Shen Shiyan wanted to propose and get married in one step.

At that time, he can openly announce to others that Jiang Mian is his wife.

Shen Shiyan spent a lot of thought and time on proposing marriage.

As his secretary, Ke Yang clearly knew the whole process of marriage proposal. Many of the new ideas were the plans he came up with staying up late and working overtime.

Proposing marriage, of course, all relatives must be present.

Shen Shiyan notified everyone in advance, but stayed on Jiang Xing's name for a long time.

Ke Yang coughed slightly, reminding Shen Shiyan, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Jiang is Miss Jiang's elder brother anyway. If you don't call him to witness your marriage proposal, wouldn't it be bad?"

Ke Yang said it euphemistically. In fact, if Shen Shiyan really didn't ask Jiang Xing to participate in the marriage proposal, he would probably disagree with his sister's marriage with him.

Shen Shiyan gave him a white look, as if saying: I want you to talk more, I don't know!

Ke Yang bowed his head wittily, not daring to say one more word.

The proposal was prepared a month in advance, everyone around Jiang Mian knew, but she didn't know it.

Jiang Mian has been very busy recently. The product cushion that was busy a while ago is finally about to be launched. You can breathe a sigh of relief at work. Then there will be the graduation thesis and defense.

On the day of the defense, Jiang Mian specifically set an alarm clock to wake up early, thinking about getting up in the morning and putting on makeup before setting off to school.

Anyway, she is now a half public figure, so she must pay attention to her image.

She doesn't know what's going on lately, she is always sleepy.

I used to stay up late and stayed sleepy the next day, but now I don’t stay up late, and I’m still sleepy and can’t open my eyes the next day.

I missed all the alarm clocks set in the morning, and finally Jiang Mian was woken up by Shen Shiyan.

Jiang Mian was washing his face and brushing his teeth in a dazed manner, a cloud of paste in his mind.

I've been sleepy lately, I can't keep up with my memory, and I've lost everything. If Shen Shiyan hadn't reminded her, she had almost forgotten the bag.

The bag contained important things such as her graduation thesis.

Jiang Mian patted his head, "Fortunately you reminded me, otherwise I would be miserable!"

"What's going on with you lately?"

"I don't know, it's just sleepy!"

Jiang Mian yawned again and fell asleep shortly after leaning on the back of the chair.

Seeing her like that, people who don't know thought she had stayed up for a few nights!

Jiang Mian has stayed in the company for two years longer than in school, and there are only a few classmates who get along with each other.

Sitting with Chen Yao, everyone around them peeked at Jiang Mian and the man beside her!

Jiang Mian is now a celebrity in their school. He started his own business at a young age and made his career successful.

And the handsome man next to her should be her mysterious boyfriend, he is really handsome!

People from other people's homes are all alone and widowed. This is the first time I have seen a boyfriend come to accompany the defense. Everyone is envious of it.

Ignoring everyone's gaze, it was soon his turn to reply. Jiang Mian suddenly became nervous and was driven away from sleepiness. She immediately held her paper to avoid problems during the defense.

Finally it was her turn to reply, and Shen Shiyan touched her hair, "Go in, I'll wait for you outside!"

Jiang Mian gave a hum and walked inside.

Before replying, Jiang Mian was very nervous, but when it was really his turn to reply, her mood calmed down.

At the end of the defense, Jiang Mian planned to invite Chen Yao to dinner.

At the dinner table, Chen Yao raised his tea cup and looked at the pair of Biren Shen Shiyan and Jiang Mian, sincere congratulations: "I wish you two have a good relationship for a hundred years!"

Jiang Mian snorted and laughed out loud, "What a good relationship for a hundred years, today is our defense, shouldn't you wish us both a successful defense and a smooth graduation!"

When Chen Yao was nervous, her head went blank.

Realizing that he had said something wrong, he quickly looked at Shen Shiyan in a panic.

She had known about Shen Shiyan's proposal for a long time, and after holding back for more than a month, she finally met with only the four words in her mind.

Shen Shiyan had to drive and it was not convenient to drink. Jiang Mian actively wanted to order a bottle of wine, but was stopped by the man, "Don't drink at noon."

Her recent state is very wrong, and she is even more unsuitable for drinking.

Jiang Mian let out a cry, and took a sip of the boiled water in front of him.

The boiled water has no taste, so I really want to eat something sour, such as plum and so on.

After dinner, Jiang Mian went back with Shen Shiyan.

On the way home, just passing a convenience store, Jiang Mian wanted to eat Huamei, but he was too lazy to move, so she asked Shen Shiyan to get out of the car to buy it.

"Apart from Huamei, what else do you want to eat?"

Jiang Mian nodded, "There is also ice cream."

"Change it!"

