Chapter 160 Acting School

   Cao Yuezhi had been observing Lu Shanhe’s face in secret, and seeing Lu Shanhe nodding, Cao Yuezhi was proud of her. It seemed that her niece was pretty sure this time.

   "There is still no audition for Chuchu." Wang Fugui waved to Gu Chu, "Are you ready for Chuchu? Come to Uncle when you are ready."

  Gu Chu jumped off the bench.

  Meeting the returning Mengmeng head-on, Mengmeng proudly raised her clean small chin, her baby face still with tears, and she looked at Gu Chu triumphantly.

  Gu Chu didn't pay attention to the provocation of the little girl at all.

  In the past and present, Gu Chu spent most of his life in acting, deceiving anyone and anyone, acting as anyone he wants.

  The little prosecutor chased and killed her for several years in her last life. How many times was she fooled by her acting? The numbers are uncountable.

  Gu Chu came to the stage and first greeted the judges courteously.

  Then, the expression on Gu Chuxiao’s face changed in an instant. She came to the age of wars. The tyrannical Japanese invaded this ancient country with panic attacks, and wherever she went, there was no bones left.

  The five-year-old girl is still at a confused age. She doesn't know what war is or what enemy is. Her world is well protected by her parents, and her parents are her world.

  But, the shell fell and her world collapsed.

  She saw the warm and kind mother and the serious and gentle father on weekdays, both fell asleep on the bright red ground, surrounded by ordinary people running away and screaming. The little girl frowned and stumbled towards her mother and father. She was accidentally hit by someone who fled, and she didn't care.

  She walked against the crowd to her parents, squatted on the ground, holding her mother's hand.

  "Mom. I'm hungry"


  But Mom and Dad could not open their eyes anymore, they lay in a pool of blood and fell asleep forever.

  The little girl sat beside the corpses of her parents in confusion, holding her parents' hands as usual, looking at the fleeing crowd in a dazed and uneasy manner. Tears gradually emerged in the eye sockets, but did not fall.

  Her tears reflected this sad and helpless era.

   "Woo, she is so pitiful." Lili secretly wiped her tears.

   Nannan sniffed: "Woo, I really want to give her all the snacks. She has no parents, she must be very hungry."

  Only Mengmeng pouted and said nothing.

  Lu Shanhe calmly took a sip of tea, calmly got up, Yun Danfeng said lightly: "Just the beginning."

  After speaking, Lu Shanhe walked out of the room calmly.

  Wang Fugui wondered, Master was so calm for Mao! Wang Fugui almost cried on the spot with his natural acting skills at the beginning, this is simply a born little actor, a genius among geniuses!

  Master has always had double insights. Is it this way for Mao today?

  Wang Fugui couldn’t understand Master’s thoughts, so he turned around and said to everyone: “You have just seen the beginning of the acting skills.

  Lili and Nan Nan’s parents shook their heads, completely indifferent.

   Cao Yuezhi didn't say a word, and secretly clenched his hands hidden in his cuffs. She is an actor, and of course she knows how scary Gu Chu's acting is. This is not like a story that a five-year-old girl can perform!

  In the process of watching the performance just now, for a moment, Cao Yuezhi even had the urge to cry.

  The highest state of acting-empathy.

  This five-year-old girl, in such a simple environment, can actually make the audience sympathize with her. Is she really only five years old?

    update update update

     typos, poke me~~

     remember to vote wow



  (End of this chapter)

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