He Lai brainwashed Jiang Mian. She was the only woman who spent the night with Shen Shiyan. Shen Shiyan liked her very much. As long as she worked harder, she could become a lover and become Mrs. Shen...

These words are just to deceive a child who hasn't left school, where can she fool her.

Jiang Mian secretly disdain, whoever loves to marry a pervert, then who will marry.

She also wants to save her life, and appreciate the handsome looks and abs of the younger brothers!

However, the set cannot be easily collapsed, otherwise the punishment will be cruel!

Jiang Mian showed a very hesitant appearance. After He Lai's repeated persuasion, he nodded firmly.

"Okay, I'll go!"

He Lai breathed a sigh of relief, half of the plan was approved, and the remaining half waited for her to make a fool of herself at night!

He Lai was very concerned about the dinner tonight. He had already prepared a set of outfits. Who knew that Cheng Yaojin would come out on the way.

However, this does not hinder her plan.

It was just a number of obnoxious nails, and she didn't know how many had been pulled in the past.

What's more, Jiang Mian's face is really conducive to her plan.

For a formal dinner, you can't just wear it casually.

He Lai first took Jiang Mian to the club for a full-body spa, and then took her non-stop to make styling and buy high-quality clothes.

Speaking of dresses, He Lai dug another hole for Jiang Mian.

For a dress, at least six digits up, Ho Lai chooses well-known clothing brands.

A student of the original owner, where there is so much money, was later fooled by He Lai with an online loan before buying this skirt.

Jiang Mian, who was doing styling, was bored and lethargic, so He Lai came with a dress, "Mianmian, I think this skirt is especially suitable for you, why don't you wear it!"

She is the person who values ​​money the most. Others can do anything about her, but money can't do it.

Online loans are a bottomless pit. To borrow such unreliable online loans for a skirt is simply a shot.

The original owner's brain was beaten into a sieve before he could do such a brain-dead thing.

Later, when she was dumped by the male protagonist, she had no money and no house, and had to pay a high online loan every month, so she had to sleep on the street.

If He Lai wants to cheat her, then she has to slaughter He Lai and let her shed some blood.

Jiang Mian's body, whether it is makeup or clothes, makes people feel like someone else.

Of course, this is what Ho Lai meant.

Jiang Mian didn't resist either. He tried on the skirt and stood under the light.

She seemed to be wearing such a pink skirt for the first time. She was very uncomfortable. She carefully touched the skirt with her hands, fearing that it would be damaged.

The moment He Lai saw Jiang Mian, a trace of jealousy flashed across his eyes.

She deliberately chose the skirt for her according to Tang Mian's clothes, but she didn't expect that she would look so beautiful in her outfit.

"Mianmian, you look so beautiful in this way!"

Jiang Mian smiled hypocritically, biting her pink lips, "But this dress is too expensive, I don't have that much money!"

With that said, she was going to the fitting room and took off the skirt.

Jiang Mian really treated this skirt carefully. After all, she really has no money now. If she accidentally breaks the skirt, she really has no money to buy it.

Ho Lai blocked her footsteps, grabbed her wrists, and forbade her to go forward.

"Don't, why do you want to change such a beautiful dress!"

"Don't you like this dress very much? As the saying goes, you regret it for three days after buying it, and regret it for three years if you don't buy it!"

"It's too expensive, I really can't afford it!" Jiang Mian flicked across the skirt pretending to be reluctant.

He Lai secretly sneered, knowing that you can't afford it, so I let you try it on!

"Oh, don't you have credit cards and online loans now? Can you just borrow and borrow?!" He Lai said lightly, "Besides, when you officially become President Shen's girlfriend, do you still have no money to spend? !"

As the original owner, I was already impulsive now, and I borrowed a lot of online lending platforms without saying a word.

Jiang Mian is a reasonable person. She admits that Shen Shiyan is handsome and attractive, but she doesn't like him, so why should she borrow an online loan for a man.

Moreover, the male protagonist belongs to the female protagonist, even if she tried her best to **** it, how could she have won the female protagonist's halo!

Therefore, her female partner still rests on the sidelines, and any Lai said that she will not buy this skirt with an online loan.

However, the play has to continue.

Jiang Mian showed that he liked the skirt very much, and was very moved by the idea He Lai mentioned. He looked at the skirt with nostalgia, "Lailai, this skirt is really good-looking, but I really If you don’t have money, forget it!"

After that, he sighed heavily, pretending to turn around to change the skirt.

He Lai really said that her mouth was going to be dry. Seeing that she still couldn't listen to her own words, she almost cursed someone with anger.

He Lai endured and endured, with a tone for her sake, "Mianmian, if you don't wear this skirt, how can you accompany Mr. Shen to the dinner party? Mr. Shen will definitely be angry, maybe it will be back then. I want to break up with you!"

Speaking of the latter, she deliberately said heavy words again, making Jiang Mian feel crisis.

Sure enough, Jiang Mian's expression changed, tears quickly accumulated in his eye sockets, and the crystal teardrops swirled in his eye sockets, but they couldn't fall down.

The appearance of a beautiful girl in tears always makes people feel particularly distressed.