Jiang Mian immediately drooped his face unhappy, and tugged at the man's sleeve. "It's already summer now, why don't you let me eat ice cream!"

"It's not okay now, just wait a while!"

Jiang Mian:...

Jiang Mian sat in the car bored, waiting for Shen Shiyan to come out after shopping.

Mumbled in a low voice: "It will take so long to buy a plum!"

After waiting for a while, Shen Shiyan came out carrying a bag.

Jiang Mian had never eaten this stuff before, and Shen Shiyan specially bought several flavors of plum, let her choose.

As soon as Jiang Mian got the Huamei, he could not wait to open it, and put a piece of Huamei in his mouth, which finally smelled a little bit.

Jiang Mian ate Huamei quickly, and only a few days later, he ate a few bottles of Huamei.

Fortunately, Shen Shiyan bought some in time to prevent Jiang Mian from having to eat.

After busy with the defense, the next step is the graduation ceremony and the launch of new products.

Shen Shiyan's proposal for marriage was planned on the day of her graduation ceremony.

Jiang Mian knew nothing about this.

Before the graduation ceremony, it is rare for both of them to have a free weekend.

Jiang Mian wanted to sleep all day, but Shen Shiyan dug up from the bed, saying that she was going to take her shopping.

Jiang Mian has recently lost interest in shopping and buying, and just wants to sleep in bed every day.

When going out, Jiang Mianzhuang was too lazy to change her face. She wore a peaked cap to cover most of her face, followed Shen Shiyan's side, and yawned as she walked.

"I have nothing to buy recently."

As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Shiyan led her into a clothing store. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the skirt hanging in the shop window. His eyes lit up, "The skirt looked good that day!"


Jiang Mian nodded vigorously, "I like it very much."

The shopping guide greeted him enthusiastically, called Mr. Shen and Miss Jiang, and then introduced the skirt in the window.

"This is the new limited edition of our store this summer. There is only this dress. If Miss Jiang likes it, you can try it on."

The high-set limited editions of the catwalks are very picky about people's figures.

Jiang Mian feels that she has been a little fat recently. It may be overworked, especially the fat on the belly area. It feels soft to the touch, and Shen Shiyan loves to take advantage of her.

Worried about not being able to put it on, and itching to try it on, I gritted my teeth and went into the fitting room.

The dark green backless long skirt lined her with slender and white skin. Everything was pretty, except that Jiang Mian's belly was a bit conspicuous.

After taking a strong breath, the belly was retracted and immediately became flat.

Jiang Mian took a look in the mirror with satisfaction, and then walked out to show Shen Shiyan, "How about I wear this when you talk about the new product launch conference?"

Shen Shiyan's eyes fell on her flat abdomen, frowning slightly.

The clerk brought another pair of silver high-heeled shoes, about ten centimeters in length. After Jiang Mian stepped on it, he looked more slender and taller, and he was terribly beautiful.

She turned the skirt around and looked at Shen Shiyan, "Don't keep staring at me, but tell me if I look good?"

Shen Shiyan withdrew his gaze from her lower abdomen and smiled, "Good-looking!"

A flash in my mind is that high heels are too dangerous, and I have to change to a pair of flat-bottomed shoes when I turn back to propose.

Buy it if you like it!

Shen Shiyan said: "There is another skirt, you go and try it on!"


Hearing what he said, I noticed something was wrong, "Another skirt?"

Most of the skirts in this shop are custom-made, so you have to wait a month or two.

She turned her head to look at Shen Shiyan in surprise, "Did you customize the skirt for me?"

"When did it happen, why don't I remember it!"

Recently, she has lost everything and her memory is often not very good. Either I forgot this or that, and I never remember that Shen Shiyan asked her about her size.

"Well, just go and try it on!"

With curiosity, Jiang Mian entered the fitting room again.

Jiang Mian looks good in everything she wears. Since she was preparing for a marriage proposal, she naturally customized a pale pink dress for her.

She rarely wears such pink and tender colors, and she immediately feels like a princess.

She walked out of the fitting room shyly and gracefully circled in front of Shen Shiyan, "Do I look like a princess at large now?"

She looks good on her, which is not only in Shen Shiyan's expectation, but at the same time she feels that she is too beautiful and amazing.

Before Jiang Mian went shopping, it was not too tiring for two hours.

However, she has stepped back now. She only tried two skirts, and she didn't want to move when she was tired, and she was still hungry.

The little belly screamed, Jiang Mian blushed and looked at him, "I want to eat!"

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of Jiang Mian's graduation ceremony.

It was a sunny day, and the sky was blue and beautiful.

It was a graduation ceremony, and the whole family came.

Seven or eight people came from Shen Shiyan's parents and family, as well as her father and brother.

