Chapter 113 Many Enemies

  The experienced doctor glanced at Gu Chu, and thought the little girl was familiar. Then I remembered again, it seems that the child was admitted to the hospital not long ago when his foot was pierced by glass.

  Doctor still remembered that Master Cheng was very concerned about this little girl.

The doctor said: "Mr. Song, Mr. Lu, don’t worry. Gu Chu’s child did not have a broken bone or a concussion. She just had a slight abrasion on her arm and ankle. It will be better soon after applying some medicine. Also, the child has a bit of tooth decay, pay attention to eating less sugar. ."

  Song Chen and Lu Shanhe were relieved.

  Zhang Qi was sent to the operating room to remove the glass dross from his calf. In the ward, Gu Chu, Song Chen, Lu Shanhe and Wang Fugui were left sitting on the bed.

  Neither Song Chen nor Lu Shanhe are emotional people.

  After being excited, calm down quickly.

  Song Chen peeled an apple for Gu Chu, raised his eyes and asked: "Director Lu, I remember that I invested 100 million in your studio last year, enough for you to buy a lot of new equipment."

   "Do you suspect that the equipment in my studio is aging?" Lu Shanhe sneered, "Rich man, talk about the daily maintenance of our studio."

  Wang Fugui hurriedly said: “Mr. Song, all equipment in our studio is inspected once every three days. There is basically no aging of equipment or unstable screws. The camera lamp on the studio today fell off, which may be an accident.”

  Lu Shanhe’s film crew is the script with the least accidents. Lu Shanhe pays attention to the safety of each actor and pays great attention to the maintenance of equipment.

  Today, the photography light hanging on a high place suddenly fell off, which is really confusing.

  Gu Chu glanced at the three people in the room. Gu Chu said, "Uncle Lu, it was really lucky today. If Uncle Lu gives Chuchu some water to drink, it might be Uncle Lu who was smashed."

  A five-year-old child has long seen everything.

  Gu Chu remembered clearly that when she opened the refrigerator, she heard the sound of springs. That was a mechanism. When the refrigerator was opened, some mechanisms were turned on, and the heavy photographic light fell down.

  It’s just that she can’t say it, and take the initiative to remind that the rest depends on the clever adults to comprehend.

  Sure enough, Gu Chu’s "Children's Words Wuji" caused two clever big men in the room to frown at the same time, looking at each other.

  Song Chen asked: "You should have moved the refrigerator?"

  Lu Shanhe touched his chin: "This is my exclusive refrigerator. It contains my drinking water, food and facial mask. Usually only I can open it."

  The two were frightened at the same time.

  If Zhang Qi didn't show up by accident today, it would be Lu Shanhe who opened the refrigerator. Lu Shanhe was probably the one who was smashed!

  Lu Shanhe turned his head and told Wang Fugui: "Wealthy son, no people are allowed to move the scene. Today’s audition is cancelled. Call the police immediately and adjust the monitoring! The brave turtle grandson wants to kill Laozi."

  Wang Fugui was frightened in a cold sweat, and quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

  Song Chen cut the apple into pieces and sent it to Gu Chu. After taking two bites, Gu Chu shook his head and said no more. Song Chen put down the fruit tray and asked Lu Shanhe, "Your enemy wants to kill you. Is there anyone to suspect?"

  Lu Shanhe shook his head: "I usually offend too many people, and I really can't remember who I should suspect for a while."

  Lu Shanhe's bad temper has offended many people in the circle.

  There may be a few extremes, trying to kill him.

  Song Chen sneered: "Heh."

  Lu Shanhe stared at him: "Damn, I have many enemies, but you don't have many enemies? Believe it or not, there are definitely more people who want to kill you than they want to kill me!"

    typos and poke me

     vote red bean~



  (End of this chapter)

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