Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 61 - Garou And The Monster Association

"...Ugh!" I quickly opened my eyes as I suddenly sat up. I didn't know where am I, my memories were beginning to kick in, but it was still foggy to remember what really happened to me. I looked around me. I noticed I was in a bed of some sort

Garou: "Where the hell is this place? I somehow survived" I mumbled out while observing the supposed cell room that I'm in. I saw a note that was laying on a table next to me as I grabbed it

"To Garou.

Welcome to the Monster Association.

If you're reading this, it means your life is no longer in danger. But be mindful of who saved you. Rest in your room and don't cause any trouble "

The note said as I crumpled it into a ball and threw it away 'I didn't even ask for someone to save me. Why the hell should I follow their orders' I thought as I stood up from the cell bed and immediately regretted that

Garou: "Agh! Shit! I still feel miserable. I guess I'm still injured. I'm thirsty and hungry. I need to replenish quickly before I die from natural causes. Don't want to end like that" I grabbed a shirt that I think someone left on the table for me as I put it on. After that. I kicked open the locked prison door of some sort that was keeping me inside as I was now outside of the cell, looking around me, and concluding that I was in a hallway. I decided to go to the left side, for now, to look for a possible exit that I can take

Garou: "Okay, my memories are kicking in. I was fighting the old geezer then the weird big bird showed up and took me away. And there's the centipede thing I faintly remember. What the hell happened after that?... Why am I thinking this? It doesn't matter to me at all right now" I said while walking forward and observing the hallway. Feeling the smell and the atmosphere of this place 'The smell here is so bad. And my ears are ringing, where am I? Am I underground or something?' I thought

"AHH! P-Please...spare me!" I heard someone shout as I look in front of me, I saw an entrance that leads to somewhere, and it's also probably where the shout came from. I hurriedly went next to it. Slowly peaking over the exposed entrance as I saw a bunch of people in like some battle suit. I also saw a bunch of monsters that we're watching from above

"Please let us go! We made a mistake by going here! We'll never be in you're way again! Do anything you want to the hostages! We're just hired mercenaries! We'll even give you all of the money that we have gained so please don't use us for dinner!" Cried out the man who I think was the leader out of the other 6 people that I saw pleading their life's to the one-eyed pink monster that was on the higher ground to where they were 'So these aren't heroes but a group of mercenaries? What stupid idiots they are to get themselves in this predicament' I thought as I continued to observe the situation from the corner of my eye



They kept shouting and pleading for their lives to Gyoro-Gyoro who was watching the poor bastards

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Whatever you say will not help you, you killed two of ours. We can't just accept that. Whoever gave you those battle suit knows what they're doing with them, but I think they just wasted their time by giving it to you all. At least put up a fight and use those suits to their capabilities. Everyone present here loves their prey when they fight back"

"*Sniff* *Sniff*...It's all his fault" Mumbled one of the mercenaries as he tilted his head to the side to see a big ȧss robot with swords equipped with it

"Shit...*Sniff* if that robot or something didn't show up, we could've escaped" The poor man mumbled

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Heh, it seems our work has been paying off. Thank you for the wonderful gift that you have brought. I'm very grateful that we're getting such a wonderful and promising recruit. You pass with flying colors. Can I ask, what's your name, immigrant?" Gyoro-Gyoro ask the robot that was next to the group of mercenaries

G5: "I just stumbled upon them while I was making my way here, I decided since they were making their way here, why not bring them in faster. And I'm glad that you appreciate it. I am Machine God G5. I was sent by the 'Organization' to help the Monster Association out. Call me 'G5' for short" G5 said to Gyoro-Gyoro

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Hm? 'Organization'?...How did you manage to make your way here without getting lost? Can I contact your Master about that, perhaps?" Gyoro-Gyoro said to G5 as he didn't say anything in return

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Well no matter then. I welcome you to the Monster Association, G5. We'll talk about that topic on another day" Gyoro-Gyoro said as G5 nodded

Garou: "So I'm in the Monster Association" I mumbled to myself. Thinking why the hell would I be here and what do they want with me

"It's fine if you hide there for now. Just wait a little longer, Garou"

A voice of a...female? Suddenly invaded my mind, making me quite surprised 'Telepathy? Is that voice coming from that pink monster or something?' I thought

Gyoro-Gyoro: "It's time to decide what punishments these people will experience. Kill them. Make them monsters, or maybe..."