The school was already crowded with people, Jiang Xing was very popular, and for fear of being recognized, Jiang Xing's clothes were very ordinary, and he stopped next to Shen Shiyan.

The surrounding students were attracted by Shen Shiyan's handsome face, and there was no need to look at the masked Jiang Xing next to him.

Wearing a dress bought by Shen Shiyan, Jiang Mian became the most conspicuous girl in the crowd. He took graduation photos with her classmates and took photos with a few close friends.

Shen Miao had long learned that her brother asked to get married today, so he came to the scene and asked Ying to take a vlog for Jiang Mian. He said sincerely, "Sister-in-law, you look so beautiful today!"

"Just your sweet mouth!"

"Why, what I said was the truth!"

It's boring for Shen Miaoguang to photograph Jiang Mian alone. Anyway, her brother can be regarded as the protagonist today. He quickly pushed Shen Shiyan to Jiang Mian, "Brother, stand with my sister-in-law, and I will take a picture for you!"

Shen Shiyan wore the same as usual, wearing a loose and casual shirt, standing next to Jiang Mian, the two also looked good.

There is only one graduation ceremony in her life, and all the most important people in her life participated. She felt that she was the happiest person.

After tossing all afternoon, Jiang Mian was hungry.

Holding Shen Shiyan's arm, whispered to him: "I'm hungry!"

Shen Shiyan took out a small bread from her pocket, "Eat this!"

Jiang Mian was dumbfounded, "Why did you still bring this?"

"Prevent you from being hungry halfway!"

Jiang Mian: ...This is really a charcoal in the snow.

It's just that a small bun is not very useful, Jiang Mian's belly is still screaming.

Shen Shiyan said: "Be patient and have a meal soon!"

Jiang Mian later took photos with many people one after another, including students of the same grade, as well as juniors and sisters.

One of the school girls was particularly bold and asked if she could get Jiang Xing's autographed photo.

Jiang Mian glanced at Jiang Xing's area, deliberately jokingly said, "As soon as he opened his mouth, he said that he was my fan. I dare to believe that you came here for my brother's autographed photo!"

The primary school girl turned red when she was ridiculed, and said shyly: "Of course her favorite is also the senior sister!"

Jiang Mian really doesn't have a signed photo of Jiang Xing, because Jiang Xing doesn't like signing.

His fans will think that he is very cool, in fact, his words are ugly and scribbled, and they are simply unsightly.

Cheng Wenhan also came from next door to celebrate Jiang Mian's graduation and brought a gift.

Shen Shiyan was talking to Jiang Xing on the sidelines, keeping his eyes on Jiang Mian's direction, and seeing her former love rivals paying attention to Jiang Mian, her gentle face became cold.

Jiang Xing really likes to see Shen Shiyan upset, and patted him on the shoulder, "Be generous as a man. My sister is still young. It is normal to be welcomed by men. If you are so old and jealous, you are not afraid that my sister will bore you. ?"

To tell the truth, Jiang Xing has never been very optimistic about the affairs between Shen Shiyan and Jiang Mian. The most important thing is to worry that Shen Shiyan will change his mind and betray Jiang Mian.

Two years later, although the things he worried about did not happen, Shen Shiyan was still worried.

This time I heard that he was going to propose to Jiang Mian, and he had to turn off all his work if he said anything. As Jiang Mian's brother, he must be present.

Shen Shiyan snorted coldly, his eyes kept falling on Jiang Mian, and they didn't know what to talk about with the man named Cheng Wenhan, and the two of them talked and laughed.

One afternoon passed quickly.

Jiang Mian was really tired and hungry, and just wanted to sleep after getting in the car.

With so many people here today, Shen Shiyan has already booked the hotel.

Jiang Mian slept and found that Shen Shiyan was no longer in the car.

Strange, how about people?

Shen Miao outside the car was talking to Shen Shiyan on the phone and learned that everything upstairs was ready.

As soon as the answer was ok, she heard the driving movement from behind, scared she immediately hung up the phone and turned around.

"Sister-in-law, you are awake!"

Jiang Mian answered vaguely, and she was still a little sleepy, "Why don't you call me?"

"Ah, isn't it because my brother watched you sleep too hard and couldn't bear to wake you up!"

"Huh?" This explanation is also very strange.

After Jiang Mian woke up, she was hungry, "Are they all going up?"

"Yeah, didn't this keep me waiting for you downstairs!" Shen Miao held up the GoPro and shot Jiang Mian, "Sister-in-law, look here!"

"The graduation ceremony is over, why are you still photographing me?"

"Because Sister-in-law, you look so good now, so I can't help but take more shots!"

Jiang Mian didn't know it at this time, and was amused by Shen Miao's words.

