Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 63 - Meeting Garou Again. But Not For Long

"IF WE RESIST, THEY'LL ONLY TORTURE US AND KILL US ALL. BUT THAT'S WHEN WE MONSTER WORSHIPPERS CAME UP WITH THE ONLY SOLUTION. OFFER OUR LORD MONSTERS TRIBUTES PERIODICALLY TO CONTROL THE PACING FOR THEIR MEALS IN ORDER TO ESCAPE EXTINCTION" A dude said to the random citizens while waving a flag around with other people behind him with also a flag in hand. Like something of a riot, though the thing is, they are rioting about monsters, but not what you immediately think off

"ANYONE WILLING TO BECOME ONE OF THE MONSTERS COME WITH US! WE WILL SURVIVE IN THIS WORLD WITH CHANGED COMMON SENSE AND MORALS!" The dude continued to say as the others were now starting to wave their flag around the streets to get the attention of the local citizens

"OY! BE QUIET! I'D RATHER DIE THAN BECOME ALLIES WITH THE MONSTERS!" One of the citizens finally snapped at them. And of course, they didn't take what the citizen said to them lightly

"VERY WELL THEN! THEN YOU'LL BECOME OUR FIRST TRIBUTE!!" The dude said as all of the rioters focused their attention on the innocent citizen

"GET HIM!" He said as he charged towards the nervous and scared citizen

"Huh?" He was about to close the gap between him and the person, though, Garou was present in that exact moment as he flicked the charging guy to the face as he was launched back, hitting the rest of the rioters who were also charging behind the first guy as they all hit the ground with a bit of scratches and bruises all around their bodies, and that was just a flick from the forehead by Garou

"*Cough* A-agh!" They shouted as Garou walked in front of the pile of rioters with a raised eyebrow

Garou: "So, you're using tributes to save your sorry ȧsses from them? If so, then you're downplaying what the monsters could do" Garou said as he walked past them and continued wandering around the area 'Is this the influence of the Monster Association? Society has been stirred up easily by how pathetic and disappointing they are. This current situation worries me a little, what about my grand entrance as the strongest monster? It won't leave as much of an impact now that what it was earlier' Garou thought as suddenly

"A GROUP PROCLAIMING THE END OF HUMANITY HAS APPEARED IN S-CITY TO SPREAD CHAOS. THERE ARE ALSO REPORTS OF CITIZENS COMMITTING ROBBING AND PLUNDERING. THE POLICE AND HEROES ARE ON THE WATCH TO RAISE AWARENESS. SOME CITIZENS I HAVE TO SAY...HAVING MONSTERS CAUSING HAVOC DOESN'T LESSEN THE CRIMES OF MEN" A sudden news echoed throughout the City we're Garou was now 'Exactly. Because the Monster Association half-assed it. Now we've got all these scummy bastards doing whatever they want because they think that the Monster Association will kill them in the end anyways' Garou thought as, at the same time, he saw what appears to be a drunk dude bullying an old man with two idiots who don't know what to do but watch it all happen right in front of their own eyes

"Their fighting!"

"Stop them!"

"Hey! Stop it right now! How could you treat an old man like this"

"Crap! He's drunk! We can't stop him!"

"We will all get killed by the Monster Association anyways! So there's no point in holding back anymore!" Shouted the drunk guy to both of them

Garou: "Oy. You're blocking the entrance. Get the hell out of here" Garou suddenly appeared. Letting the drunk man know that he should piss off. The two idiots, again, could only watch the scene unfold

"HUH?! What did you just say to me you ȧsshole!" The drunk man turned around and shouted at me as he pulled a pocket knife and rushed at me intending to stab me in the ċhėst with his knife off his

Garou: "Heh. Quite a 'Small' knife you got there" As the small knife was about to make contact with Garou's ċhėst. Garou suddenly grabbed the blade and broke it away from its handle as he immediately pointed it towards the drunk man's eye by a few mere inches. The man stopped immediately as he was now starting to sweat nervously

Garou: "...Fuck off" The man didn't need another second as he immediately ran away as fast as he can. Garou threw the pathetic knife away and was now starting to walk towards the entrance of the building that the drunk guy was blocking

"U-um, Mister, You-

Garou: "I'm not like them. I'll create even more chaos and terror that even the likes of them, cannot handle or produce. But right now, I'm just damn itching to have a nice meal" said Garou to the two guys before he finally entered the restaurant.