"I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!" "KILL THEM OF COURSE!" "FINALLY SOME HUMAN FLESH!" "LET ME HEAR THEM SCREAM!" "I WANT TO EAT! LEMME EAT!" "I JUST WANT THEIR FEET! ALSO THEIR NAILS! GOD GIVE ME THEIR NAILS!" "Hold on hold on! We need to share them up evenly so that everyone could get some" I heard the monsters shout. They couldn't wait anymore to tear apart and eat the poor mercenaries

Gyoro-Gyoro: "It's hard to keep everyone in place when they all thirst for blood" Gyoro-Gyoro said as suddenly. A few monsters out of nowhere jumped towards the huddled up mercenaries

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! WHOEVER GETS IT FIRST WINS! AAAH!" One of the monsters said in mid-air. Making the mercenaries scream in fear of getting eaten by the monsters that we're coming to them

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Hey. I didn't say anything yet" Gyoro-Gyoro said to them as suddenly, the monsters were quickly sliced up by someone with long blades that were bandaged to both of its arms. Their whole body was also covered with bandages aside from his right eye and his long messy hair. It also wore a torn out red dress with black shoes

"Really? If whoever strikes first, wins then? I'd rather keep them all to myself if that's the case" Said Royal Ripper who sliced up the final monster into a dozen pieces with his arm sword of his

Royal Ripper: "Gyoro-Gyoro. You wouldn't mind that I take them all for me yes? I'm at my limit and I can't stand it anymore" He said, pointing his sword-arm to one of the mercenary's face as he started to make trails of blood from his forehead to his cheek. The mercenary could only close his eyes and cry in pain to what he was experiencing right now

Royal Ripper: "The sound of people screaming is what makes me stable. I'll go crazy without hearing at least a scream of pain once in a while"

"Agh! I-it" The man mumbled, but it wasn't loud enough to take the attention of Royal Ripper

Royal Ripper: "Give them to me so that I could have something to play with. If you do. Then I ȧssure you that I'll stay here until the fight with the heroes" He said 'Damn. With these types of crackhead guys around. How do they even manage them into their group of theirs? Is the leader of the Monster Association so strong that they can control these insane dudes into not going crazy. Even the centipede thing followed their orders so maybe that's the reason' I thought

G5: "Uh, maybe this isn't any of my business. But I would like to give you my thoughts while fighting the group of hired mercenaries. The battle suits that they are wearing have very high potential in battle. So we should make them of use to us. Though, the suits are designed to only benefit a certain person. No one, even a monster, could not bring out the function of the suit" G5 said to Gyoro-Gyoro

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Hmm, so you're pretty much saying that we should spare them and use them to our advantage against the Hero Association?"

Royal Ripper: "No, no. Just take a look at them. These poor and helpless kids are so scared and frightened that they will not have any use in battle whatsoever. Forcing them in their current state to fight the heroes is pretty cruel wouldn't you think? It's better if they just die in my hands. It'll be more playful that way" He said. Making the group of poor bastards sweat nervously. Though suddenly, a whip appeared and tied itself to one of Royal Ripper's Sword arm. Making him surprised

Do-S: "I'll take them in my custody if that's the case then. I'll discipline them very well so don't worry too much" Do-s said to Royal Ripper as she untied her whip from his blade arms, freeing them as she brought her whip with very sharp thorns back

Gyoro-Gyoro: "I see. How about let Do-s handle them from now on, Royal Ripper" Royal Ripper didn't have much to say, except, an aura was starting to emit from him

"D-discipline? What do you mean by that?!"

"P-please. Let u-us go..."

Do-s: "Shut your mouths!" Do-s said as she launched a whip attack towards the mercenaries, hitting them as their bodies, along with their battle suits, evolve into a monstrous form as they were now enslaved by the hands of Do-s



Each of the mercenaries shouted as they were able to sustain the power boost that they had just received from Do-s

Do-s: "Oh. Not too shabby if I say so myself. I'm grateful that I managed to get such great slaves" Do-s happily expressed. Though suddenly, they could feel an aura coming from Royal Ripper as the attention was now on him

Royal Ripper: "Is killing members of this Association, allowed to be committed. Gyoro-Gyoro-sama" He said

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Unfortunately, no. It will only worsen our odds against the Hero Association if we start losing members. Though I can understand that what we are, sometimes, it cannot be helped to at least do it once in a while. But if you overdo it. Then I can't pretend to ignore it" Gyoro-Gyoro said. Royal Ripper was about to do something, but then he smelled another one

Royal Ripper: "Oh? What is this?. I think I smell another human. And I think I know who this is. Show yourself" Royal Ripper tilted his head to the entrance as well as G5 and Do-s, now waiting for said human to appear before them 'About time they discover me' I thought as I entered the arena or something that they we're in. As I walked in, I notice a huge load of monsters watching from above us. I continued forward and stopped a few feet away from the others who were with me in the area. The attention was now on me as I observed every monster that I could in this place. And one, out of many things I observed stood out to me, and that's the big ȧss dude that was pretty much towering over all of us here 'The hell is this big ȧss dude here? Is this the leader?' I thought while keeping myself composed and not letting the atmosphere break me down

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Hello, Garou. I presume you had a nice rest. I didn't expect you to wake up that fast" The big pink monster said to me

"So that's the Hero Hunter" "He was carried back here injured and got fixed up" "Why does he get special treatment?" "What's the reason for Gyoro-Gyoro-sama to have his eye on a weak human?" "He looks half dead. Let's just attack and eat him" I heard the monster's say

