Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 118: Why is President Song like this? (1)

  Chapter 118 Why is President Song like this? (1)

  Walking troublemaker.

  And generally after getting into trouble, no one will find that she is the instigator at all.

   Cheng Qi's fifteen-year-old Qingjun boy's face showed a touch of helplessness. The assistant beside him asked in a low voice, "Master, do we still pay attention to the accident on Dao Lu's side?"

  The assistant has now grasped Cheng Qi's temper.

  Since the accident, Cheng Qi is no longer the cautious, cowardly and only son of the Cheng family in memory. Probably after being stimulated, he decided to be tough. Cheng Qi opened the way to the scum and scum. In just one year, he cleaned up the Cheng family and obeyed.

  Who would have thought that a teenager who is only fifteen years old can shake hands with you with a smile on his face, and smile and break your arm in the next second.

  Papa Cheng Qi is a walking Teddy with countless illegitimate children. Cheng Qi specially set up a special ICU ward in his hospital to treat illegitimate children and relatives who were against him.

  At a young age, he already has the faint style of becoming a big man, calm and capable.

  But the calm and capable Cheng Qi, as long as the five-year-old baby Gu Chu is involved, Cheng Qi will remove the disguise from his face, and care about the five-year-old baby in every aspect.

  The assistant is also quite curious. The young master seems to take too much care of the five-year-old Gu Chu.

  Even the kindergarten textbooks of other people's little sisters, and the math test papers after the exam, the young master has to take a look at it personally!

  "Master, according to the monitoring recordings of our ward," the assistant said, "This time the malfunction of Director Lu's studio was man-made. It should be directed to Director Lu. Gu Chu was accidentally affected."

  Cheng Qi raised Erlang's legs and turned half a circle on the black bench.

   Cheng Qi raised his finger: "Find someone to stare at Lu Shanhe."

  The assistant respectfully said: "Yes, Master."

  The assistant went out, and Cheng Qi silently rubbed his eyebrows. Knowing that Gu Chu had the ability to protect himself, he was always uneasy.

After all,    is only a five-year-old child, not the devil who could slash people with her eyes in her previous life.

   Cheng Qi tapped the table with distinct fingers. He didn't know how long he would stay in this abuse text. Is it for a lifetime? Or will you return to the real world at any time?

  There are too many unknowns, I still need to find the stone as soon as possible..


  On the other side, Gu Chu followed Gu Manxi home and obediently took out the book to review the nine-nine-nine multiplication table.

  Song Chen and Lu Shanhe joined forces to quickly monitor and restore the scene, and lock the suspect as soon as possible—the 18th-line actor Zhang Rui who was eliminated by Lu Shanhe in the audition before.

  However, Zhang Rui was too vigilant, so Lu Shanhe asked Zhang Rui to audition again on Sunday under the guise of [giving another audition opportunity].

  Zhang Rui really took the bait with joy.

  On Sunday, Song Chen brought the fish, shrimp and poultry purchased by his assistant as usual, and happily ran to find Gu Manxi. Now Song Chen has learned to be clever. Instead of buying flowers, necklaces and bracelets, he buys daily necessities or food.

  Food Gu Manxi is reluctant to waste.

  Now Song Chen and Gu Manxi’s relationship has improved a little bit. The specific manifestation is that Gu Manxi is willing to let him come in and sit for a few minutes, and occasionally let Song Chen take Gu Chu out for a walk.

  After reading Gu Manxi, I went to check Gu Chu’s kindergarten homework. Song Chen left the apartment and drove to Lu Shanhe’s studio.

"This is really the case for President Song. I send food to us every three to five times. Now I don't need to go shopping in the supermarket." Fresh and delicious, I can't bear to drive him away."

   Thank you for the gift of [the tide] [Sang Zhi] [the title of the membership fee]~

     update update~

     typos and poke me



  (End of this chapter)

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