Chapter 168 Little Mimei

  This young and beautiful girl with idol temperament is the popular female idol star Ye Qianqian.

  Singing and dancing, cute appearance, otaku fans blooming everywhere.

  The entire entertainment industry knows that Ye Qianqian and Cao Yuezhi are notorious rivals. The two dislike each other and the two fans quarrel every day.

   "At the beginning, your audition was shot down by Director Lu himself," Cao Yuezhi sneered, "I don't want to give up, but I came to see Director Lu to be cute again? Your acting skills, the dog on the roadside is better than you."

  Ye Qianqian's face was furious, and he snorted: "Tell you something, Director Lu invited me to sing the promotional song of this movie. Today I came to sign a contract with Director Lu. Envy?"

Cao Yuezhi saw that he couldn't get Gu Chu's hair, and he didn't bother to argue with Ye Qianqian, so he flung his sleeves and left.

  Ye Qianqian still complained at the back: "Oh, are our actress angry? Don't be angry, the actress must be generous, your fan says you are the best~"

After Cao Yuezhi's back disappeared, Ye Qianqian's pretty face was cold: "A hypocritical woman."

  Gu Chu Eating Melon watched a scene for free, and got upset about Ye Qianqian’s favor.

  A girl with a personality, but she ended up miserably.

  In the original abuse text, Ye Qianqian is a small character who can't even count as a dragon. In the whole novel, there are only two sentences about Ye Qianqian:

  The first sentence is: [Zhang Qi was boycotted by the entire network, and only the little idol Ye Qianqian spoke for him. 】

  The second sentence is: [After Gu Manxi died, Cao Yuezhi's career was flourishing and no one could stop it. Ye Qianqian, the little idol who was opposed to Cao Yuezhi, never appeared in the entertainment circle after his voice was destroyed. 】

  Two sentences can extract the basic information about Ye Qianqian:

  She supported Zhang Qi, and she was later destroyed by Cao Yuezhi.

"Chuchu is cute, my sister tells you, I see that woman stay away in the future." Ye Qianqian didn't know at all. Gu Chu saw her future destiny. At this moment, Ye Qianqian squatted on the ground and gave Gu Chu a little yellow hat. Dai Hao, "She is uneasy and kind, so she must be making some crooked ideas again."

  Gu Chu pretended to understand but nodded.

  Ye Qianqian is like a female version of Lin Xiaozhou, and started to introduce herself by twitter. Gu Chu nodded frequently, at least sure that this carefree girl was a good person.

  Gu Chu sat back on the small bench, turned on the computer proficiently to continue playing the game, doing two things with one mind, and asked Ye Qianqian: "Sister, are you looking for someone?"

"I" Ye Qianqian coughed slightly, sat down in the lounge chair next to him, hesitated, "I, I just signed the contract with Director Lu and just wandered around the crew. By the way, I heard the staff say, Zhang Qi is resting in this room, have you seen him?"

  Gu Chu: It turned out to be Zhang Qi.

  Zhang Qi is honest and generous, and there are many friends in the circle, but then the wall fell and everyone pushed, and almost no one dared to speak for him when something happened.

   "Uncle Zhang Qi brought me ice cream and will be back soon." Gu Chu told the truth.

  Ye Qianqian was not annoyed, and raised Erlang's legs in an inelegant manner. He sat there with his cheek supported, without any intention to leave, obviously waiting for Zhang Qi to come back.

   Gu Chu was quite puzzled. Zhang Qi's eldest man in his early thirties already had a spoiled wife at home, and he was not that handsome. This young and beautiful Ye Qianqian, why did he come to Zhang Qi to find Zhang Qi?

  Can't guess.

   Soon, there were pattering footsteps outside the house, obviously because Zhang Qi was late with ice cream.

    update update update update update update

     The early vest may be off



  (End of this chapter)

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