"An announcement for the people who are still here with us. We have been notified that monsters are making their way towards here" The announcer dude said, making everyone complain about another issue with rising monsters 'There here' I thought as I heard someone shouting, taking everyone's attention off of me and towards the sky as they saw huge birds flying over the stadium, and then moments later, they dived down into the arena, there huge hands, yes hands, carried the competitors who were sent to the hospital after they have suffered a beating from their opponent in the tournament 'Good thing that they didn't take Suiryu'

"Argh! I'm getting out of here!" The ponytail dude panicked at the sight of the monster birds. He started to run towards the exit of the stadium


Though Goketsu wouldn't let that happen as he launched him back to the arena. The others that were with me, gasp when they saw Goketsu as he made his way towards us. He stopped a few feet away and implanted one of his feet on the arena, making a dent of his foot into the stone

Goketsu: "Nothing but a bunch of scrubs. But I'll make it work, all of you will become monsters, you will all be somewhat useful to us when the time comes" He said. The crowd screamed and panicked as all of them started to run away from the stadium. Snek and Lighting Max prepared themselves to fight off Goketsu, charging in straight at him


But a single kick from Goketsu was able to send both of them far away into the sky and away from City C. The others just watched nervously at how he easily dealt with the two heroes

Goketsu: "I'm Goketsu, from the Monster Association" He introduced himself, a few people were shocked when they heard what he had just said to them

"The first Superfight Tournament Winner!? But he was killed years ago by a monster!" The ones who knew said in shock as Goketsu talked about what happened to him after those years. But then-



Goketsu was knocked back towards the stadium. Genos landed in front of us, looking straight at Goketsu while the others were surprised to see another one appear to try and take out one heck of a monster 'And theirs you're friendly neighborhood cyborg'

Genos: "Good thing I arrived in time"

Saitama: "That you did"

Genos: "Sensei!"

Saitama: "The one and only"

Sourface: "Wait, you know the S-class hero Demon Cyborg?! I never thought you are friends with an S-class hero Charanko!" Everyone looked at me with a newfound appreciation, especially Ring Ring who looked at me with her eyes gleaming

Genos: "Um, Charanko?"

Saitama: "Erm, I'll talk about it after we get this over with"

Genos: "Hai" Genos faced back towards the standing Goketsu, he held his face to where Genos's blast hit him

Goketsu: "That hurt, I thought Gyoro-Gyoro said that the Demon Cyborg would be no problem" Goketsu looked straight at us, but then suddenly he made some hand signs that left the others clueless as to what his plan is 'Handsigns? For what? Are there other monsters here?' Genos turned around and saw three monster birds holding three hostages on each one of them, and then suddenly, their beaks started to open up as they got closer to other people that were the closest to them, presumably trying to eat them whole

Genos: "Move!"


Saitama: "Just in time" I dropped the three random dudes to the ground and launched myself to the three birds, killing three of them with a single punch as their remains dropped dead on the ground, covering me with some of their blood 'I hope Geryuganshoop doesn't eat my rewards, otherwise I'll eat him' I turned around and saw the look of shocked expressions the others we're giving to me. I walked past them and arrived next to Genos

Saitama: "You know the drill Genos"

Genos: "Hai" Both of us raised our arms towards Goketsu. My hand created my new creation blast and launched it at Goketsu, Genos followed with his classic "Incinerate" as the two of our attacks bombarded Goketsu until nothing but his dust and a few remains were left

Saitama: "That's should do things, are you coming with me Genos?"

Genos: "Unfortunately not Sensei. There are still monsters roaming around the City and I have to finish them off"

Saitama: "Eh, understandable, oh, and get the others out of here before more show up and try to kill them"

Genos: "Hai" We turned around as Genos started to talk to everyone about the current situation. Everybody decided to agree with Genos and left to go back to their homes or something, Sourface also left without waving at me and I did the same, Ring Ring was about to leave also but not before saying goodbye to me as I responded the same to her, though I noticed that Bakuzan was gone, probably left when he had the chance to

Genos: "I'll be going now Sensei" He said to me and I nodded at him


Saitama: "That should do things" I was about to leave, but then I heard a Ding! in my head, which already tells me what's about to happen

[Ding! Mission Complete!]