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Quiet, all of you. I have important matters to discuss with him right now" He said as the monsters quickly died down, though I could still hear them mumble but I decided to ignore it. Getting my attention to the pink and ugly monster

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Currently, there are 500 members in the Monster Association. Same as the Hero Association, if not, a little less than them. But after yesterday's fight. We currently have less than 30 members with a Disaster Level Threat of 'Demon' and above. Even in our current state right now, we could still pull off a win against the Hero Association with our advantages. But you see, there is something that we lack on, and that is unity and a leader" 'Wait? So there isn't a leader in the Monster Association? What the hell' I thought

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Garou. I would like you to be one of our Cadre's and also be my ȧssistant"

"What? Making him a Cadre already? I think you're playing favorites this time" A monster suddenly barged in in our "Conversation". I turned to where the monster was as I saw a black something with a pointy but not so pointy head 'What in the hell is that? It's worse than you're typical monster. God' O thought. Gyoro-Gyoro looked at the weird black monster and said

Gyoro-Gyoro: "He's the type of person that I'm looking for. A strong individual with a strong urge to destroy the Hero Association. He was able to stand on his own ground against multiple S-class heroes, and that's by himself. He's the perfect candidate. But, our boss, Lord Orochi, has one condition" 'So there is a boss? I'm genuinely confused right now'

Gyoro-Gyoro: "We still cannot decide whether you are a supposed 'Monster' or not. So we decided you need to prove to us if you are truly, a real monster"

Garou: "So. You want me to grow some horns for you?"

King Orochi: "You have one day to bring me a hero's head. It doesn't matter who" The large dude said to me 'A hero's head?'

"That's the easiest way to prove yourself. If you can kill heroes without care. Then you're probably a social reject monster that fits perfectly with us" A monster that looked like a human-sized bug said as he appeared out of nowhere

Garou: "I mean. If it's bodies you're talking about, I already..-

Phoenix Man: "I hate to bring this news but Silverfang and the rest survived! Elder Centipede was killed!" Phoenix Man said, making everyone in the area surprised 'So they managed to live...' I thought as I immediately left the place and started to make my way towards the City and away from here. Though my disappearance didn't go unnoticed by Gyoro-Gyoro

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Thanks for the news, Phoenix Man. You're dismissed" Phoenix Man nodded as he left to do his own thing around the Monster Association

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Bug God, Royal Ripper. Come here for a second" Both Bug God and Royal Ripper obliged Gyoro-Gyoro's order as they went in front of him

Royal Ripper: "What do you dėsɨrė with us, Gyoro-Gyoro?" Royal Ripper asked

Gyoro-Gyoro: "It seems Garou has gone outside. Follow him and see if he completes the condition that King Orochi gave. Don't kill him. Understood?" Gyoro-Gyoro said to both of them as they nodded, though because both of them are monsters and their nature of a life of a monster. They may break promises


"I heard that Gouketsu was killed..."

"...I also heard that Elder Centipede has been killed"

"I'm sure Gyoro-Gyoro didn't think that he'd lose two Cadre's back to back before the fight with the Hero Association commences"

"Maybe that's why he got the Hero Hunter to join us in the Monster Association to help us get back after a loss of two Cadres. I really doubt he'd be strong enough to make a gaping hole to Gouketsu and make Elder Centipede disappear out of existence"

"Yes. We are far superior in every way than the Hero Hunter. I don't know what Gyoro-Gyoro is thinking"

"Well, not that I'm interested in any of this. As long as we can destroy Flashy Flash and the Hero Association. Nothing else matters. And by the way, what happened to Speed of Sound Sonic?"

"He, unfortunately, didn't show up. Maybe his body wasn't able to contain the effects of the Monster Cell after all...".


Somewhere in a very smelly bathroom

Sonic: "Damn it..." Sonic mumbled after he flushed after himself. He stood up and leaned onto the wall inside of the bathroom

Sonic: "I spent the entire night sitting here in the bathroom. The monsterfication of mine should've started by now. Damn those two Monster Association guys. Not giving the audacity to tell me what the Monster Cells cause such a stomach area. I'll pay both of them back for this day. But it's fine, I never really had a liking to the Monster Association of theirs. I will use my powers as to how I want. I really don't care if it doesn't compare to others" Sonic said as he prepared all of his weapons. Putting on his purple and long scarf with his innocent smile on

Sonic: "Because my only target is Saitama. With new profound confidence. I'm now ready to face him once again, and finally, gain a win against my rival. Be wary for Speed O Sound Sonic. You'll be the last thing I'll kill before I leave this world, Saitama..." He said as he left the bathroom, but once he was outside, he felt his body gain a sudden boost of some sort 'Is this? Monsterfication? I feel myself lighter than before.. I guess it did work, now let's test it against him' He thought with his still innocent smile present on his pretty face. But in reality, he lost weight because he had extreme diarrhea from the cooked Monster Cell

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