A few minutes later

"Here you have the extra thick steak menu with extra rice. I hope you enjoy" The waiter said as she left. Garou grabbed a fork and was about to dig in, but

Garou: "...This isn't enough. I'd like to make an order again" Garou raised his arm as the waitress that was with him a few moments ago, arrived. Garou grabbed the menu that the waitress was holding as he examined the whole thing from top to bottom

Garou: "Alright. I want every dish on the lover's menu. As well as the salads, all of them. Bring them here. Oh, and also, lot's of water" Garou said as the waitress sweat dropped but ultimately agreed to what Garou ordered for

After not so long. They had Garou's order all ready to be eaten at his table as he started to dig in like a hungry homeless person that hasn't had any food for a single year. His arms we're going back and forth to the many plates that we're on his table, creating small after images of his arms moving everywhere. Everyone that was in the restaurant, watched Garou with surprised expressions 'Damn, now this is hitting the spot. Glad I found this place, though I don't have... Nevermind that. I'll think about it once I'm done with my feast' Garou thought while in the middle of eating his very own buffet.



We are currently at City S just walking around. I don't know how we got here, it was mostly Fubuki who led us here to City S in the first place, I don't know why she picked City S but I'm not going to complain. We also heard a news that some people are worshipping the monsters or something here in the streets of City S. Weird. And at the same time, Fubuki also started to talk about our next move

Saitama: "So, I'm going to the Monster Association early than the others then?" I said to Fubuki who was clinging to my arm like a possessive girlfriend would do as she nodded

Fubuki: "Yes, you will enter through the sewer that's not that far away from your place, and then you'll go on from there until you're inside of the Monster Association's base. And soon, you'll meet up with one of the other S-class since they're going to split up, well, if I'm right that is. All of the S-class will split up while the rest will be on a group going to the Monster Association. Well, except for a few like Watchdogman will not go, Drive Knight will come later, so will Metal Bat, and also King will come later and will meet up with Metal Bat. King, me, Genos, Bang, and Bomb will go together to the Monster Association last. Genos will split up with us as well as King once we arrive at the Monster Association. Me, Bang, and his brother will be traveling around the Monster Association after that" She said

Saitama: "Damn, well at least I know what to do"

Fubuki: "That's just the start, but I think you would know what to do from there. I just told you what are you going to do next. You'll do the rest"

Saitama: "Really? Oh god"

Fubuki: "Why?"

Saitama: "Are you sure that I know what to do by then?"

Fubuki: "I'm fairly sure. Just walk around the Monster Association's hideout until you meet one of the others" Fubuki said as she kissed me on the cheek

Saitama: "What was that for? A good luck kiss?"

Fubuki: "No. I just wanted to kiss you that's all. You'll get that good luck smooch soon" She said as I blushed a little

Fubuki: "How about we get something delicious to eat? Or do you want something, else, that's more"

Saitama: "How about some food. I mean, there, look!" I pointed to a small store or something that was not that far from us 'Is she really desperate for me? Geez' I thought

Fubuki: "Oh, so you do eat different kinds of foods huh"

Saitama: "Hey! What does that mean?"

Fubuki: "When I was baking in your house that day, I searched your fridge and I saw all of the same stuff"

Saitama: "What? What are you talking about?"

Fubuki: "You need to eat different foods other than steak, noodles, eggs, and let me guess, hotpot?"

Saitama: "They're delicious though..."

Fubuki: "I don't care. You will eat different foods and you will enjoy them. Understood?"

Saitama: "Uh.."

Fubuki: "Un. Der. Stood?"

Saitama: "Okay, okay. I'll eat more variety of foods..."

