At the celebration banquet, Jiang Mian drank a lot of wine. He was so drunk that he was standing at the door with the help of his assistant, shaking his body.

After a while, the car drove over, and the assistant helped Jiang Mian get into the car.

Wenjiu's cheeks were red, like bayberry soaked in wine, his beautiful apricot eyes were slightly bent, and he looked at the little assistant with blurred eyes.

"Go, let's go to the bar, I want to order 20 little brothers!"

"Mianmian, you drank too much!"

"Nonsense, I didn't drink too much, I can still..."

After drinking two more words, he had an accident. A car crashed with a bang, and a car accident occurred.

Jiang Mian in the car was aching all over, especially the dull pain in his head, blood was stained on his eyelashes, and the next moment he lost consciousness and plunged into darkness.

In the early morning, there had just been a drizzle, and the whole city was filled with fog.

The tall buildings rise into the sky, like a fairyland.

In the room, a man and a woman lie on a big bed.

The man is slender, lying on his side, even when he is asleep, he is cold and noble.

I don't know who tore the neckline of the black silk pajamas. Looking down the collarbone, you can vaguely see the slightly undulating chest muscles. However, most of the scenery is blocked by the back of the little woman with her arms around her.

The man's arms were wrapped around the little woman's waist, confining the woman in his arms as an absolute master, extremely domineering.

After an unknown period of time, the little woman in her arms snorted and frowned, but she did not open her eyes for a long time.

In his sleep, Jiang Mian only felt that this sleeping position was uncomfortable. He slept for too long, and half of his body was numb.

I wanted to turn my body to change my sleeping position, but found that something was holding her, making her unable to move at all.

Jiang Mian woke up from a headache, rubbed his temples with his fingertips, and the pain in his mind still didn't subside for half a minute.

She was thirsty, and when she was about to get up to find a glass of water to drink, she suddenly noticed that something was pinched around her waist.

Is there still temperature?


When the sleepy black eyes touched the arm around his waist, the boss suddenly stared, and the round eyes were full of shock.

This, this is a man's hand?

Following his arm and looking up all the way, Jiang Mian gasped for a cold breath, finally settling on the man's cold face.

She, she... She drank too much last night, and then fell asleep with a handsome guy?

Looking at the man beside him, his head still hurts so much, as if something that does not belong to her is trying to get in.

Closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then looked at the man beside her, pinched her arm hard, she wanted to scream because of pain, but fortunately she had the foresight to cover her mouth.

What happened last night and why did she wake up with a man sleeping next to her!

The man's body temperature was very high, and his arm was hot against her waist, as if being burned with iron, Jiang Mian carefully took his hand away from his waist.

After doing all this, I was out of breath.

Jiang Mian lowered his head, his gaze swept back and forth over the man's bare chest and his own chest. It didn't matter if the man's pajamas were open, how could her clothes be almost taken off?

It's not that she drank too much last night. After seeing the handsome guy, she couldn't control herself for a while, so she forced others to be stronger!

Bai Nen's plain face instantly flushed red, and while guilty of guilty conscience, he opened the quilt to check her condition, while secretly denying that she could not be such a rascal!

Under the quilt, she was wearing a **** lingerie with a leopard print, Jiang Mian took a breath, her heart seemed to be soaked in ice water, the heart was cold.

No way?

She really put people to sleep?

But why doesn't she have any impression?

No matter what, the most important thing is to put on clothes first, and then think about how to solve it later.

Looking around quickly, they looked like they were in a high-end hotel room.

The curtains in the house were pulled tightly, showing no light. I don't know what time it is now.

Xun Xun Mi, glanced at the carpet with clothes piled together randomly, her eyes lit up, and her clothes were on the ground!

Jiang Mian hurriedly got out of bed, found his own clothes from a pile of mixed men's and women's clothes, and put them on quickly.

Because of his guilty conscience, Jiang Mian was in a hurry.

He fastened the last button and subconsciously wanted to glance at the man on the bed.

But this time around, Jiang Mian seemed to be nailed in place, unable to move.

The man on the bed did not know when he woke up, and under his fragmentary black hair, he stared at himself sharply and with falcon-like black eyes.

When a man is awake, his aura is stronger, adding a bit of oppression.

When did he wake up and how much did he watch?

Wouldn't it be to show her completely!

Jiang Mian's heart was beating violently, he swallowed with a guilty heart, licked his dry lips, and stammered and explained, "Well, if we drank too much last night, nothing happened, you believe. Do not believe?"

She is a girl anyhow, she has never eaten pork, and she has swept countless overbearing presidential novels, and she knows how uncomfortable she is after having a relationship with a man.

Right now, she has no other problems except for a headache.

The man on the bed looked indifferent, and his eyes were full of wind and rain through the turbulent anger.

Jiang Mian secretly said a bad cry, and the man in front of him made a nasty posture. How could you turn someone on the bed when you were drunk and didn't pick someone!

