Jiang Mian cried so much, she was full of fear in her heart, she didn't want to die young.

She is the only one in the man’s eyes, "Hey, stop crying!"

"help me!"

At this time, a weak cry came from the water.

Jiang Mian realized what had happened.

Tang Mianren was still struggling in the water, and Shen Shiyan actually rescued her!

How is this going?

Why don't you follow the script!

It was so cold that her thoughts were frozen, her head was blank, her hands were tightly around the man's neck.

Although the man fell into the water as well, his body temperature was transmitted through his wet and cold clothes, which was Jiang Mian's only source of warmth.

She is too cold now.

Tang Mian looked at the two people on the shore, jealousy and anger surged in his heart.

Jiang Mian was too vicious. In order to prevent Shen Shiyan from coming to save herself, she actually clung to Shen Shiyan firmly.

He tried his best to shout to save me, and finally sank into the water unbearably.

Shen Shiyan naturally noticed Tang Mian early in the morning. It is impossible for him to save two people at the same time.

Of course, he jumped into the water without thinking, and rescued Jiang Mian.

Fortunately, the butler couldn't rest assured, and followed Shen Shiyan out to find Jiang Mian.

He is getting older, his legs are not as neat as the young man, and he walks a bit slower.

When I was not passing through the backyard, I just heard someone calling for help, and I hurriedly called the master over.

Behind the steward, two young people saw a girl in the water. They quickly pointed to Tang Mian in the water and ordered one of them, "Hurry up, save people!"

Today is my wife's birthday. If it is a life, it will be unlucky.

Then he told the remaining one, "Go and get a clean towel in there, go!"

The man moved very neatly, without even taking off his suit, he jumped directly into the water and rescued Tang Mian.

Tang Mian poured a lot of water, and he had already fainted.

The person who rescued her hurriedly pressed her chest and gave her first aid.

Tang Mian vomited several salivas, but he was still unconscious.

The housekeeper was desperately anxious, so he hurriedly called 120, not forgetting to care about Jiang Mian: "Master, is she okay with Ms. Jiang?"

His gaze fell on Jiang Mian's face with concern. The fall into the water in the winter had hurt his body the most. What happened?

The water was already cold, and the whole body was completely wet. As soon as the cold wind blew, the water-soaked skirt was attached to the body, and the body seemed to be not his own anymore!

Jiang Mian-yong's face was pale, and his lips trembled as soon as he opened his mouth.

Cannot wait for someone to bring the towel up, Shen Shiyan grabbed the coat on the side and wrapped Jiang Mian's body, "I will take you back first!"

He didn't think Jiang Mian was soaked, so he hugged him horizontally, Jiang Mian trembled coldly, and curled up in his arms as much as possible, "It's cold!"

Shen Shiyan didn't even look at Tang Mian, who was unconscious on the ground, and walked away quickly holding Jiang Mian.

In the lobby, everyone was still celebrating Deng Rong's birthday.

Deng Rong was full of happy smiles, chatting with several friends who had been in contact for more than ten years.

They are all the same age, but her friends all embraced their grandchildren, and they always listened to them showing off their grandchildren, but now it's finally her turn to show off.

Deng Rong was showing off, and the butler hurried over, more panicked than before.

"My wife is not good, Miss Jiang has fallen into the water!"


Deng Rong's expression changed, "Where is the person, take me over immediately!"

Shen Shiyan hugged Jiang Mian directly back to her room, her body temperature was too low, and it was cold everywhere she touched.

Simply hugged her directly into the bathroom, took off her clothes, and gave her a hot bath.

Jiang Mianren was not in a coma, and he was still conscious. Seeing the man's hand stretched out and touching his clothes, he dullly reacted to what the other party wanted to do.

The cold hand held the opponent, "I, I will come by myself!"

Shen Shiyan didn't move, her eyes fell on her hand and asked: "Are you sure you can?"

Even the words are unsatisfactory, how can she undress herself!

The Yuba was turned on, and the bright light was shining on her face. Only then did Shen Shiyan realize how pale her face was, and even her usual pink lips were now bloodless.

