Chapter 148

  Gu Chu all sorts of cute and coquettish, soft and hard, and took out the certificate and full score of the kindergarten students. Gu Manxi finally reluctantly let go and changed from three courses to one.

   Gu Chu didn't even think about it, so he chose Taekwondo directly.

  The skill of beating people must be learned from the doll.

  Gu Chu and Zhao Yan personally sent Gu Manxi away. The clear sky of Kyoto was clear and blue, green tree branches cicadas screamed, hopeful and unknown summer finally arrived.

  In the days when Gu Manxi was away, Gu Chu took the time to transform the robot that dog daddy gave away.

  From the outside, the white robot is a harmless nanny robot for humans and animals. However, the interior has been highly intelligent, and the robot will trigger attack skills as soon as it encounters danger.

  Gu Chu is quite satisfied with his skills, the sword is not old, and I am still a dad after changing the world.

  Zhao Yan, Lin Xiaozhou, and even Song Chen didn't notice the strangeness of this robot. Only Master Cheng Qi, who often visits to eat and drink, glanced at the robot curiously, smiled, and didn't ask much.

  On this day, Zhao Yan and Lin Xiaozhou drove to pick up Guchu from the Taekwondo interest class.

"In the beginning, Director Lu called Lao Zhao and wanted you to play a small role in his movie." In the car, Lin Xiaozhou in the passenger seat twittered, "This role is only ten seconds long, and Director Lu will look for it. I couldn't find a suitable young actor, so I thought of letting you have a try. Tomorrow we will go to the Hengdian Studio."

  In the back row, Gu Chu's eyes lit up: "Really?"

  Since Gu Manxi joined the crew, Gu Chu has not seen her for more than half a month.

  Only mother is good in the world, and I am a good baby who misses mother.

  "But there were three other actors competing for this role in the same period." Lin Xiaozhou cheered Gu Chu, "Come on, you will definitely be better than them."

  Gu Chu nodded his head heavily, his little abacus rattled.

Lin Xiaozhou turned his head and said to Lao Zhao: "Lao Zhao, Lao Zhao, stop when we will drive past the vegetable market. Let's buy some beef. I especially like the beef with sauce you make. It's a must in the world. I last night I dreamed that you were cooking in the kitchen."

  Zhao Yan: "Okay."

  Lin Xiaozhou was full of smiles, and when he was about to add a few more dishes, the phone in his pocket ticked. It seems that the telegraph is a familiar transnational telephone. The expression on Lin Xiaozhou's Xiaojun's face suddenly condenses, like Xia Yuhe who sees Mother Rong, and when he meets the class teacher who is about to investigate the job, he is full of vigilance.

  Zhao Yan noticed something strange the first time: "What's wrong?"

  Lin Xiaozhou's eyebrows jumped nervously: "There is a call from home."

  Speaking, Lin Xiaozhou put on the phone headset and connected to the phone. Gu Chu in the back row looked over curiously. She seldom saw Lin Xiaozhou's nervous appearance. Seeing this little face was serious, she didn't know that she thought it was a debt collection call.

  Lin Xiaozhou said, "I'm in Kyoto", "I won't be back for the time being", "Very good" "What, the beginning of the year?"

  Lin Xiaozhou turned his head and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "A good kid at the beginning of the year, he is sensible and sensible."

  Gu Chu was inexplicably, Lin Xiaozhou was talking with his family, why did it get me involved?

  The phone quickly hung up, Lin Xiaozhou breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Every time I chat with my elder brother, I’m always stressed. I can think of my elder brother’s weird smile across the network cable.

very scary.

  "Your eldest brother?" Zhao Yan asked.

  Lin Xiaozhou nodded weakly and slumped on the seat: "Lao Zhao, I still want to eat pickled pepper chicken miscellaneous, ribs and seaweed soup at night"

  Zhao Yan’s answer is always one word: "Okay."

  (End of this chapter)

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