Chapter 116 Idol~

  Zhang Qi's voice was shaking.

   Rubbed his eyes vigorously, suspecting that he was dreaming.

  Gu, Gu Ruoxi? This is Gu Ruoxi, who had been out of the circle for five years and was a short-lived in the film and television industry?

  "You, you, you, you" Zhang Qi forgot the pain on his body, his whole body was in a petrified state, and he looked at Gu Manxi dumbfounded.

  I am embarrassed to stare at Gu Manxi.

   "Yes, I used to be Gu Ruoxi and my real name is Gu Manxi." Gu Manxi smiled and said gratefully, "I am the mother of Chuchu, thank you for saving my child."

  Zhang Qi:! !


  Me, I seem to have discovered something unusual!

  Zhang Qi entered the film and television industry early, and he has been playing for more than ten years, and his career has finally improved a bit. He certainly recognizes "Gu Ruoxi", who made her prominence with a "Flower Falling Time" that year, with a beautiful appearance and superb acting skills, but he suddenly chose to leave the circle in a great career.

  Later, the entertainment circle found no such person, and almost no information about Gu Ruoxi could be found.

  The film "Flower Falling Years" has also been removed from the shelves of major domestic broadcast platforms due to some reasons. It is only popular abroad and has won numerous awards.

  The entertainment industry is changing rapidly. In recent years, the Internet has developed rapidly and traffic stars have emerged one after another. This excellent movie and excellent heroine are gradually being forgotten.

  Zhang Qi still remembered that he was shrinking in a run-down rental house five years ago, watching the movie with a quilt and drinking boiling water. He clearly remembered the swaying figure and the dimly lit night scene in the movie.

  The audience for this movie with the theme of Old Shanghai over the past century is mostly middle-aged or even elderly people in their 30s and 40s. The heroine of the movie has become the dream lover of countless middle-aged men. In the original book, Mr. Li, the greasy man of the Zhao family who wanted to marry, saw that Gu Manxi and "Gu Ruoxi" had very similar appearances before he decided to marry her.

"Miss Ruoxi, I really, I didn't expect to meet you here. You are still young and beautiful." Zhang Qi was a little excited, his face flushed incoherently, "I, I, I have been paying attention to you before, and I and I are your idols. ."

  Gu Manxi:

   "No, no, no, I mean you are my idol!" Old Zhang Qi blushed.

  Gu Chu covered his mouth and chuckled, creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere in the room.

  Zhang Qi wanted to ask where the goddess had been in the past five years, but his sharp eyes scanned the five-year-old Gu Chu, and then looked at Song Chen next to Gu Chu, suddenly he wanted to understand something.

  Zhang Qi stopped asking more questions.

  "You go home and take a good rest, and you can join the group when you recover from your injury." Lu Shanhe said, "Film preparation will take another month. The filming cycle will be at least half a year, and you will be rushing around and shooting for shooting, and some are busy."

  Zhang Qi squeezed his fist: “It’s okay! It’s every actor’s dream to be able to participate in your filming with Director Lu!”

  Lu Shanhe saw that there were no outsiders here, he blinked secretly, and said slyly, “By the way, this is the new heroine of the movie. The official announcement will be made in two days, and it will be kept secret first.” Lu Shanhe pointed to Gu Manxi next to him.

  Zhang Qi's eyes lit up instantly!

  The eyes of the little fan are shining!

  The goddess has decided to make a comeback?

   "Really, really, really? I, I, I can film with idols!" The tall man in his thirties is excited like a five-year-old child.

  Gu Manxi smiled and said, "Please give me more advice in the future."

Zhang Qi: "Good, good! I must give advice!" Zhang Qi is very excited. He has read his own script. He plays the role of the heroine's bodyguard. In other words, he spends a lot of time playing with the goddess. !


  (End of this chapter)

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