"Let's go, let's go up!"

The two went upstairs. During the period, Shen Miao had been taking pictures of Jiang Mian, and randomly found a few topics to chat with Jiang Mian.

Shen Shiyan specially arranged a proposal venue on the top floor. There was no light on at the moment, and there was nothing special about it in the dark outside.

Jiang Mian walked forward while chatting with Shen Miao.

Jiang Mian was indeed hungry, "By the way, what are you eating tonight?"

" will know when you go in!"

Shen Miao took Jiang Mian's hand, "Just ahead, sister-in-law, go in first!"


Jiang Mian always felt that Shen Miao was weird right now. She was clearly ahead, so why did she go in by herself?

Without waiting for her to ask, her hand opened the door first and walked inside.

It was almost a pinch, the moment Jiang Mian pushed the door, all the lights on the roof were on.

The roof was covered with balloons, and lights flashed on it, forming a path for Jiang Mian to pass through.

Jiang Mian was stunned by the scene in front of him for a while, looking dumbfounded at Shen Shiyan who was standing at the end of the balloon road.

Shen Shiyan didn't know when she changed into a clean and brand-new suit, her hair was also carefully managed, and she held a large bouquet of roses in her hand.

After a few seconds of blanking his brain, what else does Jiang Mian do not understand!

Shen Shiyan unexpectedly carried her and secretly prepared a surprise. Is this a request for marriage?

They were together for more than two years, and their life was no different from marriage, so much so that she almost forgot that she was still an unmarried girl.

Jiang Mian was both pleasantly surprised and panicked. This was the first time she was asked to marry him.

She stuck in the same place blankly, like a wood, looking stupidly at the smiling man on the opposite side.

Seeing Jiang Mian indifferent there, Shen Shiyan anxiously wanted to go and grab Jiang Mian in person, and then propose to her.

Fortunately, there was a Shen Miao over Jiang Mian. At the critical moment, Shen Shiyan gave Shen Miao a wink and motioned her to push Jiang Mian over.

After receiving the message, Shen Miao quietly leaned to Jiang Mian's ear, "Sister-in-law, what are you doing in a daze? Go ahead!"

Didn't you see her brother coming over and arresting people with a grumpy face!

At Shen Miao's reminder, Jiang Mian walked over as soon as he remembered.

She walked very slowly, her eyes kept staring at Shen Shiyan in front of her, and her eye sockets suddenly became wet, looking at the man's face a little fuzzy.

Finally, as everyone waited anxiously, Jiang Mian walked to Shen Shiyan step by step.

Shen Shiyan handed the roses to her while holding her hand. During the whole process, Jiang Mian looked like a puppet, with a sluggish expression.

She looked around and found that she was surrounded by people she knew, not only the parents of both sides, but also her friends and colleagues.

"When is this, I..."

Jiang Mian turned his head and looked at him, saying nothing. The man in front of him suddenly knelt on one knee towards her, took out a ring from his mouth, and held it in front of her, "Jiang Mian, you are willing to marry me ?"

The man's marriage proposal was too direct, and there was no foreshadowing of a memory. Jiang Mian looked at the man's dark eyes and couldn't hold back for a while. Tears fell uncontrollably and started crying.


Jiang Mian looked at the man kneeling in front of him, her hand shaking with the flower.

Shen Shiyan stood up and held her hand, "Why cry, don't you want to marry me?"

Jiang Mian shook his head quickly, "I, I don't!"

Realizing that she was still crying and hiccuping, she closed her mouth in shame, her tears kept falling, and she allowed Shen Shiyan to wipe her tears.

After crying for a long time, some words choked in my heart.

In the end, it only became one of the simplest three words.

"I do!"

No one knew that Shen Shiyan was even more nervous than anyone present, until he heard Jiang Mian, who was light and fluttering, I was willing, and the stone hanging in the air finally fell to the ground.

Grabbing Jiang Mian's hand, put the ring on her finger, the size is right, tailored for her.

Jiang Mian looked at the diamond ring on his finger, did not hold back for a while, and started crying again.

Shen Shiyan lowered her head and kissed her, "Don't cry, so many people underneath are watching!"

Jiang Mian didn't want to cry, but she was too excited now and couldn't control her emotions.

Wiping tears, "I blame you, why do you suddenly propose to you!"

It made her not mentally prepared at all!

Shen Shiyan chuckled: "Tell you in advance, it's not a surprise proposal!"


Before she finished speaking, the man lowered his head again, kissed her lips, and sealed her voice.

There was a group of people cheering in his ears. Jiang Mian was both happy and shy at the same time.

"Shen Shiyan, I really love you!"

"Well, I got it!"

The author has something to say: sisters, poke the article collection in the poor author's column, they are almost crying!

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