging the apron up as he went outside, and surprise, he was met by Sonic

Sonic: "Does Saitama live here?" He asked as Genos had a suspicious look towards him

Genos: "What's your history with Sensei and what

do you want with him?"

Sonic: "We have something unfinished between us, I'm Speed O' Sound Sonic, Saitama's rival, this time, I'll let him know that I won't go down without a fight, don't disturb us"

Genos: "Sonic? So you're the individual that Sensei mentioned, I won't let you disturb Sensei, you perverted freak" Genos raised his cyborg hand straight to Sonic's direction as it glowed brightly, signifying that he has readied a blast towards him

Sonic: "I have no other choice then, I'll have to eliminate you as well" He equipped his exploding shurikens and rushed at Genos.

Back with Camden a few minutes later

It's been a few minutes since Genos left, I don't know who would win, I mean sure I am on Genos's side but can he top Sonic's 10 afterimages? Can't wait to see what happens...well I'll probably intervene before that happens

But out of nowhere, the door opened as Fubuki entered my apartment, I looked at her and said

Camden: "I knew you were coming sooner or later" She giggled at that as I was confused

Fubuki: "I came here to talk to you about the situation right now"

Camden: "You mean the uprising monsters? Or Garou?...oh yeah, the Hero Association"

Fubuki: "That's right"

Camden: "You want us to take them out already?"

Fubuki: "No..not yet, do you want to?"

Camden: "Well..."

Fubuki: "Thought so, after you kill Centichoro, then the Hero Association will start its first move"

Camden: "What do we do after that?"

Fubuki: "We could follow the manga, or you could destroy the Monster Association right now, Including the Cadres"

Camden: "Hmm, If I destroy the Monster Association, Will there be any effects on Blast and God's arrival? Yes I skipped a lot of chapters up until Blast and God's first appearance on the same chapter"

Fubuki: "That I don't know, It could turn out good or bad for us, but for now, you should go outside, Genos and Sonic are going nuts if you don't interfere within the next few minutes"

Camden: "Okay, Is that all you want to talk about? Or are you staying a little longer for me?"

Fubuki: "You really like my company huh"

Camden: " was just asking but yeah, I like some of your company" I asked a little shyly, Fubuki chuckled at me and said

Fubuki: "Well come on then, I'll accompany you outside" I nodded and grabbed my sword out of its sheath as me and Fubuki made our way to Genos and Sonic

Once we were out on the streets, we saw Genos and Sonic going ham on each other, if a normal person saw them right now, they won't be able to see both of them at all, but me and Fubuki can clearly depict what is happening between Genos and Sonic

Camden: "Genos?" I said as Genos landed not far from us as Sonic was a few feet away from Genos with his sword in hand, and from the looks of it, he is sweating a little bit, probably struggling to fight Genos

Genos: "Sensei, this pervert here tried to disturb you when you were busy, I took it upon my hands to deal with him" He said, making Fubuki giggle again, Genos noticed a girly voice, he turned around to see Fubuki next to me

Genos: "Fubuki?"

Fubuki: "Hello their Genos" She greeted him as Genos nodded in appreciation

Camden: "Well you did good Genos, I'll handle the rest from here okay?"

Genos: "But Sense-"

Camden: "No buts, I'll end our little rivalry today" I walked past him and arrived a few feet in front of Sonic

Sonic: "Saitama!" He said out loud, gripping his sword tightly

Camden: "Let's end this Sonic, show me what you've got" I said, making Sonic greet his teeth 'That cyborg bastard was tougher than I had originally thought, If our fight had gone longer, I would've exposed my secret technique, but now Saitama decided to step in, this is my chance' Sonic thought as he gripped his sword backward and he squatted down, bringing his hands down with him and jumping in the air towards me

Sonic: "Tenfold Funeral!" He cried out loud as a few seconds later, Sonic was able to create 10 afterimages of himself, all of it rushing at me with his sword ready to attack me

Genos: "10 afterimages?" Genos said in shock

Fubuki: "It's impressive, but let's wait and see" Fubuki crossed her arms together as both of them watched us from behind

Camden: "Ooh, I haven't tried to go full speed but this will warm me up" I suddenly disappeared and reappeared to the left side of Sonic, but I again vanished and kept appearing around Sonic, and all of that was happening in less than a second 'Nani?! What's happening? Where is he?' he looked around the area but he didn't see me, and then his mind went blank...