[Reward: Forcefield that can withstand spatial pressure/ 1,000$ in yen as well since I forgot to add it in before.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

Saitama: "I guess I'll head home and clean myself up. I smell like rotten food" I said and disappeared in thin air, and moments later, I reappeared in front of my apartment door, though I smelled some very nice aromas coming inside of my apartment 'This smell... Chocolate?' I opened the door and the first thing I saw was a pair of thɨġh-high black boots resting near the wall next to the door 'It's Fubuki's, is she here?' I removed my shoes and laid them next to hers as I walked inside and closed the door. The chocolate smell was becoming more stronger to smell if that even makes sense, I continued my way until I was now in the living room, It was still quite tidied up like before until I left to go participate in the Super Fight Tournament, no mess or anything strange, but I did saw a plastic bag resting on the table in front of me

"Welcome back home, Saitama-Kun" I heard Fubuki's voice in the direction of the kitchen area. I turned to my left and saw Fubuki wearing my apron with an oven mitt in her hands 'Is she baking something?' I thought, and while I was examining the situation, Fubuki saw the blood-covered clothes that I was wearing

Fubuki: "So you finished off Goketsu?" She said, breaking me out of my thoughts as I nodded at her

Saitama: "Yeah, though I was covered in his blood"

Fubuki: "Well you should take a shower, you smell like a monster" She removed the oven gloves from her hands and walked right behind me

Fubuki: "But I want to so just let me do the rest" She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and started to lift it up, I complied by raising my arms as she did the rest of her magic

Fubuki: "This will take a while to wash off" She folded it neatly for some reason and used her telekinesis to move the shirt towards the washer. Once that was done, she focused back on me but stopped and looked at my back. I turned around to face her, making her even more intrigued at my form

Fubuki: "This is my first time seeing you shirtless, and I can say I am not disappointed whatsoever"

Saitama: "I knew this would come sooner or later"

Fubuki: "Oh shush, can I, you're girlfriend, not see you shirtless?"

Saitama: "Well it depends"

Fubuki: "Depends on what?" She leaned herself forward, her nips poking my ċhėst through her green robe and apron 'That's it'

Saitama: "Like when I do this" I took the boldest move that I have ever taken in my entire life and grabbed a hold of one of Fubuki's brėȧsts, Fubuki was taken back at the sudden bold move of mine and blushed heavily

Saitama: "Hmm, soft, bouncy, and firm, that's all I could say" I let go of her behemoth and continued on the shower, but not before getting some fresh clothes to wear since I don't want another scene with Fubuki, yet, and as for Fubuki, she had a grin on her after I left to go take a shower. She went back to take care of what she was doing, her thoughts still filled with what I did to her just now 'Just he waits till he sees what I have made for him'

Saitama: "What are you baking anyways?" I asked Fubuki, though I heard the oven make a sound as she opened it, revealing the answer that I was looking for

Fubuki: "Brownies!" She happily expressed, using her Psychic prowess to put it on the table that me and Genos use for eating, but not before slicing the brownies into even portions for even distribution. I stood up and sat in front of the chocolate goodness that was staling my nose ever since I first smelled it

Saitama: "Brownies? Do you have your oven at your place? Or did you miss me so much that you baked me brownies as a welcome back gift" I said to her while she was tidying up the kitchen a little bit

Fubuki: "You're half right" She laid the oven mitts aside and walked towards the table, sitting in front of me as she told me everything

Saitama: "You're still running the Blizzard Group?" I said, Fubuki nodded and grabbed a piece, I did the same

