Phoenix Man: "Hey? Are you still there?" He said, tilting his head down to see Garou's eye's closed. His body not moving in Phoenix Man's grasp 'I guess he finally got knocked out after all he went through just a few moments ago' Phoenix Man thought as he brought his head back up

Both Garou and Phoenix Man have been flying in the air just a few moments ago after Elder Centipede burst out of the ground to take over for Garou. Fighting Genos, Bang, and Bomb, though they don't know what is currently happening to their battle, but we all know it's basically over

Phoenix Man: "Rest well, Hero Hunter. You will be an important guess to Gyoro-Gyoro, I don't know why Gyoro-Gyoro had such interest in you, but now after seeing you go up against those three who are around Demon, probably Dragon level threats. I now know partially well on why Gyoro-Gyoro wants you" 'I can also sense that he was will power far beyond what I have sensed over my life span as a monster, maybe that's one of many reasons he was able to stand against them while he was covered in blood and bruises from his encounter with the A-class heroes, though he still got pummeled by them, it could've gone way worse for him in that horrible situation' Phoenix Man thought to himself, thinking that Garou is more than what meets the eye

The journey of Phoenix Man back to the Monster Association we're accompanied with no disturbances at all, it was a nice breather after all of the chaos that he had to go through to get Garou, in short, it was a smooth ride back to the Monster Association.


Back with Saitama

After everyone left, I decided to go back to my apartment since this is the part where I have no clue what comes next, I think should call Fubuki when I get back. I also need to claim my reward but that could wait when I get back home as I said a few moments ago

After not long at all, I arrived back at my apartment. I immediately took off my hero costume and hung it up, after that, I went over to my closet filled with clothes and money to grab something to wear. I now wore a white sleeveless shirt with baggy shorts since why not as I laid on my sleeping mattress

Saitama: "I think it's time to get my reward"

[Reward: Ice Manipulation - User can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state/1,000$ in yen.]

A big blue hologram popped in front of me with my reward after completing the recent mission that Chiaki gave me. I pressed accept as the hologram disappeared, and then suddenly, my mind was filled with information about this power, it also felt like I was having a slight brain freeze, is that have to do with the Ice Manipulation power? Probably

Saitama: "Now that that's finished up, I should call over Fubuki" I was about to stand up to grab my phone that was out of my view, but then I heard the door to my apartment open, I tilted my head up and saw a green robe, and I immediately knew who it was

Saitama: "Speaking of Fubuki, there you are" I said as Fubuki made it inside, she closed the door behind her and started to walk towards me

Saitama: "I was about to call you here" I said. I sat on my sleeping mattress since I don't want to be rude to her, even though she doesn't really mind it, but I don't know, it feels rude to me, even if it's my girlfriend...that feels weird to say, don't judge me, I have no experience and probably you too

Fubuki: "I know you were" She said, grabbing a chair and placing it in front of me, though I notice she placed it quite close, like a few inches away from me as she sat down with her legs crossed, her hands on her knees. From where I was, I can clearly see the thɨġh-high boots that she was wearing, and also some of her exposed thɨġhs 'Is she doing this on purpose?' I thought

Fubuki: "You took care of Elder Centipede yes?" She said. Making me look away from her smooth and silky legs

Saitama: "Yeah, I just finished not too long ago" I said, making her nod her head

Fubuki: "Where are the others?"

Saitama: "Bang, Bomb, and King went to go to the Hero Association to report about the recent situation. Genos is with Dr. Kuseno"

Saitama: "Yeah pretty much, I just arrived back" I said. Fubuki smirked, but that was unbeknownst to me at all 'Fufufu, It seems I have him all alone today...' she thought

Saitama: "What should we do now? I don't know what comes next so give me some information on what's to come so that I don't mess up the events on the manga" I rambled out to her like a madman

Fubuki: "We should worry about that later, Saitama-Kun"

Saitama: "Are you sure?" I said, though, for some reason, that made her sit up from the chair that she was sitting on as she walked in front of me. She suddenly dropped into the ground in all fours and started to crawl towards me

Saitama: "Um, Fubuki?"

Fubuki: "Shh" She shushed me down with her finger to her lips as she was now in front of me 'What is she doing? Don't tell me she's seducing me already' I thought. I can see her buŧŧ outlining on the back of her robe, her face on level with my stomach, though her head tilted up to look at my confused face. She suddenly giggled at me

Fubuki: "You know, I haven't got the chance to be with you alone, but now I have nothing to do the rest of the day" She murmured to me, her eyes squinted halfway with a grin present on her face. I remained my composure, but I was obviously panicking on the inside 'Are we seriously doing this right now? I mean, I don't mind, but...GAH!'