Fubuki: "I hope so, because If I catch you eating those foods in your fridge, then you will certainly regret what's coming for you"

Saitama: "Geez. I never thought you'd be the caring type"

Fubuki: "Of course I am. Though I'm not that worried about you're life"

Saitama: "What? Why?"

Fubuki: "Not like that. Because you know, you're much, MUCH, stronger than anyone so I will not be that worried for you're safety, though I will still be worried, sometimes"

Saitama: "Then why are you trying to get me to eat different foods?"

Fubuki: "Because I said so. Now come on, I'm starving" She said as she ran over towards the food store that contains foods that I haven't tried before that will be eaten by us people while she was pulling my arm... Nailed it. Once we arrived, the first thing that anyone would do when you go into a store or any restaurant, or whatever you call this place, is to look at the available menu that they kindly provided to us customers to choose from... Yeah. The food here was anything that I'd never seen before. Though I was intrigued by one of them. Call me Itachi Uchiha as I ordered two sticks of sweet sweet Dango, which I don't even know they had Dango here. Do they usually sell Dango? I don't know, and I'm Asian so I should probably know this type of stuff but hey, I guess I'm just one of those people I guess. Fubuki ordered some red Daifuku, which also looked nice, and probably flavored with some strawberries because of the red color, but Dango won me over before I looked at all of the menu. I think I should go pay Itachi a visit soon... Hehehe

Once we we're served our foods. We went outside to eat our food goodies since there were a lot of people inside of the place so Fubuki decided that we should eat alone as a couple would do...Geez

Fubuki: "I think I know why you ordered Dango. An Itachi fan huh?"

Saitama: "Eh. I prefer Kakashi over Itachi any day. I more enjoy his character than Itachi's and probably anybody in Naruto as a matter of fact"

Fubuki: "Well that explains a lot then"

Saitama: "I guess I got some of Kakashi's unfortunate traits. I don't know why but I don't mind it at all, I think"

Fubuki: "Kakashi is like my top ten favorite anime characters. Maybe that's why I took a liking to you that much. It all makes sense now, with you reading your naughty book of yours, and your quite similar, but not so similar personality to Kakashi, which I grew to love. I'm pretty lucky to have such a great partner that I can easily toy with any time I want, hehehe" She said as she took a bite of her Daifuku 'Oh god. I can't even start to imagine when the time comes when we... do it... Yeah, I should probably think about that another time' I thought as I took my first bite of my sweet Dango. After tasting it thoroughly, god damn it was sweet and delicious. It was like tasting one of Fubuki's brownies. Itachi does have taste after all

Fubuki: "Here, take a bite of these, their so good" Fubuki suddenly brought her bitten Daifuku in front of my face as she forced it inside of my mouth. Making me take a single bite out of it

Saitama: "*Chewing* It has a mild salty taste. And also a sweet flavor that tastes like strawberry. All in all, a balanced baked goody if I say so myself *Gulp*" I said as I gulped up the last remnants of Fubuki's Daifuku as she was ecstatic when she heard my response

Fubuki: "Right! It's so good!" She yelped in joy as she continued to eat her Daifuku while I also continued to consume my Dango

After a while, we both finished our foods with a satisfactory smile on our faces

Fubuki: "That was a nice snack if I say so myself"

Saitama: "It sure was. Maybe I will try more foods"

Fubuki: "I'm already impacting your palette. Now how about we go there next" Fubuki said as she pointed to the place that she was talking about

Saitama: "Sure" I said as she clinged into my arm again with her melons trapping my arm securely, I, of course, blushed. After that, we started to make our way to where the place that Fubuki pointed to

As we were about to arrive at our destination, we suddenly heard a commotion happening not so far from us. I think the commotion was at the place to where Fubuki pointed at

"He managed to slip past our security! Go after him now!"


We heard someone shout as we saw...Garou?! Who was running for his life with his noticeable red hair and torn out clothes

Saitama: "Garou? What the hell is he doing here?" I said out loud while still focusing on the running Garou that was slowly getting away from my eyes

Fubuki: "It's one of the events early on that you have to do"

Saitama: "Really?"