Even if the regretful intestines are all green, things have already happened, but fortunately, there is still some retention!

The other party made it clear that he didn't believe it, Jiang Mian couldn't dispute it.

"I'm serious, nothing really happened to the two of us last night, even if you don't believe me, don't you feel it yourself!"

As she said, she didn't know where the force came from, so she looked at the man's place confidently.

The little woman was chattering, and the noisy Shen Shiyan had a headache. He went to sleep immediately after taking the anti-fever medicine last night. He didn't know what happened, let alone how she sneaked in!

As soon as she raised her head and met a certain little woman's gaze, she saw her eyes staring at her motionlessly, and her white face quickly showed two blushes.

Following her gaze and looking at her waist, her thin, covered eyes moved as if nothing happened, her face was instantly dark to the extreme, and she yelled, "Jiang Mian!"

Because he was still feverish, his voice was particularly hoarse and rough, and after roaring Jiang Mian there was another violent cough.

Jiang Mian yelled like a schoolboy, but he was clever and honest.

Seeing the man coughing badly, he hurried forward, took a piece of tissue and handed it to the man.

She is a soft-hearted, good-looking man who cannot see long being ill.

Shen Shiyan coughed too badly, raised her head and her scarlet eyes were bloodshot, and subconsciously wanted to push Jiang Mian away, but she could touch the caring gaze from the little woman and didn't move for a while.

Without drinking water all night, her throat was really burning, and Shen Shiyan coughed a few more times.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Mian asked again, "Would you like some water?"

Just as Jiang Mian was about to stand up and find water for him to drink, his wrist was suddenly caught.

The man in front of him was feverish, his body was hot, and his palm was burning her wrist like an iron.

Shen Shiyan's strength was so great that Jiang Mian was unprepared and fell on the man's body.

The whole little face was buried in the man's chest, and a clear breath came out, which belonged to this man alone, and it smelled very good.

Jiang Mian didn't hold back for a while, and the deep smell of greed, the scent of scent, penetrated into his lungs.

Before she could react, the man pushed her away. Jiang Mian reacted afterwards, blushing, and then he was about to apologize.


He hadn't finished speaking, but was interrupted by the man in front of him.

The man in front of him gritted his teeth and called her name, his eyes staring at her, "Who let you in!"

Jiang Mian let out a cry, staring at him blankly with water-stained eyes, and the explanation was not clear in a few words.

The ghost knew what happened after she drank too much last night!

However, her dodging eyes seemed to Shen Shiyan as a guilty conscience. She squeezed her wrists harder, her fingertips were white, and she sneered: "Jiang Mian, you are so bold!"

So courageous?

"No, why are you unreasonable? I didn't deliberately rush into your arms to take advantage of you. It is clear that you grabbed me first!" Jiang Mian was also annoyed. How could this person blame her for the fault? What about the human body!

Sure enough, God is fair. He gave him a good looks, but he didn't give him IQ.

Jiang Mian twisted his wrist and hissed in pain, "You let me go first!"

Failing to break free from the man's palm, the pinched circle of skin has already turned red, in sharp contrast with the other snow-white and tender complexions.

Looking at the sick and weak, the strength is quite heavy!

At the celebration banquet last night, she was in a good mood and drank a lot. At the end of the day, everyone was in a daze, remembering what happened.

Seeing that he didn't let go, Jiang Mian patiently explained sincerely: "I really drank too much last night and I don't remember anything!"

Shen Shiyan sneered: "Do you think I believe it?"

"Believe it or not!" Jiang Mian replied badly.

If you don't let go, her hand will be broken!

He was still in fever, and when he spoke hard, he became dizzy and let go of her hand: "Get out!"

Jiang Mian was free, and hurriedly withdrew his wrist, gently rubbed the pinched red wrist, and muttered softly: Go out!

She doesn't want to stay here yet!

Jiang Mian glared at the man angrily, got up and walked outside.

As soon as he took a step and stepped on the ground, it seemed that there were thousands of needles stuck in the soles of his feet, and the sympathy spread rapidly along the nerve endings. Jiang Mian might as well fall back on the bed with pain, and it happened so coincidentally. It happened to fall into Shen Shiyan's arms.

From Jiang Mian's point of view, he could just see the man's eight-pack abs, and... the wicked eyes.

With the dark look in his eyes as he wanted to kill, Jiang Mian immediately realized that he had fallen into his arms. Wouldn't he be misunderstanding that he wanted to seduce him again?

Conscience of Heaven and Earth, she really seemed to be stabbed by a needle just now, and she fell down because she couldn't stand her pain!


and many more!

Why is she not hurting at all now?

Jiang Mian subconsciously wanted to pinch off his own flesh, without feeling at all. Could it be that it was his own illusion just now?

Shen Shiyan couldn't bear it, this woman was too courageous!

It doesn't matter if you fall into his arms pretendingly, now that hand dare to touch him!

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