"I can!" she answered gritted her teeth.

How could she let Shen Shiyan undress her? What a shame!

Jiang Mian insisted on coming by herself, and Shen Shiyan let go of her hand and watched her undress herself.

Jiang Mian soaked in the cold water for a long time, the back of his frozen hands was pale, the roots of blood vessels were distinct, and the blue and red were intertwined.

She was still wearing hooded clothes, her arms were already cold and stiff, and she didn't have the strength to take off her clothes.

Shen Shiyan looked both distressed and wanted to get angry.

I don't even look at what I have become, and I still stubbornly stubbornly.

Jiang Mian's hands trembled and pulled his clothes. Shen Shiyan lost patience, so he started to undress Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian didn't wear much, a lamb wool coat with a hood on the outside and a small sling on the inside.

The sling was wet and close to her white jade-like skin, and the hair dripped constantly, falling on her shoulder collarbone, crystal clear.

Shen Shiyan's eyes were heavy, she didn't expect her to wear a bra inside, and her breathing was stagnant.

It was said that she could just take it off by herself, how could he still get started!

Seeing the man's gaze on his chest, Jiang Mian subconsciously remembered that she was not wearing a bra. She moved slowly and stretched out her hand to protect her chest, and finally there was a trace of blood on her pale cheeks.

He was embarrassed and fierce: "You are not allowed to watch!"

She wanted to cry again.

It's okay to bring her to a birthday. There was nothing she should have mixed up here. Now it's okay. She is still in the water, frozen like this ghost, and was seen by a man!

Jiang Mian wanted to be fierce, but he couldn't get fierce, and he didn't have that aura at all.

Like a little cat falling into the water, he thinks he is fierce, but in fact he is terribly cute.

Shen Shiyan didn't expect Jiang Mian to wear such a spring scene, and her voice suddenly became hoarse: "Okay, I won't look at it!"

What's the use if I saw it all, and said no to it!

After putting hot water for Jiang Mian, Shen Shiyan went outside to calm down for a few minutes.

In fact, he was not much better. He was soaked from top to bottom. He took a hot bath in the next room to get rid of the cold.

Jiang Mian was soaking in the hot water, his cold body gradually became warm, and his blood became active.

Lazily leaning on the bathtub, after a long time, his pale face was flushed with steam, which seemed to be completely alive.

However, she was not too happy, but rather sadly sighed.

Everything didn't go down according to her script. It was she who rescued Shen Shiyan ashore, and naturally she couldn't get angry.

This is troublesome!

Between she and Tang Mian, Shen Shiyan chose herself, so how could she break up with Shen Shiyan.

Jiang Mian thought about the situation at the time, wondering whether it was too dark at the time, and Shen Shiyan didn't see the person clearly, so he saved one at random?

If this is the case, she is too unlucky!

Just choose one to be yourself, is God destined to let her be a miserable cannon fodder?

But if you really want to think so, that's not right.

At that time, Tang Mian was still crying for help in the water, and the two of them heard and saw it.

Shen Shiyan saw that it was Tang Mian, so why not go into the water to save her again?

Could it be that Shen Shiyan was still angry with Tang Mian, and only saved her in order to avenge Tang Mian's departure that year?

This explanation seems to work!

That's right, that's why!

Deng Rong wanted to visit Jiang Mian for the first time, but the housekeeper said that Tang Mian was unconscious, and changed his way to the guest room.

Compared with Jiang Mian, she is much worse.

Shen Shiyan didn't rescue her in the first time. Tang Mian didn't know how to water. After soaking in the water for so long, he didn't know how much saliva he had taken, and fell into a coma when he was physically weak and lacked oxygen.

After some first aid measures, a lot of water was vomited after pressing the chest cavity, but the person was still in a coma.

Deng Rong hurried in. Auntie was changing Tang Mian's clean clothes and told her about Tang Mian's specific situation.

The ambulance was still on the way, and Deng Rong asked the housekeeper to call Tang Mian's parents.

Tang Mian's parents hurried over when they heard the news. The couple saw the pale little daughter lying on the bed and asked angrily what had happened.