Fubuki: "Yeah. You just need to make quick work of him. Then we could go do whatever we want for the rest of the day until tomorrow"

Saitama: "Is this necessary for me to do? How much of an impact will be done when I don't try and meet with Garou. Or is it neutral, like a 50/50 chance that the consequences we'll be good or not"

Fubuki: "I'd say in the middle of those extents. Now come on, I'll accompany you there Sai-kun. But we better hurry or else another event will occur once we're too late to deal with Garou, and you know we don't want to intervene in that" I nodded, and without thinking much, I grabbed ahold of Fubuki's legs and lifted her into a bridal style. Fubuki blushed as she wrapped her arms around my neck to make herself stable. Her head rested comfortably on my shoulder

Saitama: "I thought this would be a more efficient way to catch up with him"

Fubuki: "I doubt it. You just wanted to carry me but I don't mind, now hurry up" I nodded as I started to follow Garou to where he was going with Fubuki in my arms

A few minutes later near Garou.

It took me a couple of minutes before I arrived to where Garou was at. I was intending to immediately go at full speed but Fubuki stopped me before I did. She said that it will mess something up, ugh. How about I mess her up... Anyways. We are currently watching Garou and the little kid with a bowl haircut having his moment with the Hero Hunter. I released Fubuki from my hold so that she could tell me what to do next

Saitama: "What should I do now?"

Fubuki: "Just appear in front of them and say to Garou 'Stop you Dine-and-Dasher!' and if it works. Garou will focus on you, but after you now have his attention, just say you'll let him go and pretend to walk away, and then he will get an outburst and rush at you. And the rest you probably know what to do"

Saitama: "One shot him?"

Fubuki: "Yes, but not kill him"

Saitama: "Got it, but what if he asks questions?"

Fubuki: "Eh, It'll probably be best to not answer some of his questions, but it's up to you, now go! Before the next event happens"

Saitama: "Gotcha" I said as I started to make my way towards Garou and the little kid

And a few seconds later, I appeared behind Garou and the kid probably around 6 or 9 feet away from them 'Okay, let's get this over with' I thought

Saitama: "Hey you Dine and Dasher! " I shouted at them, and as expected. I caught their attention as both of them turned around to look at me

Saitama: "How they're you leave without paying for what you ordered back there! But you're lucky that I'm in a great mood so I'll let you go this time, but if I catch you doing it again, you'll regret ever doing such a thing in the first place" I said as I turned around away from them and started to walk very slowly. Making our separation between us, slowly gain length

Garou: "Oy! I thought you'd come and get rid of me! You scared or something?" Garou shouted back at me as I stopped dead in my tracks 'That head and hair...he looks familiar, is he a hero? I have to know, even though he doesn't look like a hero right now with that clothes on. I still need to be sure, but I feel like he's a hero. I don't want to let the Hero Association know that I'm out here' Garou thought

Garou: "Are you a hero?! What's your hero name!" 'Crap. What should I say... I got it!'

Saitama: "It's Skywa- I mean, Boy Wonder" I said as Garou, from the look of his face, doesn't know a single hero that has the hero name "Boy Wonder" in the Hero Catalogue 'He's lying, he changed his words at the last second. Skywhat?... Doesn't matter, he will be hunted either way' Garou thought as suddenly, a hand tugged on his shirt as he turned his attention on Tareo who had his Hero Catalogue pressed tightly into his ċhėst as Tareo backed up a little

Tareo: "He must be a new one then. I haven't heard or seen him at all. I haven't seen him in the Hero Catalogue either!" Tareo said to Garou

Garou: "Go back home, brat"

Tareo: "Um, did you Dine and Dash, Uncle? If you did, then you should probably go along with what he said" '...Are you kidding me right now? When not only the Monster Association but no-named shitty heroes and little brats start to take pity on you, you know you fuċkėd something up. I even felt relief when I heard the old shithead and the other two survived against the centipede. Fuck being called a monster when I lack determination, out of all things. Am I really going to do what the Monster Association said?... I guess I am. I am, going to take a heroes head' Garou clenched his fist as he menacingly started to make his way towards me with the intention of taking my head off 'I guess this is it' I thought as Garou grabbed my shoulder and said