Fubuki: "Yes, the members were enslaved by Do-s, though I managed to get Lily out of her hands as I pummeled the living crap out of her before sparing her life. And Since basically all the Blizzard Group members are now gone, I don't know what to do about it, and there's the situation between and Lily about the continuation of the group, she was always my right-hand woman, or, girl" She said, taking the first bite of her brownies

Saitama: "You should disband it, heck, you should've never made the Blizzard Group in the first place" I took my own bite of the brownie that I was holding right after Fubuki's finish swallowing her first bite

Fubuki: "Yeah, but they were useful to me, I couldn't let an opportunity go to waste like that"

Saitama: "Eh, fair enough"

Saitama: "Well he was, but he decided to stay in City C to take out the rest of the monsters that he can find"

Fubuki: "Oh? I never expected him to do that, but I guess you treated him differently"

Saitama: "Yep, Though I didn't give one of the best

hero and training advices that I could think of, but it was still better than what Saitama did"

Fubuki: "I think you did good, he is much stronger now than what he used to be in the show, and probably stronger than some of the S-class heroes that I could think of, oh, and continuing that topic, I heard that you have yourself a fan club"

Saitama: "Ehehe, I don't really know much about

mine, and you?"

Fubuki: "Nope, I don't have one"

Saitama: "Well that was expected since your not really the type of person to just go out and find some monsters to kill while the civilians watch on the sides praising you"

Fubuki: "Look who's talking"

Saitama: "Hey! You would too if you're in my position"

Fubuki: "Probably not, but tell me..."

Saitama: "Yes?"

Fubuki: "Are you planning on getting to S-class?"

Saitama: "I was when I first registered as a hero, and I'm still am, just, it will take a while"

Fubuki: "So you're taking your time then?"

Saitama: "Yeah, slow and surely will do fine for now"

Fubuki: "But I want you to go fast" She said, though my mind immediately went somewhere else, I threw the naughty stuff away from my head and said to her

Saitama: "I'll go fast when I'm in the mood, which is one in a million chance that will happen ever since day one of becoming a hero"

Fubuki: "Even if I ordered you?..." She said, eating her brownies softly

Saitama: "Well... I don't know" We continued to chitty chat chat until there were no more brownies left. I looked at her as she did the same, I don't have any other plans today and probably the same goes for her

Saitama: "So...what do we do now?"

Fubuki: "Already making your moves?" She said, I was confused about what she said to me until it clicked

Saitama: "What? No, I didn't mean it like that...well maybe a little but still"

Fubuki: "No buts, we haven't even kissed yet, not even in the cheek, and we also haven't hugged each other at all"

Saitama: "We did though when you clinged into my arm"

Fubuki: "...A little bit, but I want a real hug, a REAL one"

Saitama: "So are we doing this then?"

Fubuki: "Well, if you have enough confidence to dominate mines, then it's possible"

Saitama: "Holding your brėȧsts isn't enough for you?" I said, making her blush as she thought of that moment again in her mind

Fubuki: "I guess so".


Gyoro-Gyoro: "Has he done it?" A big eyeball with pink skin around it floated up in the air as it was making its way towards the stadium. Once it arrived, Gyoro-Gyoro saw no one there except blood and remains. He examined the remains on the arena to see what happened 'This is the birds that flew with Goketsu' he continued to search around the stadium until Gyoro-Gyoro found a big pile of ashes towards the exit of the arena, though he found some very familiar remains 'Is this Goketsu? Who did this? I organized a search party to see where are the other heroes located at this momet, and no S-class was in City C...except the Demon Cyborg, but I know Goketsu wouldn't have much trouble with him, so that leaves us with King, I haven't got any leads to where King is, even with my senses, I could not locate King whatsoever, and if he did this to Goketsu with ease, then we're in big trouble' Gyoro-Gyoro retreated back towards the Monster Association with some valuable news, though that cost one of best monsters that they had, be killed, courtesy of King.

[Ah! Sorry if this took long! And I hope you enjoy the Mc fb interaction, it may or may not have been rushed....Enjoy!]

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