Deng Rong didn't know the specifics. One was in a coma and the other was upstairs. She didn't have time to see it.

After all this happened in the Shen family, Deng Rong, as the hostess of this family, had to take responsibility.

"Don't worry, you two, Tang Mian fell into the water at my house, I will definitely give them a satisfactory answer!"

I don’t understand the truth now, it’s useless to say it.

After a while, the ambulance arrived, and a group of people took Tang Mian who was unconscious in the car, and Tang Mian's parents followed.

As soon as the people left, Deng Rong breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly rushed to Shen Shiyan's room.

Shen Shiyan had already taken a hot shower at this time, put on clean clothes, and hovered in front of the bathroom.

There was no movement inside, worried that Jiang Mian might be in an unexpected situation and knocked on the door.

"How's it going?"

Maybe the hot bath was too comfortable, Jiang Mian was a little drowsy.

After hearing Shen Shiyan's voice, she suddenly became sober.

"I, I'll be fine soon!"

Jiang Mian subconsciously reached out to fish for the clothes on the ground, all of which were wet, and his voice became more and more flustered.

He raised his head and glanced at the door, and said loudly: "You, you are not allowed to come in!"

The bath was hot just now, so I simply took off all the clothes on my body.

The bathroom door was not locked from the inside. In case Shen Shiyan suddenly pushed the door and came in, she was really going to be seen completely by now.

When Shen Shiyan heard her voice, the stone hanging in her heart fell to the ground.

But after a long time, Jiang Mian still didn't come out.

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

The man frowned and stared at the door. Could it be that he fell inside?

Jiang Mian figured it out, but she found a very serious problem.

She has no clean clothes to change.

Glancing at the wet, cold, dirty clothes on the ground, she finally didn't want to wear it when she finally warmed up.

Just when Shen Shiyan hesitated to push the door in, the door moved by itself.

The door opened a small gap, and a wet head poked out.

Jiang Mian raised his head and found that Shen Shiyan was standing at the door, the bath towel on her chest was firmly grasped by her.

"It's done?"

Jiang Mian's face wasn't as pale as before, and he became ruddy and shiny, and he was finally relieved.

Jiang Mian nodded and shook his head quickly.

Shen Shiyan frowned, what did she mean?

Jiang Mian sounded like a mosquito, and tweaked: "I don't have any clothes to change!"


Without clothes, it means that she on the other side of the door...

Shen Shiyan was silent for a moment, finally knowing why she was hiding behind the door.

The man turned over, went to the closet and took a set of his own pajamas, and stuffed them into Jiang Mian's hands.

"There are no other clothes, you wear mine first!"

Pajamas are pajamas, it’s nothing.

But why did he bring his underwear too!

The moment Jiang Mian lowered his head and saw the man's underwear, he almost didn't throw out all the clothes in his hand.

My heart seemed to be scalded, and my face was burning up and it was terribly hot.

Almost did not bite off his tongue, stammered: "This...your one, how do I wear it!"

Shen Shiyan glanced, "This is new, I haven't worn it!"

"If you want to dislike it, you don't have to wear it!"

With that said, Shen Shiyan was about to take the underwear from her hand, and Jiang Mian shrank her hand.

"I, I wear!"

No matter if you don't wear bra, how can you not wear underwear!

If he didn't pass through, there should be no problem.

Before Shen Shiyan could speak, Jiang Mian closed the door abruptly and put on his pajamas neatly.

Although there is some shame in wearing men, it is better than not wearing them.

As soon as Jiang Mian entered, Deng Rong hurried over, her expression anxious: "How is Mianmian? Is there anything wrong with her?"

Is it just like Tang Mian, unconscious and unconscious!

Shen Shiyan replied: "She's okay!"

At least those who are alive and kicking, can howl and cry!

Deng Rong didn't see anyone with her own eyes, and she was always at ease in her heart.

After entering the bedroom, there was no one in sight, so she turned her head and looked at Shen Shiyan.

"Where is Mianmian?"

Shen Shiyan's pajamas were too generous for Jiang Mian, who was slender. Jiang Mian was rolling his trouser legs and sleeves, and suddenly he heard someone calling his name outside and opened the door.