Fubuki: "You're sweating, Saitama-Kun. What's wrong? You nervous?" She teased me as I looked at her smirking face with a blush

Saitama: "Um, no..."

Saitama: "But what about the-"

Fubuki: "Are you trying to ruin this moment? This is the only time we have left before the next event happens, we will not see each other again after this since we have a lot of work to do" She said, her tone much different than what I've used to hear from her 'Woah, I-...'

Saitama: "I'm sorry, I just, wasn't expecting this from you"

Fubuki: "It's fine. You were being cautious and I can't blame you for that, but I think we deserve some rest. Frankly, I DESERVE some rest before we get busy again" I nodded at her as she smiled. She turned around and leaned backwards, I caught her by the shoulders as I guide her down gently to my ċhėst. She rested comfortably, I wrapped my arms around her, grabbing her hands and intertwining it with mine. I rested my chin over her head, smelling her very fragrant shampoo

Saitama: "I understand. I guess you're pretty stressed over the past years in this world huh?"

Fubuki: "Yeah, and I have no time to rest, even if I tried to, I always do something that I really didn't want to do that day, and that led me to becoming more stressed, but it resulted in my Psychic powers becoming more powerful, so I guess that's a plus. Good thing I'm not alone here, otherwise, I'd be miserable"

Saitama: " Same, it's nice to have someone who knows just as much as I do. I won't let you do something exhausting today, I'll try"

Fubuki: "I appreciate it, Saitama-kun~".


Bang: "Yes, that's all the details I could give"

Sitch: "Thank you, Silverfang, you may now go, I'll get everything recorded" Bang waved his hands to Sitch as he left

Bomb: "Finally, we finished"

Bang: "Yes. King has left now back to his home, let's get back to my Dojo to talk about Garou, brother" Bomb nodded. Both old men started to leave the Hero Association building with Garou still in their minds


*Knock* *Knock*

Tatsumaki: "Fubuki? Are you here?" Said the petite woman who was in front of Fubuki's home, knocking at the door

A few moments later, the door opened as she was met with Lily

Lily: "Oh, Tatsumaki-san, nice to meet you" She bowed down a little to her, Tatsumaki looked at her and immediately knew who she was

Lily: "Hai"

Tatsumaki: "Where is she?"

Lily: "She said she's going to her boyfriend's place"

"WHATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!????" Tatsumaki suddenly yelled out of her heart. Lily staggered back a few steps with her hands covering her ears

Lily: "U-um, Tatsumaki-san?"

Tatsumaki: "Did she mention where she was going?..." She said, her voice became more deeper with anger, her body flickering a green aura

Lily: "F-fubuki-sama didn't say anything about her boyfriend's location. In fact, she didn't say any details on who was his boyfriend"

Tatsumaki: "Are you sure?..." She said again to her. Lily shuddered a second time

Lily: "Y-yes, though, the only places Fubuki-sama would only go to are the Hero Association Headquarters and City Z in Ghost town in our old place, maybe try to look there, I don't know more!" As she finished her statement, Tatsumaki was already out of her sights as she was making her way towards the Hero Association building 'Who dares get a hold of my little sister without me knowing?! Just he waits whoever it is!' she thought with murder present in her green eyes.

Dr. Kuseno: "There, I told you this was going to be quick" He said to the laying Genos on a hospital bed with his cyborg body fixed

Genos: "Thank you, Dr. Kuseno"

Dr. Kuseno: "No problem. I am very surprised, ever since day one, I thought I'd never see you become this strong" He said to the lone cyborg. Genos tilted his head to look at the mushroom head

Genos: "Why do you say that Dr. Kuseno?"

Dr. Kuseno: "You we're able to keep up with a very dangerous monster. Yes, I saw it from a mile away, and when I saw you charged in head-on, I didn't expect you to handle the thing very well, I guess I was underestimating you. You came back with a few very minor broken parts, and that already tells me you'll be doing something great sooner than you think"

Genos: "Thank you, that means to me coming from you, Dr. Kuseno"

Dr. Kuseno: "Oh shush, don't get sentimental on me, Genos. Come on now, you could do anything you want to do today, we'll add the other parts to your cyborg body tomorrow"

Genos: "Hai" Genos stood up and grabbed his clothes from the side, putting them on very quickly with finesse 'Maybe I should "tone" it down today as Sensei would put it. I'll rest for a day for now' Genos thought as he blasted off towards somewhere that he might enjoy going to for now 'I don't want to disturb Sensei right now after what he did to the Dragon Level Monster earlier, I'll come back tomorrow with my other upgrades equipped then'.


Psykos: "It seems Phoenix Man has brought Garou with him, heh. I knew that bird would be an obedient monster, now, let's see if the Hero Hunter has enough potential that I'm looking for"

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