He was surrounded by an army of my afterimages, like a crazy tornado on the loose. Comparing Sonic's afterimages to mine is like comparing a millionaire's money to a broke person, I just used this as a visual guide so no getting mad okay?

Fubuki: "Argh!" Fubuki staggered back some steps at the sudden wind that formed around my afterimages, her fur coat almost coming off but Fubuki held it, Genos was also struggling a little bit but kept his legs intact to the ground

Genos: "Subarashi..." Genos could only mouth dropped as to what he is seeing right now 'Sensei...will I too become as powerful as you?' Genos thought, he could only imagine what is like to be as strong as me

Camden: "Behold, Sonic, a glimpse of what I truly can do, and this is just scratching the surface" I said to the shocked Sonic as he got knocked back very hard by the shockwave of my afterimages, I stopped my attack and landed back on the ground, I brought my head up to see Sonic in a huge crater with massive parts of his clothes torn off. Scratches, bruises, and blood could be seen all over his body, I arrived in front of him to see him just bȧrėly holding on for dear life

Sonic: "S-saitama, you will p-pay for this, I'll get you, your disciple, and y-your girlfriend over there, I will have my revenge soon..." Sonic said out loud, and after that, he went unconscious 'I'm surprised he didn't get knocked out immediately, I didn't get to use my sword whatsoever which is unfortunate, but girlfriend?' I thought as I made my way back to where the two was

Once I arrived, Genos immediately wasted no time and said

Genos: "Your girlfriend is Fubuki?!" When he said that, I had an awkward look formed on my face right now

Camden: "Um..-"

Fubuki: "Yes, I'm his girlfriend, right Saitama-Kun?" Fubuki suddenly interfered as she grabbed my arm and hugged it tightly, her two brėȧsts surrounding my arm securely, I immediately blushed and said to her

Camden: "Ayo? W-"

Fubuki: "He might be a little shy about our relationship but you're his disciple so it should be fair that you know about us" She again cut me off as Genos nodded

Genos: "I didn't know you two were together"

Fubuki: "Me neither, isn't that right Saitama-Kun?" She looked at me with her beautiful glistening green eyes, waiting for my answer 'No way did she just...what?'

Camden: "Oh, um...yeah" I could only mutter out as Fubuki giggled for like the third time now, my blush still in place

Genos: "Really? I never thought that about you Sensei, though I would like to point out that I am sorry if I interfered in your personal life" He bowed in front of us as I waved it off

Camden: "It's fine Genos, though Sonic there isn't" I pointed towards my back using my sword as Genos understood

Genos: "I'll deal with him Sensei" He ran off with Sonic's unconscious body towards either the hospital or towards the prison. When he was out of sight, I looked at Fubuki as I saw her smirk

Camden: "Well..."

Fubuki: "Well what?" She asked, her hands still around my arm

Camden: "'d you do that?"

Fubuki: "Figured I'd take the chance"

Camden: "What chance?"

Fubuki: "To be your girlfriend silly"

Camden: "Oh...wait so that means you-" Fubuki straight up cut me off by bringing one of her fingers on my mouth to shush me

Fubuki: "Yes, but for now, we're done for the day" She let go of my arm as I rubbed it a little, feeling the shape of her brėȧst around my arm

Camden: "Are you going back now?"

Fubuki: "Miss me already Sai-Kun?"

Camden: "W-what? course, I'll miss you"

Fubuki: "Thought so, goodbye now, I'll see you soon" She said as her body glowed a green aura and left

Camden: "Mission is a success!" I mumbled to myself as I made it back inside my apartment, I brought the sword back to where it was as I laid down on my sleeping mattress with my controller in hand 'Is this really happening right now? I guess this is how the mc of every fanfiction I read must feel after getting a girlfriend'.

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