When it was Deng Rong, Jiang Mian was stunned, "Auntie?"

Hearing Jiang Mian's voice, Deng Rong hurriedly turned around, walked over a few steps, and grasped Jiang Mian's shoulder to check her situation carefully.

Fortunately, people are sober and seem to have no major problems.

She was still not at ease, "How is it, is there anything uncomfortable, still cold?"

When Jiang Mian came out of the water, his cold limbs were stiff, and after soaking in hot water, he was almost healed.

Presumably Deng Rong already knew about her falling into the water with Tang Mian, Jiang Mian shook her head, "Auntie, I'm fine!"

"How could it be okay, what a cold day, why did it fall into the water!"

Deng Rong sighed, "I made someone make **** tea. You can drink more later to drive away the cold."

"I just saw that Tang Mian's child was unconscious, but I really worried me to death, I'm afraid you have something in case!"

My son finally got a girl who cares about his liking, and is finally willing to take it home. If something happens, what can I do?

When Tang Mian was unconscious, Jiang Mian was stunned, "Is she okay?"

"Oh, I don't know yet. I heard that when he was rescued, the person was already in a coma, vomiting a lot of water, and he was sent to the hospital before he woke up!" Deng Rong was also worried when she talked about this.

Tang Mian was unconscious and was sent to the hospital directly?

This is very different from the original plot.

Jiang Mian shifted his gaze to Shen Shiyan. The reason for all the opposites was that Shen Shiyan saved herself but didn't save Tang Mian.

What about him, when he heard that Tang Mian was unconscious, did he feel anxious and flustered in his heart?

If she was Shen Shiyan, when she heard that her beloved woman was unconscious, she would have rushed to the hospital without saying a word.

Why is he still here!

Deng Rong grabbed Jiang Mian's hand and said, "Tell me, what happened at the time, why did you both fall into the water?"

A falling into the water is an accident, two people falling into the water together, there must be a problem.

Shen Shiyan wanted to ask this question too, but Jiang Mian was crying so badly that he couldn't ask at all.

He was angry, angry, and a little bit painful.

Let her stay by her side obediently and not move. Not only did she not listen, she also caused such a big incident.

Jiang Mian had no sympathy for Tang Mian's unconsciousness.

She deliberately hit herself into the water, and she dragged her down together. She was kind enough to save her, she didn't want it!

If she had been rescued by her obediently back then, there would be no need to lie down and go to the hospital now!

So Tang Mian made all of this by herself, and she should swallow the bitter fruit she planted.

Regarding the matter of falling into the water, it was not easy to say in front of Deng Rong’s face. Jiang Mian’s red eyes became moist again, and he was very wronged, half-truth and said: "I don’t know where I offended Miss Tang, she Came over and bumped me and dragged me down together!"

How can a person drag others into the water for no reason? There must be something hidden.

"That's it, nothing else?"

With tears in his eyes, Jiang Mian glanced at Shen Shiyan in front of him bitterly, bit his lip as if he wanted to say, but got stuck in his throat again, and finally shook his head and refused to say anything.

She was so anxious to Deng Rong.

Shen Shiyan understood the expression in her eyes.

"Mom, go out first."


"I am here!"

Deng Rong knew that Jiang Mian was afraid of falling into the water and wanted to rely on her son. She was inconvenient here, so she exhorted: "Take good care of Mianmian!"

After all, after swaying in front of the ghost gate, the little girl must be scared. She was afraid that her son would not be able to take care of others, so she coldly scared the little girl away.

Shen Shiyan sent Deng Rong away, and a servant happened to bring the boiled **** tea over.

"Master, this is the **** tea ordered by the wife for Miss Jiang!"

The servant wanted to take it in, but the **** tea in his hand was taken away directly by the man, "I'll do it myself!"

Shen Shiyan took the **** tea and walked towards Jiang Mian.

He sat on the sofa, and Jiang Mian subconsciously moved away from him. The man noticed that Jiang Mian swallowed his saliva in fear due to his cold eyes, and moved forward to him.