He Lai's face changed and changed, and I don't know if she ever cried like this in front of Shen Shiyan.

Jiang Mian pretended to be strong and said, "Then I won't go!"

If you don't go, how can it be done!

No matter what, she must solve the trouble as soon as possible.

He Lai was indeed anxious, and he blurted out without thinking: "It's okay, then I will buy it for you!"

Jiang Mian yelled, and hurriedly refused: "No way, how can I accept you, this skirt is a lot of money!"

The head shook the rattle, her expression was very firm, no matter what He Lai said, she wouldn't want it.

He Lai has a lot of living expenses for a month, and he doesn't take this money into his heart at all, "It's okay, we are all good sisters. It doesn't matter if I give you a skirt, just treat it as a gift!"


Jiang Mian was still hesitating, and was interrupted by He Lai, "How can there be so many, but it's just a skirt, and it's not too expensive!"

"This..." Jiang Mian glanced at the skirt again, undecided, and He Lai said again: "If you regard me as your good sister, you must accept this skirt!"

She said so, if she didn't accept it, wouldn't she be sorry for her good sister!

This should be regarded as her compensation for harming herself!

After hearing that He Lai paid for this skirt, Jiang Mian was moved and waited to cry, and grabbed her hand: "Lailai, you are so kind to me!"

He Lai smiled and said that it was okay. In fact, he secretly spurned Jiang Mian's greed in his heart and really dared to collect a skirt worth more than 100,000 yuan.

After Ho Lai swiped the card, the unsuspecting clerk looked envious: "Miss, you are so kind to your sister! And your sister is really beautiful in that dress!"

In her lifetime, if she could meet such a good sister, she would really cry to death.

He Lai's act of swiping his card to buy Jiang Mian's skirt is like a good sister in China.

He Lai smiled softly, her eyes turned to Jiang Mian in front of the dressing mirror. Her original intention was to fool Jiang Mian into borrowing an online loan, so why did she swipe her card to pay for her!

Seeing Jiang Mian wearing the skirt she bought, elegantly like a princess, Ho Lai vomited blood angrily, wishing to break the card in her hand.

Why was she so confused, she spent hundreds of thousands to buy a skirt for Jiang Mian, a **** woman.

Jiang Mian was quite satisfied with her new dress, and she looked in the mirror carefully. Although it was not her style, it was also beautiful. The pink dress lined her skin with extra white skin, and the clerk beside her kept talking about the fancy rainbow. fart.

The abacus is very loud. Dress skirts are generally only worn on specific occasions. After tonight, she will be dumped by the male lead directly. Where can she wear this skirt? Then she will sell it directly on a second-hand platform. Said to make a fortune.

Jiang Mian was amused, and took out the phone and handed it to the other party: "Take some photos for me, please?"

The clerk is naturally happy, she often takes pictures for many customers, and the photography technology is first-class.

Jiang Mian randomly posed for a few po-colors and took dozens of photos.

She was born slender, she looked very thin when she was on the mirror, her eyes were a symbol of life with five sense organs, and her eyes were bright and light.

Jiang Mian looked at his photos with satisfaction, almost no need to edit them, as long as a little filter is added at that time.

She said thank you to the clerk, and Ho Lai walked over after swiping the card.

Jiang Mian particularly enthusiastically invited He Lai to take a photo with him: "Lailai, let's take a picture together!"

He Lai grinned awkwardly, and refused to say: "I'm not going to do it!"

"Why?" Jiang Mian stared at her blankly, a bit disappointed.

He Lai’s hands clenched into fists. Compared with Jiang Mian who was dressed up, He Lai’s professional attire was obviously not beautiful enough, and her makeup was a bit sloppy, and her hair was not smooth enough, together with the shining Jiang Mian. Taking pictures, isn't it looking for ugliness.

She doesn't want to be someone else's foil, especially Jiang Mian is a substitute, she is not worthy!

He Lai was unwilling to take pictures, and Jiang Mian couldn't force her, so she had to pretend to be lost.

He Lai had to comfort her in turn: "I'll take pictures together next time!"

Jiang Mian said softly in his mouth, dismissing it in his heart, fearing that there would be no chance in the future!

The evening was a charity auction, and it was He Lai who accompanied Shen Shiyan to appear.

The winter sun set extremely early, less than six o'clock, the night outside was completely dark.

The weather tonight is not good, dark clouds cover the bright moon, and it is drizzling.

A black car stopped at the door, and the man sitting in the back looked impatient.

It has been half an hour, and Shen Shiyan's eyes have grown gloomy.

On the other side, Jiang Mian knew that Shen Shiyan didn't like to wait for others, and she deliberately ditched for a long time before being urged by He Lai to come down.

It was raining outside and the cold wind blowing on his face made Jiang Mian shiver in the cold, wishing to retreat to the warm hotel immediately.

After only hesitating for a second, Jiang Mian stepped out without hesitation.

Cold is cold for a while, it can be compared to a small life!

Shen Shiyan burst into flames, but when she saw the woman coming out of the hotel, she frowned slightly.

Jiang Mian braved the rain and ran to the car and knocked on the window.

The man sitting in the car saw Jiang Mian shouting at Mr. Shen through the brown glass.

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