Chapter 178 Green Hat Project (2)

  Xiao Xue's plan never missed Gu Chu's ears.

  Obviously, there was a fairy jumping scam against Zhang Qi tonight, the purpose is to ruin Zhang Qi's silly and stupid name.

  Gu Chu touched his chin and got an idea.

"At the beginning, your mother said that you can only eat one cup of ice cream a day." Song Chen put down the phone, moved the remaining two bowls of ice drinks, and took out the majesty of the dog. Diarrhea. Drink more apple juice to help improve immunity."

   Gu Chu was speechless, put down the spoon obediently, and said softly, "Oh."

  Daddy, take time to look in the mirror to see if the person in the mirror is not like a strict wife.

  However, Gu Chu is quite clear that Gu Manxi’s feelings for Song Chen are still at the stage of "children's father".

  The blame is that Song Chen was too terrible in the past, which broke Gu Manxi's heart time and time again, causing her to still have a gap with Song Chen, which will not be eliminated in the short term.

   "Chuchu--" Song Chen suddenly lowered his voice, "Uncle Song has something to discuss with you. Uncle Song's grandfather's 80th birthday will be in August. Would you like to meet Grandpa Song?"

  Gu Chu's eyebrows twitched, Mr. Song?

  The old man Song is a very key character in the original book. He is one of the few old men who really treats Gu Man and does not look at people thoroughly. He is quite spine and amiable. However, the author later turned on the wicked mode of the whole staff. At the banquet of the old man's 80th birthday, Cheng Qingyun secretly broke the old man's wheelchair, causing the old man's wheelchair to lose control and crash into the pillar, and eventually died tragically.

  Forcibly wrote the good people to death one by one.

   "Okay, Chuchu wanted to see Uncle Song's grandfather." Gu Chu said.

  Song Chen’s thin lips raised slightly, and he was about to tell Gu Chu a few words, and suddenly there was an excited cry next to him: "Song, Mr. Song!!!"

  The love on Song Chen's face disappeared, and he returned to his unattainable state of cold dominance.

  Song Chen shifted his eyes and glanced at the strange woman who was bothering him.

  Xiao Xue has long heard that the CEO of Song Entertainment has frequently appeared at the Hengdian Film and Television Base recently, and many men and women with unpredictable minds try their best to meet each other and try to climb up the branches to become phoenixes. Xiao Xue didn't expect that the good things of falling pie in the sky would hit her head.

  Such a golden thigh, even if a little gold shavings are rubbed off, it is enough for an 18-line actress like her to make a fortune.

"Mr. Song, I’m Xiao Xue—my and my brother-in-law are your company’s martial arts star Zhang Qi, you know." Xiao Xue didn’t have enough coffee position, so she showed her brother-in-law to play the role of her brother-in-law to get closer, “I’m so happy to be here. Meeting you here, you are more handsome than the rumors."

  Hearing what Xiao Xue said, Gu Chu took out the children's mobile phone he carried with him and dialed the phone.

  Song Chen ignored Xiao Xue, his handsome eyebrows frowned: "Chuchu, who do you call?"

  Gu Chu didn’t look up, and said gruffly: "Call Ma Ma, Uncle Song, you and this aunt will continue to talk, and Chu Chu will not disturb you."

  Song Chen:! ! !

  That's pretty good!

  Song Chen immediately drove people away: "Go away."

  Xiao Xue's face became stiff.

   Soon there was a restaurant supervisor running over and taking Xiao Xue away with good words.

  Song Chen hurriedly moved to Gu Chu’s side: "Chuchu, don’t call your mother. This aunt is not a good person, and Uncle Song doesn’t like her at all."

  Song Chen has worked so hard to chase his wife, and his relationship with Gu Manxi has finally improved a little bit. Don't let a strange woman make a fool of yourself.

Gu Chu glanced at the dog father, and pretended to nod: "Uncle Song is good-looking. That ugly aunt wants to be Uncle Song's fiancée. Chuchu doesn't mind. It's just that Uncle Song marries other aunts, so he can't marry me. "

  (End of this chapter)

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