The victim was her, why did the dog man look at him with such cold eyes?

Jiang Mian clingingly cross-legged next to him, she brewed, and was about to speak: "I..."

"Drink the **** tea first!"

Shen Shiyan picked up the **** tea, and Jiang Mian smelled a strong **** scent before getting closer.

When I smell it, it is a tea made with **** in the Eight Classics of Zhenger Bajing, and most of the **** can be seen in it.

Jiang Mian has a bad shadow on **** and resists all over.

"Can I not drink it?"

Looking at him pitifully, trying to arouse the man's sympathy for her.

The man was expressionless and gave her two choices, "Do you drink it yourself, or should I feed it to you?"

That's why she must drink, the dog hero has no sympathy!

"I drink it myself!" I don't want him to feed it.

Jiang Mian took the bowl, the **** tea was still hot, and the white heat misted the man's face.

When the blowing was almost done, I took a sip while breathing, and the **** smell spread in my mouth immediately, which was hot and spicy.

The smell of this **** was so heavy that it was unbearable, and Jiang Mian's whole face wrinkled into a ball that was unsavory.

Just as Jiang Mian said about me, Shen Shiyan saw her intention, "Go on!"

Your uncle, if you have the ability, you can try a sip yourself. Is this **** tea good?

Jiang Mian took another sip with a bitter expression, the **** flavor in his mouth became more intense, and she couldn't help crying to Shen Shiyan: "It's really awful!"

Shen Shiyan glanced at her after hearing this, and took the **** tea from her.

Jiang Mian's eyes lit up, and the dog hero finally became a man.

Just as she was secretly thanking that she didn't have to finish a bowl of **** tea, Shen Shiyan in front of her said: "It seems that I still have to feed you personally before you are willing to drink it!"

Your uncle, just finished boasting that you finally became a man, and immediately started again.

Jiang Mian was about to cry when he heard this, "I..." really didn't want to drink.

Before the latter words came out, Jiang Mian suddenly thought of a very important question.

If she doesn't drink the **** tea that Shen Shiyan feeds, will it be considered collapsed?

She just experienced falling into the water, she didn't want to have angina again, that would really kill her.

Jiang Mian, who was afraid of death, silently withdrew his temptation feet, opened his mouth obediently, and cooperated with Shen Shiyan to drink all the remaining **** tea.

After drinking the whole bowl, Jiang Mian was not very good.

Fortunately, the effect of **** tea is very significant. Within a few minutes, the whole body is sweating hot.

When Shen Shiyan saw that someone had finished drinking the **** tea, she began to formally question: "What's the matter with you and Tang Mian?"

She thought that Shen Shiyan didn't care about Tang Mian's falling into the water. After holding back for so long, she finally couldn't help it!

By the way, he must have wanted to know what happened, so he didn't rush to guard Tang Mian who was unconscious, but questioned himself here for the first time.

Just now, in front of Deng Rong, there were some things that were hard to say, and now there were only two of them left. Jiang Mian burst into tears, "Isn't it all to blame you!"

"Tang Mian said that I had taken her things, and that I was just a stand-in for her, not worthy of possession. She walked in front of me and hit me deliberately. She accidentally fell into the water and dragged me down together! "Jiang Mian was talking ill of Tang Mian while observing the man's expression.

Shen Shiyan was very angry when she heard that the face behind her darkened, and the dark shadows under her eyes could not dissipate.

The angry Shen Shiyan was very frightening. Jiang Mian subconsciously retracted into his arms and cried, "Fortunately, you came in time. I will never see you in my life! Uuuuu..."

There was a chill in the man's voice, "Are you sure it was Tang Mian who dragged you into the water?"

Jiang Mian nodded, "It's her, she must be jealous of me!"

Dog man, you must not believe my side words, Tang Mian is your beloved Bai Yueguang, you should stand blindly on her side, and then dump me!

After secretly praying, Jiang Mian heard the man say coldly: "It seems that she is really impatient to live!"


Three question marks popped up in Jiang Mian's head. Is he Tang Mian the person who lived impatiently?

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