Garou: "Don't look down on me that fast" And he launched a punch to my head, and as the punch was coming in real fast. I tilted my head to the side, dodging Garou's punch completely

Saitama: "I'll make this quick and probably painful so... Yeah I got nothing left to say" Before he could bring his arm back or show any expression to what the hell just happened. I gave him a weak 1, 2 that was enough to make him black out immediately, resulting into him getting sent back next to the kid


Garou's unconscious body landed next to the kid as he was surprised and shocked to see that, and as Tareo was about to look at me again. I disappeared without a trail.

Fubuki: "You did good Sai-kun" Fubuki said to me after I appeared beside her

Saitama: "Yeah, so now what?" I asked her as she smirked. Which I definitely noticed it by a long shot, though I think she knew that I knew that I saw that smirk of hers

Fubuki: "How about let's go, home"

Saitama: "To our own respectful places? Or-

Fubuki: "You're place, now come on, we're done for today" Fubuki grabbed my hand as we started to make our way back to my apartment. And rather than us flying to save time or teleport, we decided to run, or, she, decided it, not me... Yeah.


Sometime later... I think

"Ugh...Hah!" Garou's eyes shot open as he immediately sat up with multiple fresh of blood trailing down his mouth

Tareo: "Oh! Are you okay? The person that was with us a few moments ago, left without a trail" Tareo said to Garou who was still contemplating what happened to him, and seconds later, he now remembers... Most of it

Garou: "I...Lost?! What in the hell was he?" Garou asked Tareo as he tilted his head to look at him

Tareo: "Did you not remember? I think he punched you or something. I couldn't really tell because it all happened so fast" Tareo said to him

"Garou...What the hell are you doing?"

A sudden, and familiar voice joined their conversation as both of them looked to where the voice came from. And behold, the first thing they saw was the one and only, Royal Ripper...

Royal Ripper: "I was watching you this whole time. I knew that you were different from us, Garou..."

"Yeah, he is different. It's quite a shame" Bug God said as he arrived next to Royal Ripper

Bug God: "I can't feel any monster traits in you, Garou. Maybe I did overestimated you after all" Bug God said to Garou as he sat up from the ground while looking at the two monsters

Garou: "Get going brat. Go back to your damn house. I have things to deal with that involves these two ȧssholes" Said Garou to Tareo while facing the direction of Royal Ripper and Bug God

Tareo: "...Eh?" Tareo mumbled as he turned to look at the monsters, and when he saw them, or when he saw Royal Ripper, he immediately started to sweat nervously as the Hero Catalogue that he was holding, dropped to the ground. When the catalog hit the ground, it opened as the pages were unfolding, and moments later, it landed on a page that was dedicated to one, out of many monsters, and one of them, was Royal Ripper

Tareo: "H-he's in the Catalog...W-why is he at this place in this time? He's R-Royal Ripper. The one that takes away countless children to...AHHH! IT'S ROYAL RIPPER! AHHHHHHH!" Tareo stumbled backwards onto the ground with tears flooding out of his eyes. Garou was surprised to see the kid having a nervous breakdown

Garou: "Hey! I told you, stand up and get the hell out of here!" Garou said while looking at the poor kid that was next to him

Royal Ripper: "I never thought that Garou, of all people, would have a little friend accompanying him" Royal Ripper said as he started to make his way forward while scraping the ground with his sword arm of his while looking at the crying Tareo with Bug God following him behind. Garou focused back on the two ugly-ass monsters

Garou: "Oy. I thought you two crack fuċks came for me?" Garou said while Tareo was still sobbing next to him

Royal Ripper: "My my. I'm sorry little one...I didn't really intend to make you cry. I was planning on saving your tears of yours for later. What poor thing you are, don't worry, I'll make sure to gently slice you up into pieces later... Sorry again, but there is no more help coming your way. Even Garou will be not much help for you"

Garou: "Tch.. Get the hell behind me" Before Tareo could do what Garou said, Garou was already in front of him, making the process of Garou's plan faster.

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